• Our Wall Street Journal Has Been Shredded!


    Our Wall Street Journal has been attacked by the furry critter that thinks she rules our yard!

    Some days, for whatever reason, our dog decides to shred our Wall Street Journal before we have a chance to get it picked up and out of the driveway.  It doesn’t happen every day and there really isn’t any rhyme or reason to it (that we can come up with).  We think she tends to shred it more when it gets thrown a little further into the driveway.  Maybe she doesn’t like the news that day or she’s just playing or she’s mad at us for who knows what.  We did uncover three of her partially decaying squirrels this week when we were mowing so maybe this is her way of paying us back.  Sometimes she just tears the plastic off the newspaper and other days she gets the plastic and the newspaper.


    It’s some what readable.  Hopefully, there wasn’t any important news in the sections that are missing, ha!