• Travel & Vacation: Look Out the Car Window (Charleston, SC)


     Through the leaves in the blue sky and you’ll see a plane coming into Charleston

    Whether you are flying into Charleston, SC or driving there is always plenty to see.  Our family always sees something new or different every time we go to Charleston.  There are a lot of learning and teaching opportunities if you just look out your car window while going down the roads.  Sometimes we take the little stuff for granted.  When the kids see something they will often ask about it.

    I did not grow up near the ocean or port so I learned about more of these things later in life.  The first time I saw the ocean was when I got engaged to my sweetheart.  Yes, that’s what happens when you grow up in Kansas (the middle of the 48 states) and about as far away from the ocean as you can get.


    Some really nice private boats are docked in one of the inlets nearby


     We usually see this factory when driving to and from Charleston.  You can tell when they are doing certain things because there will be a faint “wet paper” odor in the air.  Usually that smell will be coming from KapStone Kraft Paper Corporation in North Charleston.  It’s not a bad smell just unique which peaks the curiosity of the kids riding in the car with you.


     The kids are always on the lookout for the cargo containers being moved around.  If you time it just right you can see the huge crane picking up cargo containers and loading (or unloading) them from the ships.  They think it is neat to watch.


    One of the cargo ships coming as we cross over the bridge.

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Organized Chaos: Keeping Track of Water Bottles

    Organized Chaos - Water Bottles - P1410648c

    Labeled Water Bottles

    Since we have two kids the same age and gender they have several items that are identical.  A common identical item that both kids have are their water bottles.  Like the blue water bottles with the owls on the outside pictured above.  A few months ago we had some issues with everybody using whatever water bottle they wanted (even if it was their sister’s), however, during the course of the school day their sister’s water bottle would get dropped, dented, scratched, broken, or misplaced. The next time that sister wanted to use her water bottle it was gone or had additional marks on it.

    I know it seems crazy, but there have been some serious discussions between the two kids in our house over damaged or lost special water bottles.  I am pretty sure no other household has these types of discussions in their home, but there were a few times I had to intervene in these conversations.  Although, items will get dropped or damaged the more they are used I had to find a solution so that these discussions would not be happening on a regular basis in our house. Prior to this year neither child cared which water bottle they took, but the older they get the more they want their items to look good and last longer.  I am happy they they want to take good care of their items we just had to find a method to track which water bottle belonged to who.

    My initial solution to the problem super easy, took only a couple seconds, and was very inexpensive.  I wrote their names on the special water bottles with a permanent black sharpie.  The names were written on the bottoms and / or sides of the water bottles so that each kid could easily see if it was theirs before taking it out of the drawer.  It was amazing how quickly the issue was resolved, however, after a several washings the permanent marker would wear off making it harder to tell whose water bottle it was again. Now I use several different methods to identify or keep track of the special water bottles:

    • Write the Names on the Water Bottles with Black Permanent Marker (easy and inexpensive, but washes off over time)
    • Use a washable Label with their Individual Names Printer on it – My personal favorite are the thin Lovable Labels ones because they stay on through MANY washes (anywhere from a few months to years as long as your kids don’t try peeling them off)
    • Purchase water bottles with their Names printed or engraved on them (usually more expensive, but works really well). My favorite place to get printed or engraved names on water bottles is Oriental Trading.

    There are several generic water bottles that anybody can use at any time in the drawer, however, the special ones have each child’s name on them.  The special water bottles usually have the child’s name written in permanent sharpie on the bottom and a label (or name printed / engraved) on the side of the water bottle.  Occasionally someone accidentally picks up the wrong water bottle, but for the most part everyone uses their own or a generic one.

    Now if they lose or damage their water bottle then they are the only ones inconvenienced by their actions.  One of our kids tends to be a little rougher on water bottles (clipping or tying them to her book bag which is bumped against everything in its path, dropping, or just forgetting it).  She has gotten a lot better as she is getting older, but I have to smile when she brings home just the water bottle top because I know that means the water bottle itself did not survive it’s nose dive to the concrete floor at school.

  • The Exploding Spice Cabinet

    It had become apparent over the last few weeks that our spice cabinet was overflowing with goods.  We try to keep a stocked spice cabinet (buy ones we use when they go on sale) and haven’t had any problems until recently.  When my husband went to get the garlic salt out of the cabinet and a whole mess of stuff came tumbling down I decided it was time for organizing.

    Our regular spices have always been in alphabetical order on the first shelf.  (It really does help when you are trying to find a spice for a special recipe, my husband loves it that way too).   That shelf was in pretty good shape.  The second shelf holds baking items, sprinkles and bigger containers. This shelf was a little crazy and appeared to where most of the items were falling from lately.  The third or top shelf was where we stored the spices we buy in bulk or extra spices when they go on sale.  I pulled everything out and found what was causing all the commotion.

    The problem was that since having kids we have purchased more “sprinkles”!  When I pulled all the sprinkles out of the cupboard it was amazing how much extra room we had for everything else.  We had Princess Sprinkles, Cars Sprinkles, some for Halloween, Fall, Colored Sprinkles, Holiday Sprinkles, Balls, Shapes, and more sprinkles.  We had different 19 containers of just SPRINKLES (and none of them the same so we couldn’t just consolidate)!  The girls love to help me cook and a lot of their cookies or goodies they make have sprinkles on top so while they are necessary it had gotten out of control.

    The Solution was to go through the sprinkles, find out which ones were almost gone and put them in smaller container or set them aside to use soon.  After re-organizing the sprinkles I even had a little empty shelf space left in the cupboard.

    Sprinkles make everything taste better!  Have you ever tried them on pancakes and waffles?  We love our girls and sprinkles!