• Box Tops for School

    The girls are always on the look out for Box Tops for their school!  A couple months ago I spent an evening with the girls gluing all our box tops onto the sheets.  Every full  box top sheet (50 box tops per sheet) gave the girls an entry into a drawing and a little special toy.

    Since I have two kids I wanted to fill at least two sheets.  Each box top gives $0.10 cents to your child’s school so by filling up two pages our family would be helping the school get $10 to use.  Since it takes our family awhile to build up our stash of box tops I typically do this activity once a year, but when the girls went to bed we only had 88 box tops, we were still 12 short of filling up 2 sheets (100 box tops).  They were disappointed that we didn’t have enough for both sheets but went to bed hopeful.

    After the girls went to bed I went through the pantry looking for all the extra box tops still on the boxes of food.  And guess what!?  I found 12 more to put onto the sheet for them to take to school.  The girls were so excited to see the completed box top sheet on their bar stools at breakfast the next morning.  Love being able to make my girls smile, even if it means removing the box tops off the items still in the pantry.

    To get more information on Box Tops and how you (and your school can participate) can be found at Box Tops for Education.