• Recipes: Easy Apricot Pork Chops


    Recently, I made up a new recipe with some pork chops that we had in the freezer and some items we already had in the refrigerator.  A lot of times I will find pork on marked down on clearance, even more than chicken or beef, so I will pick it up and come up with a recipe to use it.  The Easy Apricot Pork Chops turned out well!  The only thing that I would change is that we had something come up the evening I was planning on serving it so the pork chops marinated for an extra 24 hours which wasn’t necessary; they still tasted great just a little stronger flavor than I originally intended.

    Easy Apricot Pork Chops:

    • 1 pound Pork Chops (we had boneless pork chops, but either would work)
    • 1/3 cup Apricot Preserves
    • 1/3 cup French Dressing
    • 1/2 pack Onion Soup (optional)

    Grease the bottom of a casserole dish that will fit your pork chops and place them in it.  Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Mix together the apricot preserves, french dressing, and onion soup.  Poke the meat with the fork to allow the fruit mixture to penetrate.  Evenly spread the apricot mixture over the pork chops.  Cover and bake for 45 minutes or until the pork chops are fully cooked.  You could also do this in a crockpot on low for 4 to 6 hours.

    In the recipe pictured I added the onion soup pack, but if you want a little sweeter flavoring or to have less of an onion taste try it without the onion soup!  Without the onion soup it’s delicious and simple too (the recipe would have only 3 ingredients making it more economical as well)!


    Pork chops in the pyrex dish waiting to be covered


    Apricot mixture


    Putting the apricot mixture on each pork chop


    Completely covered the top of each pork chop