• Travel & Vacation: Cruising the Gulf of Mexico

    'Relaxing and beautiful views from our balcony....I could get used to living this kind of rough life, ha!  Thanks for spoiling me with a week away my love, @[749272290:2048:Jake Hayes]! :)'

    Our last full day on the cruise! The week went by too quickly, but it was relaxing, packed full of great memories, and wonderful having extra time together! We need to do this more often Jake Hayes! 🙂 Thankful for an opportunity to celebrate our 15th Anniversary and looking forward to many more amazing years together with this handsome man! XOXO

    'Checking out the scenery!'
    Handsome guy on our balcony!
    'Our last night out together on the ship!'
    Last night on the ship with my Babycake!
    'Love this man!'
    Thankful for time with this man!
    'Loved being able to relax over meals, talk, and laugh together!  We didn't have anywhere to rush off to, no places we had to be, or activities that we had to get done just time to hang out as a couple!'
    Enjoying one more quiet breakfast before hitting the road again!

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: Swimming with the Stingrays, Grand Cayman Island

    Our family holding a stingray, what a neat experience!  He was a slippery guy!

    After arriving at Grand Cayman Island and exploring a little bit we had a relaxing boat ride out to the reef.   My Mom found a really AWESOME tour where we went on a boat out to a reef and swam with STINGRAYS!!!  We could see the stingrays in the water even before the boat had anchored.

    Pretty much any time you were looking down you could see a stingray swimming by.  The stingrays were HUGE, most were several feet wide.  It was pretty common for them to swim right underneath you and take you feet out from under you or you would feel one brushing up against you as they swam by.  It was a really neat experience!  Brina was a little scared at first because they were so big but she did warm up to them and even touched them several times.  Karlie absolutely loved it and would giggle whenever one came next to her.   This is one of my favorite activities we did on the trip!

    This guy took the feet right out from under me while swimming.  Can you see his little eye?  I think his looking right at me, probably wondering why I didn’t hand him some food!  Our guide was hand feeding them while we were in the water swimming with them.

    This one’s coming right at Karlie (you can see her reaching her hand out to pet it as it glides by)!

    Two stingrays swimming side by side right in front of me.  The girls were absolutely fascinated at how clear the water was in Grand Cayman!  They loved being able to look down and see everything, including fish, stingrays, and even people!

    Brina up close and petting one of the stingrays.  Glad she got to touch it but most of the time she was more content staying a safer distance away from them.

    Stingray!  The stingrays were a dark gray on the top with white and speckled gray on the under sides. Beautiful creatures, so cool watching them glide gracefully through the water!

    Silly Karlie girl!  This picture was taken underneath the water and looking up at Karlie.  She is holding her nose and breathing through the snorkel. She has a grand time swimming around looking at the fish and stingrays.  We even saw a HUGE fish, several feet long but wasn’t able to snap a picture in time!

    Large stingray swimming by

    Little Sis had an absolute BLAST swimming with the stingrays!  Karlie LOVED it and probably could have stayed in even longer if she could!

    Another huge one swam right under me, they literally rub up against you and take your feet out from underneath you!  Such a cool experience!

  • Vacation: “Cruise Adventure” on Royal Caribbean’s Serenade of the Seas

    Royal Caribbean's Serenade of the Seas Cruise Ship (the back of the boat)

    As I reflect back over the cruise vacation we took on Royal Caribbean, Serenade of the Seas, I am thankful for the opportunity to experience a fun and relaxing trip full of new memories.  Over the last several weeks I have been sharing tidbits about our time exploring the various Caribbean Islands, however, today I want to focus a little more about the actual ship we spent our evenings on together.  We gave some facts regarding the ship in an earlier post but I want to share a little more about what we did on the cruise in this post.

    The seventh day of our cruise was the only full day we were at sea.  Every other day of the trip we were visiting an island in the Caribbean.  Ever day was packed full of a variety of activities.  There were a lot of fun things to do on the ship, here are just a few:

    • Breakfast – you could chose to have it delivered to your room, eat at the Windjammer (buffet) or eat a sit down meal at Reflections.  We did a mix of the Windjammer and Reflections throughout the week depending on the activities for the day.
    • Every day evening after dinner we would have a new schedule of the next day’s events, information and activities so we could plan out our day on the boat or if we were going onto an island.
    • Morning Activities where available throughout the morning and at various locations on the ship (here is a sample of some activities)
    1. Brain Teasers & Trivia
    2. Sabbath Service
    3. Early Morning Stretch
    4. Abdominal Conditioning
    5. Indoor Cycling
    6. Adult Mini Golf Tournament
    7. Yoga
    8. Walk for Wishes
    9. Napkin Folding
    10. Movie in the Cinema
    11. Acupuncture Seminar
    12. View from the Top
    13. Royal Bingo
    14. 3 Minute Makeup Seminar
    15. Secrets to a Flatter Stomach Seminar
    16. Cake Decorating
    17. Interview with Olympic Gymnast Lance Ringland
    18. Swimming
    19. Rock Climbing Wall
    20. Shopping
    21. And More….
    • Afternoon Activities (here is a sampling)
    1. Music (Hot Spice – Calypso Sounds)
    2. Backstage Tour of the Theater
    3. Towel Folding Demonstration
    4. Ice Carving
    5. Movie in the Cinema
    6. Slot Tournament
    7. Men’s Belly Flop Contest
    8. Informal Bridge
    9. Learn to Swing
    10. 3-on-3 Basketball
    11. Name that Movie Tune
    12. Blackjack Tournament
    13. Scrapbooking Workshop
    14. Detox for Health & Weight Loss Seminar
    15. Pool Volleyball Crew vs Guests
    16. Belly Dance Class
    17. Gotta Dance Class
    18. Royal Poker Tournament
    19. Wine Tasting
    20. Adult Volleyball Tournament
    21. Core Conditioning Pilates
    22. Learn to Salsa
    23. Royal Bingo
    24. Adult Speed Climbing Competition
    25. And More…
    • They had a variety of Evening Activities to keep everyone entertained as well
    1. Farewell Movie Night
    2. Showtime
    3. Star Bridge Dance
    4. Mambo Caliente
    5. Royal Poker Tournament
    6. Jazz Cabaret
    7. Paradise Lotto Draw
    8. Adult Karaoke
    9. On Board Shopping Deals
    10. And Much MORE

    Our days were busy both on and off the ship.  There was always something to do.  We had fun, met a lot of wonderful people and created new memories.  We look forward to having the opportunity to cruise again in the future.  It was great not having to cook or clean the whole week!  On a side note, they had food available when you wanted it pretty much 24 hours a day!  It was nice because you could eat when it fit into your schedule!

    Here is a quick introduction of a few key crew members aboard the ship.  The Captain of our cruise ship was Captain Michel Claveau who started his career as a diver. Marc Walker was our Cruise Director from Weymouth, England started out in the entertainment industry as a DJ (22 years ago) then went on to juggle, unicyclist, then onto TV and Radio.  Marc has been with the Royal Caribbean family since the late 1990’s and has served on 20 of Royal Caribbean’s 22 ships.  Sanjay Dumar was our Hotel Director from Mumbai, India.  Marco Marzocchi was our Chief Engineer from Genova, Italy.  Cristiana Maruntelu was our Loyalty & Cruise Sales Manager from Romania.  Alistair Burnett was our Food & Beverage Manager from the United Kingdom.  Noel was our waiter and Janet our head waitress.  They did a fabulous job serving, singing, and creating a pleasant atmosphere during dinner every night we were on the ship.  I will add that the meals were amazing!  We met a lot of other wonderful people aboard the ship.  The staff was from all over the world and we enjoyed getting to know several of them during our stay on the ship.

    We spent some time in the late afternoon on the last day packing.  We were sad to pack but excited to continue our trip home and see the girls.  Jake and I walked around the ship on the last night snapping a few more pictures and video clips to show the girls.  They always have a lot of questions about the BIG boat!  If we could Jake and I would have just keep on cruising!  It was a wonderful experience again traveling with Royal Caribbean.  We will be sharing a few pictures on board the ship in a post later this week!

    A Vacation To Remember series is a reflection on our recent trip and ways we relaxed.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Go with a good attitude and looking for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Vacation: Swimming with the Turtles in Barbados (Part 2, Pictures)

    We had a blast spending time on the Caribbean Island of Barbados this year!

    Here are a few pictures of our adventures on the island!


    We made it to Barbados!

    Welcome to Barbados!  Jake and I near the Welcome sign at Barbados, which is our last Caribbean Island before heading back to Puerto Rico!  We are ready for the fun adventures today.  When we stood at this sign we had no idea how many memories we could pack into one day at the beach on Barbados!

    Clouds gathering on Barbados!

    The big puffy clouds eventually turned into gray rain clouds, but they did not damper our time at the beach.  It was actually neat swimming in the ocean and hearing the pitter patter of rain drops clicking on the top of the water.  Yet another adventure I had never experienced before.  When you grow up in Kansas, the majority of your water experience is on lakes not at the ocean because you are so far away from any ocean beaches.  Actually the first time I saw the ocean was when I got engaged to my man, Jake, in Aruba (which is another amazing place to visit).

    Cute little pink and white cottage clothing store on Barbados.

    This is another “princess” looking cottage we took a picture of for Brina who loves anything pink and princess.  She is our “girly” girl who loves princesses, babies, and animals.  Although we missed them during our excursions it was nice to snag a few pictures to share with them.  They loved that we thought of them during our adventures away.

    Beautiful Blue Monkey beach at Barbados.

    The water was BEAUTIFUL at Blue Monkey beach in Barbados.  It was the gorgeous turquoise blue that you could stand in and look down to the bottom of the ocean and see your feet.  The dark patches under the water in the picture above is where we saw the most colorful fish snorkeling and it was in a spot we could touch.  It was nice to relax, swim and look at the colorful fish swimming all around us.

    Swimming and snorkeling!

    For Christmas Jake got me a waterproof, shock proof camera that we were able to take into the water with us to capture some of the fish to share with the girls.  Here are a couple of the fish we encountered near the coral as we were swimming just off the beach at Barbados.  If you look closely you can see another fish down in near the sand in the corals.

    We had beautiful fish swimming all around us.

    This type of fish we saw several times.  I am not sure of the name but it was pretty with its face turquoise blue, a couple black stripes, and a golden yellow body.  We had the opportunity to see a lot of different fish but with us swimming, but the fish were moving quickly so it was hard to capture all them.

    Beautiful fish off the beach of Barbados!

    This was probably one of my favorite ones that we seen next to the beach.  It was really beautiful almost rainbow striped with vibrant colors (taking its’ picture under water doesn’t do it justice but it is the closest we could come).

    Turtle swimming right below us at Barbados!

    I cannot express how much I enjoyed swimming with the turtles in Barbados!  It was such an amazing experience to be swimming right beside a huge turtle, beautiful and peaceful at the same time.  I could literally reach out and touch the turtles.  Turtles really are awesome swimming and it was almost relaxing just watching them glide through the water.   I hope to do this again some day!


    A couple of sting rays swimming right underneath us!

    Two sting rays were swimming together right beneath us.  Wonder if they were a family!  We seen them several times always near each other swimming.  I didn’t get as close to the two sting rays but it was very excited to see them swimming with us.

    Hey Friend! Words cannot explain how excited I was to swim with the turtles on Barbados!

    Gorgeous turtle swimming right in front of us.  I never thought of turtles as beautiful animals until this experience in Barbados.  We were blessed to have the opportunity to enjoy so much of our wonderful creation from animals to plants and so much more during our trip.  Karlie is our girl who loves sharks, rockets, planets, matchbox cars and animals.  She was so excited to see this turtle and amazed that we could be swimming with them.  She had two questions for us after seeing this picture – She wanted to know why we couldn’t bring it home with us to put him in our turtle tank, ha!  Her second question was “Did we get to swim with any sharks?”

    A sting ray scooting along the ocean floor right below us!

    One of the sting rays swimming below us on the ocean floor.  Simply amazing!

    Josh and Amber flipped their jet ski, opps!

    I had my first experience riding on a jet ski in Barbados as well.  It was all I could do to hold on and not fall off when we were racing across the ocean so there weren’t as many pictures of us ON the jet ski’s.   Shortly after we got on the jet ski’s I look over at Josh and Amber riding and see Amber hanging off the back followed by a crash and a flipped jet ski.  Although difficult we managed to get the jet ski flipped back over but they had to go into shore to get another one to ride.  Thankfully, we only had to do that once.  It was pretty funny sight to see though!

    Mom and Dad relaxing on the beach!

    Mom relaxing in the shade and Dad sunning himself after getting wet jet skiing.  The tide was moving in during our time at the beach so Mom, Dad and Becky thankfully rescued our backpacks, shoes, water bottles and other stuff from floating out.  To this day I still don’t know how we didn’t lose something with the number of times we were chasing sandals in the current and moving the canopy back.


    Beautiful flowers in Barbados!

    Beautiful flowers to welcome and wave us goodbye on the island of Barbados.  They thought the rain was refreshing and delightful as much as we did.  You can still see some of the rain drops on the flowers and leaves!

    We had a blast on Barbados!  Swimming with the turtles, sting rays, snorkeling and jet skiing were amazing.  The time flew by so quickly!  It was a great day with family!  We created a lot of neat memories and had the opportunity to enjoy new experiences.  I highly recommend Blue Monkey beach if you ever get a chance to visit Barbados!!!

    A Vacation To Remember series is a reflection on our recent trip and ways we relaxed.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Go with a good attitude and looking for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Vacation: Swimming with the Turtles in Barbados

    Swimming with the turtles was an incredible experience! This guy was so close several times I could have reached out and touched him!

    On our sixth day of the cruise we had the opportunity to visit Bridgetown, Barbados.  Today was one of my favorites because we were able to relax together as a family and we were able to experience some amazing new adventures for the first time.  Like many of the other Caribbean Islands we had visited on our trip Barbados was a plantation culture, cultivating primarily tobacco, cotton, and sugar cane.  The English settled Barbados after the Arawaks were gone with the primary agriculture crop being sugar cane.  They built an amazing defense system of 26 forts along the coast of Barbados.  Barbados gained their independence from Britian in 1966, however, the British influence remains evident.  There are a lot of great activities to enjoy while on the island of Barbados from touring the wildlife reserve to seeing the home of the Green Monkey to snorkeling with turtles, sting rays and more in one of the great locations around the island to shopping or relaxing at the beach. Barbados had beautiful turquoise blue Caribbean Island water that you could look down and see to the bottom of the ocean floor.  It was a great place to swim, snorkel, and see all kinds of neat sea life.

    We had a more relaxing day planned in Barbados.  It was our day to spend at the beach swimming, jet skiing, snorkeling, relaxing, and more. I didn’t learn as much history about Barbados since we basically took at taxi ride from the boat to Blue Monkey beach (which is not on the tourist map if you go to Barbados but I highly recommend the beach).    Jake, Amber and I swam out a little further from the swimming area and had the opportunity to swim with turtles, sting rays and a variety of other fish.  It was such a neat experience looking down or beside you and seeing a turtle or sting ray swimming right next to you.  There were several times I could have reached out and touched the turtle.  I am thankful for the water camera we had (thanks honey) with us so we could share these pictures with Brina and Karlie.  We have had fresh water turtles at home before but to swim with one in the ocean was a memory that I will never forget.  I do have to admit the swim out to see the turtles, sting rays and fish was easier then the swim back to the beach.  If you decide to go to Blue Monkey Beach and swim out a little further to snorkel on your own I recommend you take at least one or two other people for additional fun and to have someone to swim with you.

    It was nice spending time swimming and relaxing at the beach for several hours.  Another activity we did while were were at the beach was ride on jet ski’s.  We had three jet ski’s with Lee and Becky, Josh and Amber, and Dad and I riding on a jet ski.  After being out for only a few minutes we looked over to see Amber hanging off the jet ski quickly followed by her and Josh crashing, it was an interesting to watch.  We found out that flipping a jet ski in the ocean was not a simple task, but we managed to get it back upright.  It took us a little bit to figure out how to steer with the waves and not crash but by the end I think everyone had a better handle on it.  I think Lee and Becky were the only ones that didn’t crash their jet ski.  Dad and I felt the jet ski tipping over one time and bailed off so we didn’t have to flip it back over in the water.  We had fun racing each other.  You can get the jet ski’s going pretty quick.  Bouncing off the waves, feeling the wind in your hair, and the spray of the water hitting your face was a lot of fun.  I was surprised at how much I enjoyed speeding across the ocean on a jet ski.  Having an opportunity to experience the adventure with family made it even more memorable.

    If you ever have a chance to go to Barbados check out Blue Monkey Beach and what it has to offer.  The jet ski’s were a little more expensive but we only had to paid $5 to rent a snorkel mask to swim out to the turtles and sting rays.  Here are a few facts about the beautiful island of Barbados:

    • Capital: Bridgetown
    • Population: 254,000
    • Climate: Temperature 75F to 90F year round, typically 8+ hours of sunshine a day
    • Geography: Caribbean Island – 21 miles x 14 miles.  Barbados on the West & South have the calm Caribbean sea and beaches.  On the East is rugged cliffs and the Atlantic Ocean
    • Language: English (with a broad dialect)
    • Currency: Barbados Dollar (US $1 = BDS $2)
    • Time: GMT (no daylight savings time in Barbados)

    A Vacation To Remember series is a reflection on our recent trip and ways we relaxed.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Go with a good attitude and looking for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

    Fact information received from Barbados.org

  • Vacation: The Beautiful Island of Dominica (Part 2, Pictures)

    We recently had the opportunity to go to the Caribbean Island of Dominica.

    Here are some of the pictures from our adventures throughout that day!


    Jeremy & Amber wanted us to take a picture of them behind the bars at the end of the port, ha! Too funny!

    Per their request we took a picture of Jerm and Amber reaching through the bars on the end of the pier.  It was a pretty funny sight to see as we were walking down the pier, they crack me up.  If you notice to the left you’ll see the barb wire on the outside of the bars.  Always an adventure.

    One of Dominica's oldest and biggest churches!

    Dominica had several beautiful churches on their island.  This one was the oldest and largest.  It had a lot neat flowers around, an iron fence with crosses on top along with several other neat features.

    Local school girls blowing us kisses, super cute!

    Dominica is well known for their schools, some of the surrounding islands will send students to Dominica to study.  All the kids wear school uniforms to school.  Above is a group of girls from school blowing us kisses as we drove by.  Cute kids!

    This was a huge tree in the park! You can actually walk through the vines inside the tree!

    Above is a large tree we saw in the park.  The tree was so big you could walk through part of the tree at the openings.  We noticed a lot of neat trees during our time in Dominica.

    This large tree dropped onto a school bus (and flatten it) during a hurricane. Thankfully, no one was injured!

    A few years ago during a hurricane this tree fell onto the parked school bus.  Thankfully the kids were in a safe shelter during the storm not riding on the bus.

    A house made out of trees and vines, the black spot is the door opening to the house!

    In the middle of a park they had a “tree house” literally.  It was a spot with a lot of dense trees and vines that they made into a hut.  It was pretty neat.  The black hole in the middle is the doorway.  If you are looking to have an “on the ground” tree house this is a great idea, no more falling out of the tree house!

    Volcanic lava rock along the hiking trail in Dominica!

    A large volcanic rock on a railing as we were hiking through the rain forest.  Dominica has active volcanoes although it has been many years since an eruption on the island.  Thankfully!

    An orange fresh water land crab right next to our hiking trail!

    I honestly did not know that there were fresh water land crabs!  We saw a couple on our hike but this guy was pretty courageous, he came right out in front of us.  He didn’t run and hide when he saw us either, he just moved to the side.   I would say he was about a 4 inch land crab which from the couple we saw was pretty big.

    Dominica's rain forest had a lot of huge beautiful trees, vines, and flowers.

    There were parts of the rain forest that was more dense.  Here is one area that we could see up to the clouds.  The line across the middle is a vine, the vines were so think you could swing from them and everywhere.  They had amazing foliage, trees, flowers, ferns, plants, etc….and everything was big due to all the rain they receive.

    One of the Trafalgar waterfalls in Dominica!

    One of the Trafalgar waterfalls at the end of our part of the hike.  You could actually bring your swimsuit and towels up to go swimming at the pool at the bottom of the waterfall.  It was gorgeous!

    Another waterfall in Dominica!

    This is the second waterfall, they call the two falls “twin waterfalls” because they come out of the mountain almost side by side.  There is only a little bit of greenery from the rain forest and lava rock between the two waterfalls.

    Crew at waterfall in Dominica!

    Here is our crew that went on this excursion.  We had fun hiking, looking at the amazing creation, and learning a lot of interesting facts about the Dominica rain forest.

    Trafalgar Falls

    A picture of the twin falls.  It was  hard to get a good angle to take a picture of the falls and it was raining.  The picture is pretty but the look, sound and everything was even more amazing.

    Rain forest in Dominica!

    Greenery in the rain forest.  There were a lot of beautiful plants and greenery on our hike.

    Fresh fruit in bloom in the rain forest of Dominica!

    It was not uncommon to see fresh fruit hanging from the trees in the rain forest and all over the island.  Some of the fruits I recognized while others I did not.

    Dominica Sulphur Springs bubbling!

    The sulphur springs hike was pretty quick and we didn’t spend a lot of time hanging out once we arrived.  If you don’t know anything about Sulphur Springs then you will be surprised by the smell.  It was neat to watch it bubbling for a few minutes but we were glad to get away from the stinky smell it creates.

    Sugar cane field in Dominica!

    On the way back down from our hike to the Sulphur Springs we noticed several sugar cane patches.  This patch had been picked and some of the stocks were laying down in the water.

    Sulfur Springs in Dominica!

    Here is a picture of the water from the Sulphur Springs running through the island.  It was a beautiful sight with the springs bubbling down through all the rain forest greenery.

    Dominica coast line!

    Dominica had a clean coast line.  This location had a sidewalk next to the road with some green grass and palm trees.  It was close to the port as you can see from the cargo crates in the background.

    Village in Dominica!

    Here is a picture of one of the villages on Dominica.  This one was built into the mountain where other villages closer to the heart of the rain forest were actually built in the valleys due to all the rain.

    Fishing boats off the coastline.

    Dominica has a lot of private and family fisherman.  The small boats in the picture above go out daily and catch fish and seafood right off the coast.  The ones not on the water are placed under a tin roof as shown in the picture above.

    Interesting sign at the beach!

    There were several signs on Dominica (and other islands) that made me laugh.  In case you cannot read it says “Management is not responsible for drugs sold to visitors. – by Vendors  They are not part of management.”  I think they maybe had some problems with this issue in the past.  Kind of sad they have to put out a big sign.

    Amber and Jeremy at beach.

    Amber and Jeremy swimming at Mero Beach in Dominica!  Amber, Jeremy, Jake and I swim for a couple hours while Mom and Dad relaxed on the beach.  It was fun hanging out, swimming, and relaxing for a little bit.  Although Amber never did get her dreadlocks done.

    Beautiful Mero Beach!

    We stopped at Mero Beach for a couple hours to relax and swim after we took our hikes to the waterfalls, rain forest, and Sulphur springs.  The water wasn’t as turquoise as some of the other islands because of all the volcanic rock and black sand beaches.  The was a little less salty here due to the all the rain forest water that dilutes the salt in the ocean.

    Dad and Mom at the beach in Dominica!

    Dad and Mom relaxing on the  beach under the shade of the palm trees while we went for a swim.

    Beautiful beach at Dominica!

    It is hard to see from the picture but Dominica had beautiful black sandy beaches.  The sand really sparkled in the sunlight.  It was neat to see and I had a couple cups worth of sand still on me when we got back on the ship, seriously, ask Jake, Amber or my room attendant!     I had a little stash of black sand that came out of my sandals once I made it back to our room!!!  I had a lot fun exploring Dominica, it is a beautiful island!

    A Vacation To Remember series is a reflection on our recent trip and ways we relaxed.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Go with a good attitude and looking for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Vacation: The Beautiful Island of Dominica

    Layou River (the longest and largest) in Dominica surrounded by all the amazing rain forest greenery, the picture doesn't even come close to capturing the real beauty.

    On the fifth day of our vacation we arrived in Roseau, Dominica.  It was a beautiful 80 degree day with a slight ocean breeze.  Our adventures in Dominica were both educational and enjoyable because we had such an great tour guide, Curtis!  He was patient with all our questions about the island, knowledgeable regarding the island’s history and he knew how to have an adventure with us.  His family owned a tour business on the island of Dominica.  The informational paper from the Royal Caribbean for today said “Where else in the Caribbean Islands can you find a lake that boils, a pool that shines like an emerald, and a sea that fizzes like champagne?”  Dominica was a beautiful island with a lot of great places to visit.  They have amazing rain forests, black sand beaches, volcanic activity, sulfur springs, and much more.  Dominica is also called “Nature Island of the Caribbean”.  Roseau is Dominica’s capital which was built by the French on top of an ancient Indian village.  The British took over the city, however, the French colonial characteristics are still found on the island.

    We got a quick tour of the entire island that day (we only had a day to explore before leaving port).  Dominica among many other things is known for their schools, several of the surrounding Caribbean will send students to Dominica to further their studies.  Our guide first took us to the rain forest when we arrived in the parking lot it was sunny and beautiful as we watched a man shelling coconuts with a machete in the back of his truck (he could do one coconut in a matter of seconds, pretty amazing to watch), Curtis told us that it was his wish that we would get the authentic experience of the rain forest with a light rain shower on our hike through the rain forest to the waterfalls.  We saw lush exotic plants that were several times larger then what we can grow in the USA, orange land crabs, beautiful trees, huge twin waterfalls cascading side by side out of deep gorges in the mountain and so much more.  The walk through the rain forest really did make you appreciate the beautiful creation and grateful for the opportunity to enjoy it.  Curtis’ wish came true…….halfway up the trail it started sprinkling, by the time we were heading down the mountain it was a pretty steady pour, however, with us being in the dense rain forest we didn’t get completely soaked because all the trees and vegetation blocked a lot of the down pour.

    Thankfully the rain had subsided before we arrived at our next stop the Sulfur Springs, it was a short hike up to the Springs.  On the way up we picked up a bag of freshly cut Sugar Cane and Coconut for $1 at a roadside stand.  You knew when you were getting closer to the Springs because of the smell.  Sulfur Springs have quite a stench to them but it was neat to see.  We watch the Springs bubbling for several minutes while eating our sugar cane and coconut then headed back down.  They had little roadside stores set up at the bottom of the springs selling local goods from fresh fruit, jewelry, soaps, and more.  It was actually the best prices we saw on the whole trip.  We picked up our magnet of Dominica and a couple small souvenirs for the girls.

    We ended our day on Dominica swimming at the black sand beaches.  The water was beautiful and with all the black volcanic rock you couldn’t see the bottom of the ocean like in some of the Caribbean Islands but I liked that it was unique.  One interesting fact about Dominica’s beaches was that the ocean water was less salty which we didn’t realize right away.  Anyone know why it was less salty……because of all the water from the rain forest coming down from the mountain into the ocean diluted it’s salt content.  Another interesting fact we learned in our adventures the locals tend to use more herbal plant medicines in lieu of going to the hospital as often and they have many people that frequently live well over 100 years old because of their healthy diet and tropical climate.  I cannot remember how many people Curtis said were currently well over 100 at the time but it was a lot for such a small island.  They have several active volcanoes on the islands which is the reason for the beautiful black sand beaches.  They are building a pipeline to channel (hydropower) some additional power for the island by using the rain forest.  The main industry, unlike some of the islands, is farming.  This was one place we noticed many of the local residents drinking directly from the rain forest streams and they are said to have wonderful water due to all the tropical rains, I decided to believe them on this one and not try to drink directly from the river myself.

    So if you are looking for a beautiful place to visit with lush rain forests, sulfur springs, great hikes, black sand beaches and the diluted salty water you should consider checking out Dominica!  We hope to go back someday to visit and explore Dominica even more!  Also if you are looking for a great tour guide let me know, we have Curtis’s contact information and email address so he can meet you as soon as your feet land on the island.  I will be sharing some pictures of our time in Dominica in a later post.  Below are a few extra facts on Dominica:

    • Dominica was the last of the Caribbean Islands to by colonized by the Europeans.  (The reason why was due to the resistance from the Caribs Indians, approximately 3,000 still live on Dominica and are the only pre-Columbian population remaining in the eastern Caribbean)
    • Location:  Caribbean, between the Caribbean Sea & the North Atlantic Ocean about halfway between Puerto Rico and the eastern Caribbean.
    • Land: 751 square km (the whole island is slightly more than 4 times the size of Washington, DC)
    • Climate: Tropical, moderated by the northeast trade winds; heavy rainfall
    • Terrain: Rugged Mountains of Volcanic Origin – Lowest Point is the Caribbean Sea 0 m and the Highest Point is the Morne Diablotins 1,447 m
    • Natural Resources: Timber, Hydropower, Arable Land.
    • Natural Hazards: Flash Flooding at various times and Hurricanes in the last summer
    • It is called “The Nature Island of the Caribbean” because of its spectacular, lush and variety of flowers and ferns, which are protected by the natural park.  The mountains of Lesser Antilles, its volcanic peaks are cones of lava craters which include Boiling Lake which is the 2nd largest thermally active lake in the world
    • Population: 72,813
    • Religions: Roman Catholic, Seventh Day Adventist, Pentecostal, Baptist, Methodist
    • Language: English (official), French Patois
    • Name: Commonwealth of Dominica
    • Government: Parliamentary Democracy
    • Capital: Roseau
    • National Anthem: “Isle of Beauty, Isle of Splendor”
    • Economy: Agriculture and Tourism – Major crops are bananas, citrus, mangos, root crops, coconuts, cocoa
    • Major Exports: bananas, soap, bay oil, vegetables, grapefruit, oranges

    A Vacation To Remember series is a reflection on our recent trip and ways we relaxed.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Go with a good attitude and looking for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

    Dominica facts from The World Fact Book

  • Vacation: “Sky Safari Zip Lining ” – Basseterre, St. Kitts (Part 2, Pictures)

    The following are some pictures from our day in Basseterre, St. Kitts!


    We arrived in Basseterre, St Kitts!

    We had a fun time exploring the capital of St Kitts.  Basseterre was a neat place to walk the streets and meet people.  They had monkeys you could take pictures with after getting off the port, if you wanted a picture with the monkey you had to pay $20.  You learn quickly to say “no, thank you” because there can be so many people asking for your attention.

    Dad getting an aloe massage!

    While the rest of us were walking through the shops Dad sat down for a few minutes at a table and ended up getting an aloe massage.  The guy said he looked 20 to 40 years younger after the massage, it was pretty funny to watch!

    Sailboat Cruise Ship, really neat!

    There was a sailboat cruise ship at Basseterre, St Kitts.  We encountered a lot of amazing boats during our vacation!

    Coca Cola appeared to be a universal soda of choice in many of the islands!

    Coke was a popular sign no matter where we went.  Here is one of their advertisements painted on the side of a building in St Kitts.

    Building a house in Basseterre, St Kitts!

    A construction crew working on a home.  Often times they would go ahead and run the pipes before building the next level that way they had a head start when they were ready to build again.

    Beach at Basseterre, St Kitts

    St Kitts had beautiful turquoise water and white beaches.  We didn’t make it to the beach that day because we went on the Sky Safari but we heard a lot of great feedback from other people on the ship.

    Catch of the day, Basseterre, St Kitts!

    The catch of the day!  The fish were almost as big as the fisherman carrying them.  One of the big industries in St Kitts is fishing.  These guys are rinsing off some of their fish they caught earlier that morning.

    We made it to our Sky Safari Zip Lining Adventure!

    We arrived at our excursion.  They took us by bus to the Sky Safari Zip Lining adventure!  It was a beautiful place and soooo much fun going on the zip lines.

    Standing in the Botanical Gardens overlooking the town and ocean!

    Amazing view while standing in the Botanical Gardens and overlooking the town and the ocean.  It was a breathtaking site, absolutely beautiful!

    Fresh coconut in Basseterre, St Kitts

    Fresh coconuts were hanging in the trees all over the island.  They had a spot where there were so many coconuts they just couldn’t eat them all.  Almond trees were in abundance as well.

    Beautiful flower in the Botanical Gardens, St Kitts!

    Beautiful flowers in the Botanical Garden in st Kitts!  They had interesting flowers, trees, and artists to see!

    Fresh Fruit on the trees in St Kitts!

    A tree loaded with fresh fruit, I think these were the goya fruits.  Very popular in the islands!

    Local artist in St Kitts demonstrating how she uses wax, paint and canvas to create her paintings.

    A local artist showing us how she does her paintings with wax and canvas.  Each color takes a day to paint and dry some paintings take days before they are complete.  Very interesting to watch.

    Flowers & Bench at the Botanical Gardens in St Kitts!

    Beautiful white bench with flowers peeking through at the Botanical Gardens on St Kitts!  They had plenty for flowers, plants, and trees to see or you could just relax on one of their benches.

    Neat "Wagon" Wheel Bench in St Kitts!

    I really thought this wagon wheel bench was pretty neat.  The Botanical Gardens had great stuff to see or you can take a moment to relax and enjoy the surroundings while we were visiting.


    A friend running past in the Botanical Gardens!

    We saw several lizard or iguana type animals during our excursions. Although it was neat to see them running around I was thankful they wanted to keep their distance from everyone.  I think our guide called them ground lizards.


    Old Sugar Mill in St Kitts

    Sugar Cane was once very popular industry on St Kitts (and many of the other islands).  This sugar mill was no longer active but was very neat seeing how they use to make the sugar from the cane.

    St Kitts form of Poison Ivy!

    This is St Kitts form of poison ivy, none of us volunteered to touch.  We decided to take our guides word for it on that one.  No one was wanting any type of poison ivy reaction on our vacation.

    Apples growing in St Kitts

    This is a St Kitts apple growing in their tree.  Almost everywhere you walked you could see fruit growing in trees.  Even though the apples are not the same as ours I am sure they are delicious.  They don’t eat the skin on their apples.


    Very thorny tree in St Kitts!

    This tree was near the Sugar Mill in St. Kitts, in the past it was said that when slaves first came to the islands they were tied up to these thorny tree for several days.  I didn’t even want to touch it because the thorns were so sharp, ouch!

    Jake's all geared up for the Sky Safari zip lining adventure!

    Jake all geared up and ready to go.  My handsome man helped me get all my gear on as well.  The hats and harness were pretty comfortable and everyone had a blast on the zip line.  Fun times together with family!


    Basseterre, St Kitts

    Goodbye Basseterre, St. Kitts hope to see you again!  It was wonderful spending a day with you and we enjoyed all the fun adventures on your island!

    A Vacation To Remember series is a reflection on our recent trip and ways we relaxed.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Go with a good attitude and looking for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Vacation: “Sky Safari Zip Lining ” – Basseterre, St. Kitts

    Sky Safari Zip Lining Adventure in St. Kitts, our gear is on and training complete, whose ready for some fun.....

    The fourth day of the cruise we stopped at Basseterre, St Kitts.  Basseterre is one of the oldest in the eastern Caribbean and was originally part of the French colony.  Then in 1727 the British made Basseterre the capital of St. Kitts.  The island is known for its rich volcanic soil, tropical climate, and almost 70 sugar plantations.  Although the peek years for sugar plantations have past you can still see the old plantations,  sugar cane fields, abandoned fortresses, city squares, and architectural structures.  The volcanoes are dormant on St Kitts and the mountains are a great place to take a hike.

    Our excursion today was AMAZING!!!  The whole group went on the “Sky Safari Zip Lining” adventure.  We went on a zip line that was 1,400 feet long,  25 stories above ground, and up to 40 plus miles per hour.  There were four zip lines all at different spots on the mountain.  On three of the zip lines we went one at a time and on the last line we raced a partner….I raced with Jake.  We both thought that Jake won but when we got the pictures it looked like I made it to the platform first, interesting!  The zip line clipped into a harness and was super easy to learn how to do.  On the way down we were up so high the boats in the ocean seemed tiny plus our feet were hitting the tops of trees as we flew along the zip lines, it was awesome!

    We had a blast in St. Kitts!  If you have a chance to go sometime, we definitely recommend you check out the Sky Safari Zip Lining.

    Facts about St. Kitts:

    • Sovereign: Queen Elizabeth II
    • Governor-General: Sir Cuthbert Sebastian
    • Prime Minister: Denzil Douglas
    • Capital: Basseterre, St. Kitts
    • Total area: 65 square miles
    • Population: 49,898
    • Monetary: East Caribbean dollars

    A Vacation To Remember series is a reflection on our recent trip and ways we relaxed.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Go with a good attitude and looking for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

    Information on St. Kitts found on Info Please.

  • Vacation: “Catamaran Adventure” on Philipsburg, St. Maarten

    Beautiful butterflies & flowers at Philipsburg, St. Maarten. This butterfly fluttered around us for several minutes before landing on this flower.

    During our recent trip we were able to stop by Philipsburg, St. Maarten!  Philipsburg is the capital of St. Maarten and on the Dutch side of the island.  the island is well known for it’s most popular “must-have” ingredient….SALT!  In the 17th century the Dutch settlers started harvesting the salt from Great Salt Pond and sending it by the ship load back to Europe.  The natives nicknamed the island “Soualiga” or “Land of Salt”.  Today the island is split with France owning the Saint Martin side and the Netherlands Antilles owning St. Maarten.

    The first wildlife to greet us upon arriving at the island was a beautiful little butterfly, it must have been one from the Butterfly Farm on St. Maarten sent to welcome us to their island.  St. Maarten has great “beach taxis” that will take you back and forth from the boat to the beach all day for $6.   If you are looking to spend the day at the beach this was a great deal plus you could come back to the boat for lunch then head back out to the beach for free as long as you still had on your wrist band.  St. Maarten is also a great place to shop and pick up some neat souvenirs for those back home.  Some of our group went to the beach that morning to swim, collect seashells and relax while others went strolling down through the town and shops.  It was a fun and relaxing morning at St. Maarten.

    That afternoon we all went on the “St Maarten Reef Express” which took us to two snorkeling locations.  On the way to our excursion we walked past a huge private boat, it was said to be Steven Spielberg’s private boat!  They had a lot of wind and storms that week so the water was a little cloudy but the weather was beautiful.  We were able to see some fish but didn’t get to go to the ship wrecks due to the cloudy water.  The food, drinks and ride along the beach were amazing.  We even got to see a plane almost land on the beach.  St. Maarten’s airport is located very close to the beach and when planes land they look like they are landing on the beach while people are enjoying their time sun tanning or swimming in the ocean.  Along our catamaran adventure we saw amazing boats, pastel homes, and were able to swim in its turquoise blue water.

    Here are a few fun facts about St. Maarten AKA St. Martin (depending on which side of the island you were on at the time!):

    • Official Name(s):  St. Martin – dependency of French overseas AND St Maarten – part of the Netherlands Antilles
    • Population of St. Maarten – 40,100
    • Capital of St Maarten – Philipsburg
    • Language of St Maarten – Dutch and English
    • Currency – Netherlands Antilles Florin (although US Currency is widely accepted)
    • Religions – Catholic, Protestant and Others
    • Land Mass – 13 square miles
    • Landforms – The island is known for its white sandy beaches and coves.  They have a lot of greenery in the hills and valleys of the island, the highest point of the island is 1,200 feet.  They do not have any significant rivers on the island.
    • Climate – warm throughout the year, the high temperatures vary just slightly between the seasons.

    Information taken from World Atlas

    In an later post we will share some of the pictures we took during our adventure on St Maarten.  If you ever have a chance to go to St Maarten we trust you will enjoy it as much as we did.  Maybe we will have the opportunity to visit and explore their beautiful island again in the future, you never know!

    A Vacation To Remember series is a reflection on our recent trip and ways we relaxed.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Go with a good attitude and looking for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!