• Flashback Friday: 1st Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

    Our 1st Pumpkin - Karlie and Brina (Oct. 2005 - 8 Months)c

     So proud of their pumpkin!

    Today’s Flashback Friday goes back 10 years when the girls went to their first pumpkin patch.  They were so excited to check out the pumpkins.  They didn’t like the feel of the prickly hay and grass on their feet, but were fascinated by the pumpkin and it’s stem.

    Flashback Friday - Brina and Karlie both wanted to hold the stemc

     Investigating the pumpkin

    Mommy and the girls checking out their pumpkin - Brina and Karliec

     It was like a cool new toy to Brina and Karlie

    Daddy and his girls at the pumpkin patch - Karlie and Brinac

     Jake and his sweet girls Karlie and Brina

    Daddy, Karlie and Brina at the pumpkin patchc

    Karlie and Brina hanging out with Daddy at the pumpkin patch

    The whole crew at the pumpkin patchc

    Our 1st pumpkin patch adventure as a family of four.

  • Peace Center – “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory”

    peace center

    Play at the Peace Center – “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory”

    The girls went to a play at the Peace Center with their class called “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory”.  I was able to go along with them as a chaperone with Brina’s class.  The play was about various songs and activities from both the North and South during the time of the Civil War.  The girls are currently studying about the Civil War so this was good timing.  The kids enjoyed hearing the stories behind the songs as well.   Thankful for an opportunity to go with the girls on this trip and see this play.


    Brina was my school bus buddy!  I went with her class as a chaperone, but her class was on the bus with Karlie’s class too so I got to see both kiddos.


    peace center

    Karlie having fun chatting on the bus ride to  the Peace Center

  • FREE ADMISSION to Botanical Gardens on May 6

    Celebrate National Public Gardens Day by visiting a participating Botanical Garden for FREE on Friday, May 6th!  Free Admission compliments of Better Homes & Gardens.  How do you get your free pass:

    • Check the list of Participating Locations
    • Fill Out a Brief Form
    • Print Coupons for your Free Admission Pass
    • One Coupon covers two people (for example if you have 2 people going you only need 1 coupon if you have 3 to 4 people you’ll need 2 coupons)

    It would be a great time to take the kids / family on a field trip to a local Botanical Gardens.  The closest one to us in South Carolina is in Charleston, but the one in North Carolina or Georgia may be worth a drive since they may be a little closer!  A great educational experience for the whole family and it’s free!

  • Life’s a CIRCUS!!!

    Sometimes every day life begins to feel like one circus act after another.  As a family of four there is always plenty of fun happening around our house. Even though life has a way of getting busy it is important to take some time to relax and just have fun!  Go to the circus and let yourself laugh!

    I had the privilege of chaperoning my girls kindergarten class to the Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus.  It had been years since I have been to the circus and the girls had never gone.  We had a blast!  It was a challenge keeping all the kids together especially since a bunch of other schools were attending the same day but we managed to keep track of our troops and everyone made it home safely.  Here are a few pictures from our adventures.

    Karlie and Brina at the Circus! I could NOT pry their eyes away from the circus long enough to take a picture, it was that much fun!

    The clowns were a big hit for both of the girls!

    So much visual stimulation! Always a lot of fun stuff to watch!

    The beautiful horses captivated the girls attention!

    The kids were impressed with the strong men and swings!

    A couple of the kids had their eyes covered because they didn't want to see the lady fall!

    The "Donut Wheel" bike was a big hit with the kids!
    The girls were glad to see the Tigers caged at the circus & loved their "tricks"!

    The elephants were a huge hit with all the kids!