• Summer Activities: Enjoying our First Juicy Watermelon of the Season

    Thanks Daddy for the Yummy Watermelon! Yes I made the girls eat it outside, we know how messy they can get with this juicy treat!

    As a special treat Jake brought home a watermelon recently!  It was our first watermelon of the season so we were super excited to dig into the juicy melon.  The last watermelon I purchased wasn’t great but this one was AMAZING!!!!  Maybe the key is to have dear hubby pick them out in the future.

    Eating watermelon brings back memories…..the first few watermelons the girls ate were the sweet yellow watermelons because we got a bunch on sale at the local Farmer’s Market.  When we gave them the regular “pink” watermelon for the first time they didn’t believe us at first that it really was watermelon because it wasn’t yellow!  Every summer season we enjoy sharing our first watermelon together, this year we kicked off the season with a traditional seedless pink one.  Maybe we’ll have to head to the local Farmer’s Market and get yellow to enjoy soon.

    Brina munching away on the sweet watermelon! Too busy eating to even look at the camera!


    Karlie licking off her sticky fingers! Ummm.....Mom where's the napkins? She was more concerned about the mess she was making!

    Thanks babe for the delicious treat, it hit the spot on a hot day!  All of us enjoyed eating our first watermelon of the season and are already looking forward to the next one!