• School Projects: Inside Your Feet Cookie Creation & Writing Assignment


    A tray of “Inside Your Feet” Cookies ready to take to school

    The girls recently had a writing assignment that they had to do for school.  Karlie came up with an Inside Your Feet Cookie creation.  For extra credit they could make their creations and share them with their classmates and teachers at school.  We came up with a cookie creation using all the ingredients she mentioned in her writing assignment and they turned out fairly well.  The cookies were a perfect treat to share with her classmates instead of cupcakes on Halloween.  Brina also did a cookie creation and writing assignment called The Eye Ball.

    School Projects - Inside Your Feet Cookie Creatio and Writing Assisngment

    A few days before the actual assignment due date we did a trial run and experimented to make sure we could make her “skin, blood, bones, and ankle joint” to reflect the Inside Your Feet cookie as accurately as possible.  We tried white sparkle writing gel (bottom right) but is blended too much, we tried straight white sprinkles (bottom middle) it was a lot of work and hard to get straight, we tried round white sprinkles (bottom left) too difficult to get straight, we tried pearl balls (top left) wasn’t too bad and would have been a more do-able option, and the final attempt was our favorite and probably the easiest option too, we used white writing frosting.


    We didn’t have any feet cookie cutters and the stores we checked didn’t carry any so Jake made a set we could use with his 3D printer.  Once again it saves the day!


    Up close of the Inside Your Feet Cookie

    Inside Your Feet Items:

    • Sugar Cookie Dough or Brownies(we did some of each)
    • Red Frosting (or white frosting with red dye)
    • White Writing Frosting
    • Red and White Mint

    Make your favorite sugar cookie dough or brownies (your can make from scratch or buy a mix).  The sugar cookies seemed to look more like feet with toes, but the brown mix had less steps to put together.  Make your sugar cookie dough, roll it out, cut out your feet, and bake.  OR Make your brownies first and cut out your feet after they are baked and cooled.

    Once the cookies are cooled you can decorate by putting red frosting on the cookie.  We did not go to the edge of the cookie with the frosting because Karlie wanted to show the layers of the Inside Your Feet Cookie (bottom – skin, frosting – blood and muscles, white – bones, and mint – ankle joint).  Next add your red and white mint.  Draw your foot bones with the white writing frosting.

    The cookies turned out well and were a big hit with Karlie’s class.  It was a lot of fun putting together with her.

    What the different parts of the cookies represent:

    • Bottom Sugar Cookie or Brownies- skin
    • Red Frosting – blood and muscles
    • White Writing Frosting – bones
    • Red & White Mint – ankle joint
  • On the Farm: Recipe for Acorn Cookies

    Fresh Acorn Cookies

    Now I am going to share with you a couple of recipes that you can make using fresh acorns.  To learn more about acorns check out On the Farm: Acorns Are For Squirrels and how process fresh acorns so you can use it in recipes here is a post On the Farm: How to Prep Acorns for Cooking.

    Once you are ready to use your fresh acorn meal or flour here is one of the recipes you can try:

    Acorn Cookies:

    • 2 cups All Purpose Flour
    • 1 teaspoon Salt
    • 1 teaspoon Baking Powder
    • 1 cup Brown Sugar
    • 1/2 cup Shortening
    • 1 large Egg
    • 1 cup Acorn Flour
    • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract

    Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  In a separate bowl mix the flour, baking powder, and salt.  In a larger bowl cream the shortening, egg, and sugar together.  Gradually add the flour mixture to the cream mixture.  Blend in the acorn flour.  Add the vanilla extract until blended well.  Take a medium size ice cream scoop and place onto a greased cookie sheet.   Use a fork to slightly flatten the balls.   Bake for 10 to 12 minutes.

    Freshly scooped cookie dough.

    Cookie sheet full of cookies ready to go into the oven!

    The cookies are not as moist as a Chocolate Chip Cookie but not as dry as Shortbread Cookies.  They are a little dryer then I expected but they turned out pretty well.  We shared this recipe with our Community Group and people at Jake’s work.  It was a fun recipe do make and share with others.  I would make sure that those eating do not have a nut allergy.  It provides an interesting conversation started and you are sure to be the only one at the event with Acorn Cookies!  Now if I can just find an acorn cookie cutter.  Stay tuned for some more of our acorn recipes in upcoming posts!

    Recipe adapted from Grandpappy