• Easley Baptist Hospital Festival of Trees

    Easley Baptist Hospital Festival of Trees

    Around the world….loved the globe on top of the tree!

    Every year during Christmas Season the girls and I try to swing by our local Easley Baptist Hospital to look at the Festival of Trees.  They have the main hall packed with a variety of trees.  The trees are sponsored by local businesses and people in the Easley community.  Some of the trees are decorated by the same businesses while others are decorated by somebody else.  It is a neat way to get in the Holiday spirit, see some beautiful trees, and have a fun adventure with your kids.  The amount of trees is not too massive so it is easy get through the whole section in 20 to 40 minutes.   The girls look forward to it every year.


    Standing in front of the tree their school decorated!


    SeaLevel Systems sponsored the tree that the Crosswell Art Students decorated!


    Frosty the Snowman, simple yet beautifully done!


    Baby Jesus in a manger!


    The “I Promise….” Tree, neat concept.  You could write on a card something you promise to do in 2015 and hang it up on the tree.


    Some of the “I Promise” cards hanging on the tree.


    Brina made an I Promise card too!


    Loved the possum up on top of this tree!  Creative!


    Simply, beautiful, and true message!


    Thought this one was pretty cool and patriotic!




    The manger scene above the reception desk to the hospital!


    Brina checking out the tree!


    Awesome clock made from old license plates!


    Karlie really liked the “clock” tree!


    “For God So Loved the World…..”

  • Holiday Gift Giving: 12 Days of Christmas


    As the song says “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”  It took me a little more time to get in gear for the Christmas Holidays this year, but the girls Holiday spirit along with the countless Christmas songs is quite contagious!  Once again the excitement is building in our house and we are counting down the final days.  One of the ways we try to spread out the Holiday Cheer in our house is by doing the 12 Days of Christmas.  I used bigger boxes this year so it is actually pretty tall (it’s taller than me….not that I am a giant, ha), but it made it more difficult to get a great picture.

    The 12 Days of Christmas allows the girls can open one gift a day for 12 days prior to Christmas.  By doing it this way they have the time to enjoy each gift because they get one gift every day versus everything packed into one day!  Starting December 13th the girls will be able to open one gift a day with the last one being opened on Christmas Eve.  Plus, doing the 12 Days of Christmas motivates me to wrap some gifts early so I am not up late the day before Christmas trying to get all the wrapping completed, instead I can relax and go to bed at a decent time!


    Some years I keep the cost to under $20 total, including boxes and wrapping paper, while other years we add their main gifts to this stack.  Most of the gifts were bought on clearance, using coupons, or at discount over the past year.  We did a joint stack for both of our girls again this year, although you can choose to do a stack for each person.  You can chose to do whatever works best for your family.

    In the past I have shared the items that I put into their 12 Days of Christmas packages, however, it is not possible to do that this year.  Mainly because the girls are fluent readers AND they are frequent readers of my blog (wink…wink)!  So in order to keep their gifts a secret I will not be able to spill-the-beans on the contents of the packages.  I would be happy to share the list of the items I put into their boxes if you send me a message and promise not to tell my kids (shhhh….it’ll be our secret).  I just cannot post publicly what is in each box.  I have compiled a list of ideas on items that work well in the 12 Days of Christmas packages to get you started!

    Ideas for 12 Days of Christmas:

    • CDs
    • Hair Accessories
    • Make Up
    • Socks or Tights
    • Chapstick
    • Socks
    • Gloves or Scarf
    • Card Game
    • Construction Paper
    • Markers or Crayons
    • Matchbox cars
    • Small Toys
    • Baby Doll Clothes
    • Christmas Underwear
    • Shoes
    • Slippers
    • Books
    • Clothes
    • Pajamas
    • Popcorn Tin
    • Mix Nuts
    • Sweet Treats
    • Christmas Ornaments
    • Crafts
    • Games
    • Gift Cards
    • The ideas are endless! 🙂

    I wrapped the items in the original boxes or found boxes around the house to put the items into.  The Christmas paper was purchased on clearance and I used a coupon.  Many of the items we purchased on clearance throughout the year and / or used CVS – ECBs and Walgreens – Register Rewards, Swagbucks Gift Cards or Coupons.  I cannot remember the price for all the items but with the rewards it very reasonable price for 12 gifts and some days had multiple items in them.

    We did a joint stack for our girls to save money, however, the items we picked match their individual interests.  The kids recently discovered the 12 Days of Christmas presents wrapped and ready by our tree!  I love seeing their faces and hearing their comments when they first see the stack.

    If you need some more ideas you can check out our previous 12 Days of Christmas posts for our family over the past few years:



  • Song: “While You Were Sleeping” by Casting Crowns

    A great song to remind of all the amazing events that have taken place in history and a reminder of what is to come.  It is a very peaceful yet powerful song.

     Oh little town of Bethlehem
    Looks like another silent night
    Above your deep and dreamless sleep
    A giant star lights up the sky
    And while you’re lying in the dark
    There shines an everlasting light
    For the King has left His throne
    And is sleeping in a manger tonight, tonight