• CONGRATULATIONS to Our Barnes & Noble Gift Card Winner!

    The name has been drawn for the giveaway!



    for winning a

    Barnes & Noble Gift Card!

    Thanks for making a comment in honor of our Giveaway!

    An email has been sent to you with more information*

    Enjoy your next trip to Barnes & Noble!

    Also, Lynette received an extra 5 bonus entries into the drawing for having the closest guess regarding the number of books on the new bookshelf Jake made for the girls.  The actual number of books on the bookshelf when the picture was taken was 834!  Yes, I counted every book on the shelves.  Our family loves books!  Thanks for entering and being the closest Lynette! 🙂

    *Giveaway must be claimed within 5 business days of the prize being announced.  Failure to claim the prize within the allotted time frame means you forfeit the prize.  The actual gift card may or may not be identical to the one pictured above.

  • Giveaway: $10 Barnes & Noble Gift Card

    I am excited to announce a new giveaway on Blessings Multiplied!   The winner of this giveaway will receive a $10 Barnes & Noble Gift Card!  The best part about this card is you can use it for books, educational items, games, puzzles, and much more.  Summer is quickly approaching and you may want to get a book for an upcoming family vacation!  We love to read in our house so any trips to a book store are considered fun and relaxing for all of us.  Here’s how to enter the giveaway:

    Enter the Giveaway (up to 5 entries per person)!

    1. Sign up to follow my blog (if you haven’t done so already) and leave a comment below telling us how you follow Blessings Multiplied.  Put a separate comment for each way you follow Blessings Multiplied (Email, Twitter, or Facebook) plus an extra entry for your bonus answer!   Each comment counts as an entry into the giveaway.
    •  Sign up to receive Blessings Multiplied via email
    • Follow on Twitter – @BlessMultiplied
    • Like us on Facebook – BlessingsMultiplied
    • BONUS – you can get a bonus entry into the drawing if you leave a separate comment below sharing what type of items you enjoy picking up at Barnes & Noble.
    • EXTRA BONUS – My husband recently built a book shelf for the kids birthday!  The kids love having their own book shelf in their room and can be found reading quietly next to the shelf several times throughout the week!  You can get extra bonus entry by making a guess on how many books we have on the kids book shelf (picture below).  The person who gets closest to the actual number of books on the shelf will get an additional 5 entries into the drawing!  🙂

    All comments must be made by May 31, 2013 at 10:00 PM EST to be entered into the drawing.  Good Luck!

    The actual gift card may or may not be identical to the one pictured above.