• Birthday Celebration


     Happy Birthday breakfast

    The girls got two of their birthday wishes on their birthday – one was that they would have snow on their birthday and the second was that they would not have to go to school because of a snow day.  They got both wishes and were very excited.  It’s not every day you get out of school on a Wednesday for snow in South Carolina.  Thankful for these two girls and look forward to many more amazing memories this year with them.  They each got to pick out what they wanted to eat for their birthday breakfast.  For their special birthday dinner they wanted a Seafood Meal at home.


    Karlie had eggs with spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, and cheese in them.


    Brina had a slice of cinnamon swirl breakfast cake.


     My sister-in-law Becky shared a chocolate cake recipe with me that was both egg and dairy free so I decided to try it for their birthday.  It turned out really well.  They loved it.  You couldn’t even tell that it was egg and dairy free.  The flavor reminded me of my Grandma Doris Chocolate Mayonnaise Cake she used to make from scratch.


     The girls wrote out a list of inside and outside activities they wanted to do on their birthday since they were home from school due to the snow.  Even though they didn’t get to do all the items on the list I would say they did the majority of them.  We packed a lot of fun activities into the day.


    For their family birthday dinner they requested a seafood meal and specifically asked for King Crab.  They love seafood and the King Crab was a hit and they are getting better at digging out the meat without assistance.


    Jake and I picked up Mai-Mahi steak burgers to try as well for their seafood  birthday meal.  The Mai-Mahi steak with the fresh bakery bun, lettuce, and tomatoes were a tasty hit too!  Thankful for our girls and that we can celebrate another birthday with them!