• A Sweet & Simple Note Can Melt a Moms Heart


    Occasionally, Jake has to travel for work and there are times when he is gone random craziness happens at home.  On this particular week Jake was gone it was busy with a lot of school activities, tutoring, animals getting out of their pen, doctor appointments, sick kids, and more.  This particular day had a tough afternoon noon of school work, followed by chasing the goats back into their zone (multiple times), leftovers for dinner, a couple of not-so-cool Mommy moments, and running around trying to get the kids in bed on time.

    By the time the girls were in bed I was exhausted and ready to relax, but lunches still needed to be put together, dishes washed, kitchen picked up, bills to be paid, and more regular household duties waiting for my attention.   I decided to take 10 minutes and sit down, on the couch, and reflect on the events of the day.  While sitting there I started thinking about everything I could have done better regarding my interactions with the girls in some of the sticky situations specifically regarding my actions, words, and attitude.

    As I was thinking about the day I looked over at the dry erase board and saw a note from Karlie.  Some days you don’t know if they realize how much we love them…..then they do something spontaneous and sweet like this simple note that melts my heart.  And brings more tears!  We are not perfect parents by a long shoot, but it does a Moms heart good to know that they really do feel loved and appreciated even in amidst those hurried, frustrating, and crazy days.  I had no idea this note was on the dry erase board or when she put it there with everything going on that day, but it was the perfect encouragement boost I needed for that evening.  Thankful for my kids and for their thoughtful ways of showing love.

    She picked yellow so it’s a little harder to read, but it says:

    I love Daddy.

    I love Mommy.

    I love Brina.

    I love Oreo, Snowball, and Skipper.

  • Quick Tip – Recipe on the Bowl

    Dry Erase Marker on the Bowl

    Recipe written on a bowl with a dry erase marker!

    The other day while Jake was making a meal he prepped another  meal for the following day.    Since he prepped the meal and I was the one who was going to make the meal the following day he wrote the directions with a dry erase marker on the outside of the stainless steel bowl holding some of the ingredients.  When I opened the fridge the next day I saw the bowl with all the directions on it.  It was awesome pulling out the bowl, following the directions, and enjoying a delicious meal with the family.   After dinner all I had to do was wash the bowl and all the dry erase marker came right off.  Thankful for a husband who is thoughtful, creative, and willing to help around the house.  It was a great meal too!  Thanks Babe!