• Fresh & Healthy: Community Supported Agriculture (Week 2)

    It is our second week receiving fresh produce from our CSA!  Our family purchased a half of share and will be receiving fresh produce, local honey, eggs and more for 20 weeks.  I plan to give an update on the items we receive from week to week.  Jake picked up this weeks goodies on his way back from Charleston, thanks handsome!!!

    Week 2 of Fresh Goodies from our CSA!

    Garden Veggies & Fresh Eggs!


    Items in our Basket this Week:
    • Bundle of Green Lettuce
    • Bundle of Purple Lettuce
    • Bundle of Wild Broccoli
    • Half a Dozen of Fresh Eggs
    • Stock of Collard Greens
    • Bag of Snap Peas – (most of these were eaten right after washing a few barely made it to the fridge)
    • Bundle of Parsley
    • Bundle of Scallions

    I am looking forward to eating these goodies this week!  Thanks everyone for the delicious Collard Green Recipes!!!  I think it was our first time having Collard Greens.  Our family has been eating a lot of salads and lettuce meals (tacos, wraps, etc…) with the lettuce from our garden and the CSA.  Do you have any amazing recipes to share that use a variety of fresh lettuce?

    To find out how you can be a part of a local CSA check out this post – Fresh & Healthy:  Community Supported Farms