• Family Outings: Picnic at Legacy Park

    Karlie and Brina finishing their picnic lunch!

    Every once in awhile we have the opportunity to meet Daddy for a quick picnic over his lunch hour.

    Karlie about ready to blow her bubbles on Mommy!

    The girls like to blow bubbles when we go to the park and luckily for them I usually have some  in the van.  Bubbles have  come in handy quite often in our adventures.

    Now it's Brina's turn to blow bubbles my direction!

    Somehow I get plenty of fun bubbles blown in my direction!

    Karlie having fun on the play ground.

    It’s the little things in life that can entertain for hours!

    Brina flying away on a jet plane, always plenty of entertainment on the play ground.

    The girls enjoy exploring and playing at the variety of parks in our area.  Thankful for some time to spend with Jake and allow the girls some play time as well.