• School Projects: Extra Curricular Fun with Art Displayed at the Pickens County Museum, Music, & Conducting Electricity!


    Brina and Karlie at the Pickens County Museum!

    The girls have had a very busy 4th grade school year.  We are very proud of all that they have been able to learn and accomplish over the course of this school year.  While we know they work hard sometimes we as parents are blown away at the things they are able to do.  Yes, we realize they are growing up!

    It is exciting to see their talents and interests continue to develop and grow as they get older.  Neither Jake nor I would consider ourselves as artistic (I can barely draw stick figures, seriously, ask my family).  Yet Karlie had two pieces of her artwork selected to be part of her schools display at the Pickens County Museum for an entire month.  It is a big honor to have any pieces of your artwork up on display at our local museum.  We were proud of her!

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    Karlie all smiles as she stands next to her metal artwork piece which she named “Zip”.  She was 1 of only 2 selected out of the entire 4th grade selected for this piece.


    Karlie’s “Zip” metal art!


    Karlie’s self-portrait was selected for display at the Pickens County Museum.  Her art teacher selected the ones that would be on display in the Museum for the entire month.


    Close up of her self-portrait.  She got her artist talents from her grandparents!

    Beginning in 4th grade the girls started learning how to play the recorder!  Karlie LOVED it and would go outside and practice on the deck.  She would play her special music for Skipper.  I forgot how shrill those instruments could be and when you have two kids that play them…..well let’s just say I requested that they practice outside for the animals.  I could still hear it inside, but it wasn’t as loud.  Also, they didn’t ever practice together because it was a little hard to actual work on skills.  I think Karlie really enjoyed the noise!


    Making sure she has her hand in the right position.


    Practicing on the back deck on a rainy afternoon!

    In science during their electricity unit they built items out of recycled goods that conducted electricity.  They had to put together a homemade lamp that could light a lightbulb.  Below are the two designs that the girls came up with for their lamps.  The teacher sent home the non-breakable pieces of the project.  It was a great hands on way to teach the kids about conducting electricity.


    Brina’s electricity project.

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    Karlie’s electricity project!

  • Free Ebooks: Grow Your Own Indoor Garden, Fun Tiger Facts, In The Kitchen Again, Electricity – Discover Your World, Shark Facts, Soups & Stews 101, and more!

    The price to download these books is currently $0.00 (although the price may change at any time, please confirm prior to downloading).  The ebooks are specifically for Kindles, however, you can click here and download the free application that allows you to read Kindle ebooks on your PC.

    Download a free copy of Grow Your Own Indoor Garden at Ease by Hillary Stanza


    Download a free copy of Tigers – Beautiful Pictures and Fun Tiger Facts for Kids (Discover the World’s Most Amazing Animals) by Angela Daniels

    Download a free copy of In the Kitchen Again – Soups, Stews, and Casseroles by Susan Korich

    Download a free copy of Electricity – Discover Your World Series by Kurt and Michelle Zimmerman


    Download a free copy of Sharks!  Shark Facts, Pictures, and & Video Links by IC Beasties and IP Factly

    Download a free copy of Soups & Stews 101 – Master Soups and Stews with 101 Great Recipes by Kate DeVivo

    Download a free copy of If I Were in the Circus by Barb Asselin


    Download a free copy of Sea Turtles (Did You Know) by Breanne Satori


  • Travel & Vacation: Boston Museum of Science


    Our visit to the Boston Museum of Science

    Another fascinating place to visit with kids is the Boston Museum of Science!  The girls LOVED the Boston Museum of Science.  We spent the first two hours in one room they enjoyed it so much.  They probably could have spent an entire day going through everything.  We covered the majority of the museum in several hours, but they would have been happy to stay longer if we had the time.


    We went to the Lightening Show!  It was awesome!  If you look closely there is a lady in the giant “bird cage” which was struck by a large bolt of lightning.


    Anything with animals is a hit with our girls


    Mesmerized by the tornado display.


    Karlie showing her electricity capicity.


    The computer, electronics, and robotics room was a huge hit with the kids.  In this picture they are putting together pieces to build robotic components that make noise, light up, turn on fans, and more!


    Really Mom, it wasn’t me making that beeping noise!!!


    Watching to see what robotics challenge is being giving.  This was really neat!  One of the workers kept giving them harder tasks to accomplish!


    Working together to get the robotic to get through the course.  They both finished their missions and earned their certificates.


    Jake teaching Brina some computer coding skills!


    One huge dinosaur!


    Silly mirrors!


    The musical steps were neat!  I think the girls did several sets of stairs just so they could create music!


    Yes, she is holding a skunk in her arms only a few feet from us!


    Playing for a few minutes on the seesaw!

    It was a blast exploring the Boston Museum of Science.  The girls loved it!  The only sad part is we had to go because the Museum was closing and we had to get moving on to our next stop.  We stopped outside of Boston at a Ninety-Nine restaurant!  Instead of serving bread before the meal they brought out fresh popcorn.  The kids meals included an ice cream sandwich.  It was nice to sit, relax, and talk about our fun adventures for the day.  The food was delicious too!