• Skipper’s New Dog House

    Skipper's New Dog House! See the black furry spot in the middle, she's sleeping!

    As we were cleaning up from dinner a couple weeks ago we looked out at the jungle gym and noticed Skipper all curled up and sleeping on the floor.  She had found a nice place to go to sleep.  The jungle gym has an area that is dry in the rain and you can see into the house (Jake made sure I had a good view of the jungle gym from the house) as well as the driveway and a good chunk of the yard.

    Skipper learned how to climb up the ladder to the jungle gym and can often be seen up there playing (or sleeping) while the girls are playing in that area.  A couple times Skipper was convinced she couldn’t get down from the jungle gym, I think after a “fun” ride down the slide, so we had to re-train her to climb down the ladder.

    It wouldn’t be the best place to get stuck during a 100 degree summer day, but you have to admit it is a pretty cool dog house!  She enjoys her time with the girls and loves the jungle gym almost as much as the kids.  Skipper is a great dog for the girls, even if she tries taking over the jungle gym!