• Organized Chaos: Cleaning the Top of Kid’s Dressers


    Messy dresser top

    There comes a point when certain areas start to accumulate too many random items that they need to be cleaned.  For some reason in our house any available flat surface becomes possible game for these types of items – from the kitchen counter tops, dresser tops, table tops, the floor, and more.  I am hoping this is somewhat normal for most houses and if anyone finds an airtight solution to this problem please let me know.  After awhile the little things piling up on flat surfaces really starts to bother me whether it is in the kitchen, bedroom, or somewhere else in the house.  Honestly, I lose track of how many times a week (or a day) I clean off the kitchen counter tops and other places.

    In the bedrooms the big spot for these types of items to accumulate is on the kids dressers.  I want them to be able to keep their treasures, decorate, or show off special items, but at some point it needs to be cleaned and organized.  Sometimes a lot of the clutter items are just things that are not put away in their proper place.  Instead of putting them away they just lay on the dresser top for awhile.  Other times it is some fun trinkets they got at a party, won, or received.  No matter what it is or why it is there the chore of keeping the dresser tops clean, organized, and dusted pops up quite frequently around our house.

    While the kids room is the one I am talking about today I have to admit our dresser tends to get hit with these items as well.  Jake and I are as guilty as the kids in loading up the dresser top with items that do not belong on it.  Even though this area tends to get messy more quickly if you clean it off regularly it won’t take very long before it is looking good again.

    Cleaning off the dresser is quick, easy, and makes the room look so much cleaner:

    1. Take everything off the dresser
    2. Dust the dresser off
    3. Put away the items that did not belong on the dresser
    4. Straightened up the special treasures you decide to keep or that belong on the top of the dresser


    Looking good Karlie!  It always makes me smile to see what special items they specifically choose to keep on top of their dressers.