• Flashback Friday: Naps with Tigger

    Flashback Friday - Sleeping Brina and Karlie hugging little Tigerc

    Brina sleeping soundly on her boppy with Tigger!

    Today’s Flashback Friday takes us back 10 years ago.  The girls were only a couple months old.  They were great nappers and would sleep pretty much anywhere (from their cribs, swings, boppies, pack-n-plays, and other random locations).  We usually rotated them to different spots to take naps so they got used to sleeping anywhere in the house.  At night we would always put them to bed in their cribs, but were more flexible with their napping locations.  Looking back on it they were awesome travelers because of this too.  They could sleep at anyone’s house or a hotel and it never bothered them the least bit. Probably their favorite place to sleep was their swings, they LOVED their swings!!!

    There is something so peaceful about a little one that is sleeping.  So thankful for these two little ones.  It doesn’t seem like that long ago they were rolling around on the floor, taking naps throughout the day, and playing with the little Tigger toys.  The years have went by quickly, but I am grateful for these precious moments.

    Karlie sleeping with her Tiger buddycKarlie on her boppy with Tigger on her tummy and her foot sticking out of her clothes.  She had a way of wiggling her toes out of the closed-toed outfits!