• Josh & Megan’s Wedding Day Celebration (Mt Vernon, IN)


    Megan and Josh saying their vows!

    We were super excited to celebrate Josh and Megan’s big wedding day with them!  It was a beautiful wedding!  I am happy to welcome a sweet new sister into our family (now the girls side is even)!  Thankful that Josh found a godly and beautiful lady to share the rest of his life with too!  We took some candid photos throughout the wedding day that we are going to share here (we tried to stay out of the way of the photographer so a couple pictures you will noticed are off to the side).  Welcome to the family Megan!  We are thrilled to have you as a part of our rowdy crew! 🙂


    A picture of our crew before the wedding!


    Josh and my Dad talking in between pictures!  Still hard to believe my baby brother just got married, but thrilled for him.  We are all growing up and starting families of our own!


    My Dad, my oldest brother Jeremy with his beautiful wife Amber and their oldest son Nathan.


    Brina Bee


    Dad, Megan, Josh, and Mom taking their pictures!


    Megan and Josh with Josh’s parents and siblings!  This is definitely a “candid” shot as we are waiting for the photographer, ha!   Thankful for my parents and 3 brothers!  Even though we don’t always get together as much as we would like we have fun when we do get a chance.  Love you!


    My beautiful, sweet, loving Mom looking great as always!  Thankful for a Mom who loves unconditionally, is supportive, encouraging, always willing to listen, and who invests her time and energy not only in my life, but also into the lives of my kids too.  Love you Mom!


    Brina and Karlie were in charge of the guest book, programs as well as the gift and card table.  They took their jobs seriously and wanted to make sure EVERYONE signed the guest book (even to the point of hunting people down during picture time to make sure they signed it)!  🙂  Thankful for my girls and their caring spirits.


    Brina and Karlie watching Great Grandpa CE Hendrich sign the guest book!


    My younger brother Lee with his beautiful wife Becky!


    Two of my good looking nephews – Brandon and Nathan!  Brandon looks so serious, but I got a good smile from Nathan!


    Flower bouquet at the card and gift table!


    My cousin Renelle had these cowbells engraved with Josh and Megan’s name and my Uncle Rick and Rod attached them to their getaway vehicle.


    Megan’s siblings playing violins as the wedding guests arrive.  Michelle, Darren, Rachel (hard to see because of the candles), and Bruce.  Very talented musicians in Megan’s family!  They actually played their violins at my wedding over 14 years ago! 🙂


    Mason jars with candles along the runner up the aisle.


    Brina and Karlie’s sunflowers!  I see we are already missing a few petals!


    Megan’s Brother-in-law Todd bringing Grandma Willa and Grandpa CE up the aisle.


    My nephew Nathan escorting my Mom and Dad up the aisle.


    Part of the wedding party!  The dashingly handsome man standing up front on the right is my husband Jake, not only is he handsome, but also an amazing husband and Dad.  I am one lucky lady! 🙂


    Josh waiting patiently for Megan to come down the aisle!


    Megan looking beautiful as she walks down the aisle with her Dad!


    Josh all smiles!  The big day has arrived!


    Wedding ceremony!


    Saying their vows!


    They are officially married!  WooHoo!  Congratulations to my brother Josh and his new bride Megan!  Welcome to the family Megan!

  • Wishing You a Safe & Happy Thanksgiving

    Be Kind Be thoughtful Be genuine but most of All Be Thankful  Orange Inspiration and Color Theory / The English Room Blog

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Wishing you a truly amazing and safe Thanksgiving Holiday if you will be traveling to see family and friends!  I am thankful for the many wonderful blessings in my life.  This year we are thrilled to spend some time with our extended family over the Thanksgiving Holiday!  It is not every year we are able to get together for Thanksgiving!   We also get to celebrate with my youngest brother as he marries the love of his life this Thanksgiving weekend.  So many reasons to be thankful!

    I love this quote because even during the difficult times we can “be kind, be thoughtful, be genuine, but most of all be thankful”.  What a great reminder not just for Thanksgiving Day, but for everyday of our lives!

    photo credit