• On the Farm: Wheat Harvest, Animals, Irrigation, and More!


    The girls were very excited to “help” Grandpa cut the last little bit of wheat harvest!

    Every day at Kansas is an adventure for the kids when they are visiting my parents on the farm.  They love exploring the different equipment, fields, and getting the opportunities to spend time with their grandparents while doing exciting farm activities.  It is always neat seeing them get excited about the things that I grew up with in Kansas.


    Brina and Karlie were thrilled to ride with Grandpa as he cut the last strip of wheat from harvest.


    The John Deere combine looks so big when you put the girls right in front of it.


    Bringing treats to the pony and horse!


    Riding Misty in the yard.


    Misty even got her mane breaded!  So pretty!


    Buzz standing still, but not sure about all this attention.


    Karlie petting Buzz


    Our gator crew (including the furry ones), such great helpers!


    A view of Dad and Mom’s house from the top of Windy Point.


    Walking the bridge again today!


    Grandpa instructed the four kids on what they are suppose to be doing for irrigation today.


    The race is on…..


    Midnight loves going to do irrigation too!


    Nathan concentrating on his work!


    Brandon won the race on that side!


    Our irrigation crew!  It’s a fun one!


    Helping Grandpa with irrigation!


    Even though it was freezing cold they had a blast running through the BIG SPRINKLER!


    The kids thought the sprinkler was great and were fascinated by it as well.

    On the Farm Grandparents Kansas

    Playing a game of card Monopoly with Grandma and cousins!

  • Family Celebrations: Catching Up with Family Over Spring Break

    Cousins Riding Together on the John Deere Gator! Fun Times!

    The girls and I had the opportunity to go visit family over their Spring Break this year.  We had a lot of fun spending time with Grandparents, Great Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and more!  It had been a few months since we had been in the Midwest yet I was amazed how much the girls remembered.  They LOVED seeing family and spending time on the farm.  Each night they would crash from their busy schedule but they would be up early the next morning ready to (as Karlie put it so nicely) “Go explore more of Kansas!”

    I am thankful the girls have an opportunity to spend time with my parents and all four Grandpa and Grandma’s on my side of the family.  Each one has a special place in my heart and I am thrilled the girls get to have such wonderful memories of them as well.  It has been a nice adventure full of old and new memories.  It was such a blessing to see so many family members throughout our stay in Kansas!

    Here are just some of the exciting activities we participating in during our stay in Kansas (I hope to have some more pictures to show in a few days):

    • Riding Horses – Brina and Karlie LOVED Sassy
    • Playing with Dogs, Cats and Farm Animals
    • Watching them Work the Calves
    • Easter Egg Hunts
    • Kids 4 Truth Activities
    • Spending Time with Grandparents, Great Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, and Cousins
    • Playing with family and friends
    • Riding the Gator
    • “Hunting” (Brina’s paraphrase) for Corn Cobs for the Horse
    • Coloring Easter Eggs
    • Crafts
    • Seeing Grandpa’s Big “Sprinkler” (Center Pivot)
    • Lots of Pheasants
    • Seeing a Coyote chase the Pheasants
    • Gathering Eggs in Grandpa Verlyn’s Hen House
    • Feeding the Turkeys
    • Homemade Food (including special Waffles)
    • Hot Chocolate
    • Helping Grandpa Russell on the Farm
    • Shooting Uncle Lee & Uncle Josh with Nerf Guns
    • Puzzles
    • The Big Hole
    • The Pet Cemetery
    • Grocery Shopping with Grandma Penny
    • Reading Books with Grandpa Russell & Grandma Penny
    • Planting Flowers
    • Learning More About our Family’s History
    • AND SOOOO MUCH MORE!!!!!!!

    The girls and I had a grand time seeing so many family members and spending time in Kansas.  A big thanks to everyone for a super fun trip!  It is a Spring Break that the girls will be talking about for years.  And yes, they found out that Easter does come to Kansas too!   Although we made a lot of wonderful new memories during our trip the girls are ready to see Daddy again.  Hopefully he is ready for us!