• Thankful for Friendships & Beautiful Surprises!

    Flower Surprise - Sweet Friend

    Beautiful bouquet of flowers from a friend!

    I am thankful for friendships and for the amazing blessings in my life!  A sweet friend dropped this beautiful bouquet of flowers off at my house one evening with a card!  Her timing couldn’t have been more perfect….isn’t it awesome how God allows friends to time a surprise so perfectly!!!  It was one of those crazy busy days and I was trying to balance all the activities that were going on with our family as well as prepare for some upcoming events.  I was in the middle of working with the girls on homework, making dinner, picking up the house, making lunches for the following day, among a handful of other tasks when the doorbell rang.  When I heard the doorbell  I didn’t think too much of it because I  figured it was probably just the neighbor kids wanting to play.  Jake was home and on a phone call, but he was the first one to the door.  He brought back these beautiful flowers which totally surprised me and made my day!!!!


    Love fresh flowers!

    Even though it has been over two weeks since these flowers arrived on my doorsteps they are still in the vase on the table!  I think God has allowed these flowers to remain beautiful so long to continue to remind me of his goodness and the blessings of friendships.    I have only  pulled out a couple flowers that were wilting, but several still look amazing!  The best part about these beautiful flowers is every time I look at them I am reminded of my sweet and thoughtful friend who delivered them to me.

    Friendships are a wonderful blessing in our lives.  They take time to cultivate and grow much like flowers.  God allows us the opportunity to walk through this journey with special people we call friends.  Friendship also means we have the joy of celebrating the good times with our friends as well as spending extra time in prayer as a friend goes through a rough patch.  Everyone needs these types of friends to laugh with during the joyous moments and encourage you when it seems like your stuck in a whirlwind.

    Every time I see these flowers or smell their refreshing fragrance when I walk into the room I am reminded of my friendship and take a moment to pause and pray specifically for that friend.  I pray for her to have the strength, wisdom, and energy she needs to walk through her day.  I may not know what challenges she faces each moment or joys she experiences throughout the day, but I can still lift her up in prayer knowing that God knows what she’s facing today and He alone can give her exactly what she needs.

    Thanks Dee for the beautiful flowers, your friendship, and for walking this journey of life alongside me!  May we always continue to grow ever closer to our Savior.  You are a true blessing in my life!  Thanks sweet friend for the beautiful surprise!