• CONGRATULATIONS to Our Target Gift Card Winner!

    The name has been drawn for the giveaway!


    Myeshia U.

    for winning a

    Target Gift Card!

    Thanks for making a comment in honor of our Giveaway!

    An email has been sent to you with more information*

    Enjoy your next trip to Target!

    Don’t forget to enter our next Giveaway (the next giveaway will be announced later this morning)!

    *Giveaway must be claimed within 5 business days of the prize being announced.  Failure to claim the prize within the allotted time frame means you forfeit the prize.  The actual gift card may or may not be identical to the one pictured above.

  • Heart Reflections: How do they do it?

    How do kids wear their clothes on backwards and not even notice it?  As an adult I would be so uncomfortable…..if I accidentally put my shirt on backwards it drives me nuts until was fixed.  When the girls were younger they would go an entire day at school with their shirt or pants on backwards and it didn’t bother them (even after several requests from me to correct the clothing). They didn’t have the extra motivation to switch it around because they really didn’t mind it being backwards.  It was rather hilarious seeing slipper slide marks and grass stains when they were going through the wash since they had worn them backwards all day.

    Recently I re-read a book that I had read many years ago.  When I read it years ago I loved the book.  I still enjoyed the book but there were pieces that stood out to me much more this time around, not necessarily because I missed it the first time around but because of the journey my life has taken the emotions the people in the book feel more real.

    I noticed those one or two sentences in the book where someone expressed sadness because they could not have children.  Read my  Loosening My Grip: Why Can’t I Get Pregnant series if you want to learn about our story.  I was disappointed and even sad when the characters in the book faced other hardships similar to those trials that I have gone through.  Many years ago when I first read this book it didn’t bother me because I didn’t have such a personal connection to what the people were going through.

    Now after all these years and many trials later it is more emotional to read the story.  Much like the girls when they were younger wearing their clothes inside out, it really didn’t bother them too much because they really didn’t know what it was suppose to feel like.  Over time they learned that wearing clothes backwards was uncomfortable much like those trials we go through that much us uncomfortable.

    Maybe….just….maybe God has us go through certain situations that make us uncomfortable so later when we encounter another person going through a similar trial we can be an encouragement to them.  We can cheer them on, share our story, and be a blessing to them during a hard time.  Isn’t that what life’s about anyway?  Using our gifts, talents, and what we have learned to make a positive impact on the lives of people around us.  Is there someone in your life that you can be an encouragement to today?

  • Giveaway: $10 Target Gift Card

    I am thrilled to announce a new giveaway on Blessings Multiplied!   The winner of this giveaway will receive a $10 Target Gift Card!  The best part about this card is you can use it for almost anything from groceries, household items, clothes, birthday gifts, and much more.  Spring is just around the corner so maybe you want to get something for the yard or buy a treat for Easter or an upcoming trip.  Here’s how to enter the giveaway:

    Enter the Giveaway (up to 4 entries per person)!

    1. Sign up to follow my blog (if you haven’t done so already) and leave a comment below telling us how you follow Blessings Multiplied.  Put a separate comment for each way you follow Blessings Multiplied (Email, Twitter, or Facebook) plus an extra entry for your bonus answer!   Each comment counts as an entry into the giveaway.

    All comments must be made by March 31, 2013 at 10:00 PM EST to be entered into the drawing.  Good Luck!

    The actual gift card may or may not be identical to the one pictured above.

  • Life Simplified: Laundry Day

    For those who don’t know me…….I am NOT a big fan of doing laundry.  Don’t get me wrong , it gets done in our house because I don’t like wearing dirty clothes but doing laundry everyday is almost like torture to me.   Before discovering a system that worked for our household I would delay doing laundry until the last possible moment (ie…someone was out of underwear) then do a huge batch.  The laundry would then sit on the guest bed waiting to be folded and put away.  Many times if you wanted to wear a certain shirt or were looking for clean underwear you had to dig through a massive pile in search for an item.

    Thankfully, we had a season in our life that forced me to get organized in the laundry department as well as other areas.  Several years ago my husband took a contract position in a town an hour and half away from our home.  Since the girls were young and not yet in school the entire family commuted with him on the contract.  The company gave him an allowance for an apartment and we were able to find one less then the amount we were given so we could save a little bit extra.  A couple of the downsides to the apartment being less expensive is that it was tiny and it didn’t have a washer and dryer hookup.  Since we came “home” on the weekends it wasn’t that big of a deal, however, that meant we had to keep track of groceries in two houses plus carting laundry back and forth every week.  During this season in our marriage I learned a lot about organizing and planning especially with living in two places at one time, an apartment during the week and at home on the weekends.  There were several benefits to our family doing laundry only once a week:

    • Less Stress for Mom because once laundry was completed on Saturday it was done for an entire week.
    • More Cost Efficient as far energy, water, and laundry soap.
    • Only 4 Loads of Laundry per week (on a typical week we do 4 full loads of laundry for an entire week:  1 – Sheets & Towels, 2 – Light Clothes, 3 – Dark Clothes, 4 – Whites)
    • Saves Time when I do everything all from start to finish in one day.  The laundry gets washed throughout the day and for about an hour in the evening I take the time to fold, hang up and put away the items.
    • Happy Family – no more digging through piles of clean laundry on the bed looking for underwear or a shirt, etc…. everything is cleaned, put away and ready to be worn.
    • Cleaner Home when the piles of laundry are no longer stacked on our guest room bed or in front of the washing machine our home is neater.
    • Items are Pre-Treated prior to being put in the laundry basket instead of trying to remember which ones to spray when I am putting them into the wash machine.
    • Organized System – having a specific day and task to accomplish enables me to get it done for the week and move onto the other tasks that demand my time and attention

    On the weekend we had to get the laundry done in order to have clothes to wear for the next week so it was a great motivator.   Even though that was several years I still do all our laundry in one day.  I no longer have to get it done on the weekends so currently laundry days are Monday’s at our house.   Everything is washed, folded and put away all in one day.  Since starting this organizational task it has allowed additional freedom in my week plus it has been a blessing to my family.  I no longer dread doing laundry because I know it will be done completely on “laundry day” and I will not have to think about it again until next week.  My family no longer has to dig through piles of clothes looking for something to wear.  It was a win-win situation for everyone.

    Even though that season in our life was difficult balancing the two households looking back on it I realize how many rich blessings and memories were created during that time as well.  It is during the times of stretching and change in our family when we discover new ways to make life more enjoyable for ourselves as well as those around us.  Having the opportunity to look at our organizational system from a different perspective may be all it takes to make it more efficient.

    Do you like doing laundry?  What works for one family may not work for another.  What are ways you use to help make your time doing laundry more efficient?

    Photo by Jon Yu