• Family Time in Downtown Charleston


    Riding the trolley with the girls in Downtown Charleston.

    Charleston is a great town to explore a variety of history.  One of the neat perks of Charleston is you can park you car somewhere (if you can find parking) and ride the free trolley around the town.  When it is just the girls and I we usually park in the parking garage near the Charleston Visitors Center and grab the trolley right there so it is easy to get around town.  The trolley takes you right near almost all the historical places so you only have to walk a few blocks here and there.  The trolley’s come by every 10 to 15 minutes so you rarely have to wait very long.  Just look for the bus stops or trolley signs to catch a nearby trolley ride.


    We met up with Jake and ate at the Noisy Oyster in downtown Charleston.  Pictured above is what I had for dinner the Noisy Oyster’s Grilled Salmon BLT sandwich.  It was delicious!


    Brina all smiles as Karlie checks out the traffic downtown Charleston.  The horse carriages always tend to get her attention.


    We took a walk through downtown Charleston after dinner.  The interactive water fountain in Waterfront Park is always a hit with the kids.


    Hanging out by the fountain and “trying” to not too wet!


    Walking through Waterfront Park in Charleston.


    Hanging out with Daddy near the Pineapple Water Fountain in downtown Charleston!


    Well, “Hello Friend” found this little guy scurrying across the path in front of me on our walk.


    When we walked down the Waterfront Pier we noticed that the dolphins were out swimming in the harbor.  It was getting dark by this time, but it was beautiful watching them glide through the water in front of us.


    Jake and his girls at the pier watching the dolphins swim.


               Hanging out with my girls in Charleston!


    Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge and Patriots Point all lit up at night across the harbor.


    A relaxing evening swinging on the pier swings!

       Charleston SC Historical Houses

    Wrapping up a fun and busy day in Charleston!  Time to walk back to the car!  Charleston is a great town to walk through at night with all the things to see, do, and it is usually bustling with people, horse carriages, bike tours, and more.

  • Travel & Vacation: Spiritline Cruises


    Our ferryboat transportation from Patriots Point to Fort Sumter

    In order to get to Fort Sumter you have to take a boat over to it.  We met Spiritline Cruises Ferryboat at Patriots Point and took it over to Fort Sumter.   It was relaxing and informational riding the boat over to Fort Sumter.  They explained a little bit about the area around us and give us highlights on Fort Sumter as well.  The girls brought their monoculars and it was pretty cool some the items they were able to see clearly with them.  We even learned about a fort I hadn’t heard about before Castle Pinckney.  It sprinkled a little on the way over and poured on the way back, but thankfully the big rains came while we were on the boat not during our actual tour.  We did get to see several dolphins on our trip too which was exciting for the girls!


    Karlie looking through her monocular at Castle Pinckney


    Brina checking out the forts, harbor, and surrounding areas as we cruise on the ferryboat.  The Orion 10×42 Waterproof Monoculars we got the girls for Christmas have been amazing (the Swagbucks we had earned came in handy when buying these on Amazon too)!  If you travel with your kids this is a great way for them to see a lot of neat things and are they light, waterproof, easy to carry, and simple to use.


    Brina loving the ferryboat ride!  We even saw dolphins swimming alongside of the boat!


    Checking out all the cool sights around the Charleston harbor!


    The Castle Pinckney was one of the really neat sights we saw on the way to Fort Sumter.  I had never heard of this fort before our trip and it was fascinating to learn a little piece of its history too.   It was named after Charles Cotesworth Pinckney who was well known in Charleston area as well as a general in the American Revolution and a South Carolina delegate in the Constitutional Convention.  The site where the castle was built was selected for military purposes by President George Washington.

    The castle was originally a log fort in the early 1800’s until a hurricane hit and they had to rebuild with stronger fortification.   It was considering unique when it was built because the men could fire on the attacking ships from multiple levels with it’s half circle architecture.  Although, when the long range cannons were created Castle Pinckney’s usefulness decreased.  The Pinckney Castle became the second line of defense once Fort Sumter was completed.   You can see Castle Pinckney when going to and from Fort Sumter, however, there are no public tours of this fort at this time. You can learn more about the history of Castle Pinckney and other neat historical landmarks at Explore Southern History.


    Karlie having a blast touring the Charleston area!


    Our final stop was P.F. Chang’s in Mount Pleasant.  I have eaten at the one in Greenville several times for work or with friends, but since Jake and the girls hadn’t eaten at P. F. Chang’s we decided to try it.  The girls especially liked their giant horse outside the restaurant!


    Karlie relaxing and sipping her drink while waiting for her dinner to arrive!


    We were seated immediately, but due to a mix up with our order it took almost 2 hours to get our food and once we got it part of the order was wrong (even the 3 tables around us, with the same server, who were seated after us got their orders before we did).  The girls were good sports despite the long wait and we passed the time talking and playing games.  The food was good, but I am not sure the rest of the family is overly excited about going back due to the service we received at this particular restaurant.  Thankfully, we still had a good time and there are a lot of other restaurant choices in the Charleston area.

  • Travel & Vacation: Carriage Tour in Charleston, SC

    Our family had the opportunity to go on a Carriage Tour through Charleston one of the weeks we were traveling in that area for work. The tour was packed full of amazing history of Charleston and all of us enjoyed it (including the girls).

    Carriage horse in Charleston

    Brina having fun saying “Hi” to all the horses in the carriage barn

    Karlie relaxing while waiting for our turn to ride the carriage!

    Going on a carriage tour of CharlestonThe girls LOVED riding in the front and watching the horse as well as soaking in all the history of Charleston.  Jake and I went on one of these rides before the girls were born.  It was a lot of fun and we learned more pieces of Charleston’s history!

    Beautiful iron work outside the front doors of one of the local churches.  The history of the many buildings along the ride was really neat.

    The architecture of the churchs and homes was pretty amazing.  I didn’t want to take a bunch of pictures into peoples personal homes so I snapped more of the churches during the tour.

    See the oval sign under the light, it is a “fire insurance” sign.  After the great fires in Charleston if your house had one of these signs that specific fire company would come put out your fire.  Also, many of the Charleston homes have a “privacy” door on their porches as seen in the picture above to allow the families to cool down in privacy on their porches during the warmer months.  It wouldn’t be decent seeing a lady in her “under garments” as she cooled off on the porch therefore privacy doors became a popular addition to the homes.

    Beautiful houses in Charleston.  This house used to by at the waters edge and is now several blocks from the shore!  Charleston used to have “HAVE” and “HAVE NOT” sections of town, this house was in the “have” section. 

    On the left side of the picture you can see a brown brick building through the trees.  After the really devastating fires in Charleston many of the wealthy families built their kitchens and servants quarters in a separate building outside of the home to help prevent fires from engulfing the entire home which also allowed a little extra time for the fire company to arrive and put out the fire.

    Charleston’s old jail house.  Our guide had a lot of “interesting” stories about the old jail house.  Supposedly it is “haunted” and you can take tours during the day or a ghost tour at night through the old jail. 

    Many of the houses in Charleston are visibly leaning due to age and the variety of natural things including settling that have occurred over time.  Also, you’ll notice that a lot of the houses are narrow as you see in this picture.  Not much of a front or side yards with a street on three sides but the house has some history!

    It was beautiful and peaceful touring Charleston on a carriage.  If only I could remember ALL the cool pieces of history our guide shared with us that day!

    Daughters of Confederacy building in downtown Charleston.  This building is near the market area.

    Brina and Karlie saying goodbye, petting, and thanking the horse for the history tour of Charleston.  They really have a soft spot for animals and loved the long ride through Charleston just as much as we did.

    Jake and I were able to “surprise” the girls with this carriage tour.  I was able to get tickets at a discounted rate through Groupon, but the company we received the coupons for refused to accept the reservations because they were too “busy” that day.  Thankfully we were able to get another carriage company to basically accept their competitors coupon otherwise we would have had two very disappointed girls (and Momma). Even though it was a busy time, we had to switch carriage companies, and it was warm we had a BLAST touring the city and learning all the history.

    If you ever go to Charleston this is a wonderful activity to do with your family, just make sure to budget or plan ahead for the tour because without a coupon it could be a little pricey especially for a large family or group.  Even though the carriage rides are open pretty much year round if you are going in the summer and it gets above 94 degrees (or somewhere near that temperature) the carriage companies have to pull the horses off the street because it is too hot for them.  It was a great experience for all of us!

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!