• Working in the Yard & Building Bonfires

    We were planning on working in the yard and doing a bonfire.  As soon as we got into the yard it started to rain.  So we decided to take a little break and eat popsicles.

    Skipper hanging out with us too

    Skipper decided to stay and hang out with us.  Maybe she could get a nibble of a popsicle, ha!

    Toasty fire to warm us up

    We ended up doing a fire once the rain, thunder and lightening subsided.  It did sprinkle on and off but we still were able to pick a lot of  sticks and limbs off the yard to make our bonfire.

    Boiling water for hot chocolate

    We cooked the water for our hot chocolates on the stove since the bonfire was so hot.

    Karlie drinking her hot chocolate and watching the jiffy pop start popping

    Karlie enjoying her hot chocolate and fascinated by the jiffy pop.

    Brina munching on some freshly cooked jiffy pop!

    We made jiffy pop for a fun snack at the bonfire.  The girls and Skipper loved it!  It was both a productive and fun evening together with the family.

  • Cleaning Up the Yard & Spring Bonfire

    We are blessed to live in a wonderful area with a creek and woods.  While the trees provide shade they also are known for dropping branches occasionally.  Since we had some limbs piled up we decided to clean up the yard by building our first Spring bonfire.  The girls had fun gathering the twigs and branches in the yard and bringing them to the fire.  Once the fire was good and hot was roasted hotdogs, did a little more work collecting branches, followed by relaxing together and roasting marshmallows.

    Sweet Sisters and Best Friends having fun gathering twigs in the yard together!


    Brina loves hanging out with her puppy - Skipper!


    Karlie telling a story while Daddy cleans the wire for her hotdog.


    Bonfire conversations with the family!


    Daddy and the girls relaxing around the bonfire!

    Love spending time with my family.  We were able to get some work done in the yard and relax together.  It was awesome having some time to talk and make new memories with the kids!