• Vacation: “Sky Safari Zip Lining ” – Basseterre, St. Kitts

    Sky Safari Zip Lining Adventure in St. Kitts, our gear is on and training complete, whose ready for some fun.....

    The fourth day of the cruise we stopped at Basseterre, St Kitts.  Basseterre is one of the oldest in the eastern Caribbean and was originally part of the French colony.  Then in 1727 the British made Basseterre the capital of St. Kitts.  The island is known for its rich volcanic soil, tropical climate, and almost 70 sugar plantations.  Although the peek years for sugar plantations have past you can still see the old plantations,  sugar cane fields, abandoned fortresses, city squares, and architectural structures.  The volcanoes are dormant on St Kitts and the mountains are a great place to take a hike.

    Our excursion today was AMAZING!!!  The whole group went on the “Sky Safari Zip Lining” adventure.  We went on a zip line that was 1,400 feet long,  25 stories above ground, and up to 40 plus miles per hour.  There were four zip lines all at different spots on the mountain.  On three of the zip lines we went one at a time and on the last line we raced a partner….I raced with Jake.  We both thought that Jake won but when we got the pictures it looked like I made it to the platform first, interesting!  The zip line clipped into a harness and was super easy to learn how to do.  On the way down we were up so high the boats in the ocean seemed tiny plus our feet were hitting the tops of trees as we flew along the zip lines, it was awesome!

    We had a blast in St. Kitts!  If you have a chance to go sometime, we definitely recommend you check out the Sky Safari Zip Lining.

    Facts about St. Kitts:

    • Sovereign: Queen Elizabeth II
    • Governor-General: Sir Cuthbert Sebastian
    • Prime Minister: Denzil Douglas
    • Capital: Basseterre, St. Kitts
    • Total area: 65 square miles
    • Population: 49,898
    • Monetary: East Caribbean dollars

    A Vacation To Remember series is a reflection on our recent trip and ways we relaxed.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Go with a good attitude and looking for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

    Information on St. Kitts found on Info Please.

  • Vacation: “Nature’s Little Secrets” – Tortola, British Virgin Islands

    Our first view of Tortola, British Virgin Islands, beautiful islands!

    During our recent trip we were able to stop by Tortola, British Virgin Islands where the licenses plates read “Nature’s Little Secrets”.  Tortola is the largest and the capital of the 60 islands.  We took a shore excursion called “Tortola Highlights”!  The excursion started out in an open-air safari bus (aka a large open taxi).  We took a scenic drive through the beautiful island of Tortola.  The driver told us pieces of the history and culture as the bus climbed up the narrow curvy roads.  We passed many local villages including Trench and Fahie Hill.

    Tortola wasn’t always a peaceful island, it is said to be the spot where many pirates such as Bluebeard and Sir Francis Drake used to hide in the coves to pounce on the treasure ships as they sailed past.  The old pirate dens are now used for snorkeling, exploring, or relaxing on the beach.  British Virgin Islands includes Norman’s Isle which is believed to be the source of inspiration for Robert Louis Stevenson’s “Treasure Island”.  Pirate Jost Van Dyke’s island is well known for it’s beaches.  Virgin Gorda is the place where Rockefeller first promoted the island as an ideal tourist destination.

    The island has “range” free livestock – cows, chickens, horses, goats everywhere, there was no place for them to go unless they wanted to take a long swim in the ocean.  Tortola’s main source of revenue was sugar cane, however, their primary source is now tourism.  You can find plenty of rum distilleries, old sugar mills, and colonial landmarks while exploring the island.

    At the top of the island we stopped at the “Sky Top” Restaurant which was the highest point on all the islands.  We were able to get a panoramic view of the British Virgin Islands, it was beautiful! The biggest hit for the “Sky Top” restaurant was the view, if you wanted to use the restroom you had to buy a drink (a can of Coke was $4.50), buy an expensive souvenir, or pay a $1 cash to use their facilities.  The  restroom had a working toilet but soap and paper towels were not available.

    Tortola is also known for their white sand beaches and mountains full of fruit trees.  We stopped for a swim at the Cane Garden Bay.  We traveled around the entire island over Zion Hill for the scenic drive along the Sir Francis Drake Highway and back to Road Town where we browsed through some local shops.  The driving was a little bumpy in areas as they recently had a storm that dropped over 4 feet of rain.  We got stuck in a traffic jam due to a car accident but we all managed to make it back to the ship on time.  It was interesting hearing the highlights from the drivers’ point of view, he was very proud of their schools, churches, and a new hospital they recently built.

    If you go to Tortola make sure to bring cash for tips and to use the restroom as well as hand sanitizer!  Tortola is a beautiful place with breathtaking views of the other islands.  It is worth exploring if you are in the area!  We hope to one day go back for another visit!  I will be sharing in a future post some of the pictures we took while on the island of Tortola!

    Below are some more facts regarding Tortola and the surrounding British Virgin Islands:

    • Monarch – Queen Elizabeth II
    • Governor – His Excellency Boyd McCleary
    • National Anthem – “God Save the Queen”
    • Flag – “Union Jack”
    • Territory Status – Non-Sovereign, overseas territory of the United Kingdom, internal self-governing
    • Legal System – English Law
    • Largest Island – Tortola
    • Language – English (official), Spanish
    • Population – 28,882
    • Religion – Christianity (major), Hinduism, Islamic
    • Monetary Unit – US Dollar
    • Economy – One of the most prosperous in the Caribbean. Highest Income Generators – Tourism & Financial Services
    • Sales Tax – None
    • Life Expectancy – 70 to 78
    • National Flower – Oleander
    • National Bird – Turtle Dove
    • National Tree – White Cedar
  • Creative Initiatives – ZoobaLoobaDoo

    Flying balloonsIt is our role as spouses, parents, friends, and business associates to stimulate the creative side of others.  In our home we enjoy coming up with new ways to solve a problem, complete a project, or just have fun.  ZoobaLoobaDoo is one of those creative family words we developed in our home to get the family excited about certain activities.

    What is ZoobaLoobaDoo?

    ZoobaLoobaDoo is a  fun and creative excursion with a purpose.

    When errands need to be done and kids are in tow we go on a ZoobaLoobaDoo adventure together which always includes something fun along with the tasks to be completed.  The fun activity could be as simple as getting an ice cream cone, playing a game, going to the library or another kid approved activity.  When they girls were first learning the word they would tell me to “say that crazy word Mom so we can go with you on your errands.”   Now when we tell our girls we are going on a ZoobaLoobaDoo adventure they get excited  because they know that a piece of the activity is just for them.   Having that element of surprise and creativeness makes it fun for everyone involved.  I have the joy of coming up with a fun activity while they are excited to participate and discover what the adventure will be that day.

    Stimulate creative conversation in the lives you touch.  Encourage your family, friends, and business acquaintances to use their imagination and you may be surprised at the outcome.  Creativity allows us to come up with better solutions to problems, helps us tackle projects and injects an element of excitement into our lives.

    Life is too short to be boring, bring out the fun and creativeness first in yourself so it can spread to those around you. How do you allow creativeness to shine through in the people in your life – your spouse, kids, friends, family, co-workers, clients….?    When you allow creativeness to shine through in your life what happens?  Share with us  your ZoobaLoobaDoo.  If you don’t have a ZoobaLoobaDoo to share, start the excitement this week and you will be amazed by the results.