• Book: “Patch” by Kristin Earhart

    Last Christmas Karlie got Patch by Kristin Earhart from Grandpa and Grandma.  She was super excited to get a horse book.  Both Brina and Karlie have read this book many times.  The story is about a girl named Lauran and her horse named Patch.  If you have a child that loves horses or animals and is starting to read books more independently this is a good one to check out.

  • Book: “Gregory the Terrible Eater” by Mitchell Sharmat

    Brina and Karlie recently received Gregory the Terrible Eater by Mitchell Sharmat from Uncle Paul, Aunt Mirm, Noah, Noelle and Nadia.  The girls loved reading about Gregory the goat.   Gregory’s parents were concerned because he wanted to eat eggs, vegetables, fruit, and fish when “normal” goats eat tin cans, tires, boxes, clothes, and other garbage.  His parents take him to see Doctor Ram to find out how to help Gregory eat more like a goat.  This is a silly story that makes our girls laugh. If your kid like animals or have spent some time around goats they will probably enjoy reading this story as well.

  • Book: Oceans Atlas by John Woodward

    Oceans Atlas by John Woodward is a book that the girls have really enjoyed.  It was a great gift that was given to them a couple years ago.  The girls love learning about animals and the world so this has been a fun one for them.  The book covers information on oceans, seas, marine pioneers, explorations, and conservation.  The book includes a CD which is an extra bonus for the kids to enjoy.