• Versatile Blogger Award!

    I was excited to receive the Versatile Blogger Award from Save Green Being Green. Thanks!  Please check out Jessica’s great blog when you have a chance!

    The rules for this award are:

    1. Thank the person that nominated you with a link back to them. (see above)
    2. Tell 7 things about yourself. (see below)
    3. Pass this award on to 10 newly discovered blogs and let them know that they’ve received an award.
    Seven Things about Bridgette:
    1.  I started my first business Junior High School and second business in College.
    2.  I grew up on a farm in Kansas (the closest Walmart was an hour away).
    3.  I saw ocean for the first time in Aruba when I got engaged to my handsome man!
    4.  I love traveling around the world but my favorite place is to be home with my family.
    5.  I have fraternal twin daughters who light up my world.
    6.  I know how to drive a Combine Harvester.
    7.  I love playing board games with family and friends.

    10 Blogs that I have awarded the Versatile Blog Award are….

    The Savings Momma

    Close to Home


    Rachel Ferrucci

    Be Your Best Mom

    Blogging Babies & Bayou

    Coupon Clippin Texan

    Confessions of an Overworked Mom

    Mom Knows Best

    Fun Being Frugal

    Take a minute to check out these neat blogs!

  • Book: “You’re Hired” by Bill Rancic

    A few years ago my husband and I watched the “reality” TV show “The Apprentice” with Donald Trump.  After winning on “The Apprentice” he wrote this book “You’re Hired” by Bill Rancic.  I received the book from a library sale and figured it may be something fun to read.  My first thought was that it would be primarily about his time on the show and how he won.  He did mention his time on “The Apprentice” and various factors related to that, however, the majority of the book gave you interesting insights into his life and entrepreneurial ventures (from buying junk cars to washing boats and more) .  The book was a good reminder to always continue learning, being a “sponge”, and that your attitude makes an impact both personally and professionally.

  • Spread the Entrepreneurial Spirit

    team Are you a contagious entrepreneur?  Have you considered starting a business?  Do you own a small business?  I love spotting the entrepreneurial spirit in people.  They are excited about their business and their passion shines through in their lives.

    Growing up in a family business instilled the passion for entrepreneurship in me at an early age.  I felt compelled to start my first business in junior high school with my siblings doing custom hay and harvesting work for local farmers.  Again in college I started a residential cleaning company to help pay for college.  I am excited to have the opportunity to interact with some of the most amazing entrepreneurs through my current business InSource Executives and Enterprise Launch.  I want to encourage those who are entrepreneurs, small business owners, or new startups because you can accomplish anything you want.

    Signs you are a contagious entrepreneur:

    • Share your Excitement – as an entrepreneur you are passionate about the products and services you have to offer.  When someone sees your excitement they will want to know more.  Many entrepreneurs are passionate about what they do and it shows!
    • Help Others – when you have the opportunity to pitch in and help someone do it.  Whether it is in your personal or professional life you need to be a part of their journeys as well.  Be giving of your time and energy when you can.  Everyone needs to be treated with respect and we all have times when help from a friend is the perfect pick-me-up.  Bring a meal to a new Mom, help a friend move, spend time to help a client complete a project, babysit so your friends can have a night out, share contact information that will be beneficial to someone else, etc…
    • Spread the Positive – what comes around goes around.  I truly believe that sharing the positive will stimulate a positive chain of reactions.  Always remember to spread good cheer to those around you.  Life is full of hurdles so try to look at the bright side of every situation.  Positive attitudes are contagious and much more encouraging to be around.

    The entrepreneurs that I have the opportunity to meet are incredible!  Seeing their entrepreneurial spirit shine through is encouraging.  I am thrilled to be a part of the business community and look forward to meeting the more great people this week.  Are you a contagious entrepreneur?  What are ways you spread the entrepreneurial spirit?