• Travel & Vacation: Ben & Jerry’s Factory Tour (Waterbury, VT)

    Ben & Jerry’s Factory Tour

    On our way back to the airport in Vermont we made a quick stop by the Ben & Jerry’s Factory in Waterbury, Vermont.  The girls found the tour fascinating and they especially liked the ice cream sample at the end! 🙂  The factory we visited makes all the pint size ice cream for Ben & Jerry’s.  They do 160,000 containers of one flavor every day.  If I remember right they were making “Coffee Caramel Buzz” the day that we went through the factory.  We couldn’t take pictures while we were actually in the factory but here are some of the highlights.  If you are every in that area it is a pretty fun and quick tour to go on with the kids.

    We parked in front of a neat “Infarmation” sign that describes the steps for making Ben & Jerry’s ice cream

    Do you see what the big containers are labeled in front of Jake and Brina?  From left to right – Sugar, Milk, Milk, Cream, and Cream (definitely an ice cream factory)

    We all got a good laugh from this one!  It is the “original Vermont fly swatter”.  It is a stuffed cow tail.

    Display with pint size containers of Ben & Jerry’s euphoric flavors

    Karlie and Brina loved exploring and learning all the neat things about the Ben & Jerry’s factory. They especially enjoyed their “Hot Chocolate” ice cream sample! 🙂