• Travel & Vacation: Cozy Cow Dairy (Windsor, CO)


     Cozy Cow Dairy

    On one of our trips to Colorado my cousin Renelle introduced us to Cozy Cow Dairy in Windsor, CO.  It was a hot summer day and we were heading back to her house when we made a slight detour to the Cozy Cow Dairy.  The girls LOVED it!  Not only did they have amazing fresh chocolate milk, ice cream, cheeses, and more they had a farm animal petting zoo.

    Before even going into the store we had to go by and say “hi” to each of the farm animals.  They had some precious little ones so they girls thought it was so neat.  After petting the animals and washing our hands we enjoyed some fresh chocolate milk and ice cream.  It was DELICIOUS!!!  It hit the spot on the hot summer day too.  After our special treat we headed back outside to pet the farm animals once more before heading back to Renelle’s house.  If you are in the Windsor area this is a great place to spot, cool down, and get a treat.  The kids will probably enjoy the farm animals too!


    Cozy Cow Dairy – “In the moo’d for something good?”


     Black and white baby goat


     Baby brown calf – he was so soft and small to touch


    The girls loved this one.  They said it looked like it had a crazy hear day, but it was as soft as a teddy bear!


     Fresh milk, ice cream, cheeses, and more at Cozy Cow Dairy!

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Happy Cow Dairy Farm


    Ewww…… What’s that SMELL?!

    We were able to join some friends for some fun at the Happy Cow Farm.  It was fun to explore the farm together!  It was really quiet while we were there with no official tours being offered that afternoon, but the employees told us that we could watch them as they take the cows into milk.

    We watched the cows on the farm, ate some delicious Happy Cow ice cream, and watched them milk the cows.  As were watching them milk the cows the workers invited us to come into the barn while they were milking the cows AND gave the kids a taste of fresh milk straight from the cow’s udder!  Karlie was the first one brave enough to try it.  Her first words were – “That was HOT MILK!”   They had a blast learning about dairy cows.  The workers were truly amazing with the kids and very patient when answering their questions.


    Brina and Karlie at the Happy Cow Dairy Farm!


    Wow, that’s some FRESH MILK dribbling down Karlie’s chin!


    Brina hanging out with the cows as they wait to be milked!


    Karlie enjoyed hearing all the cows names and stories about them from the workers.


    We wore someone out!  Everyone had a lot of fun!