• CONGRATULATIONS to Our 5 “Money Saving Mom’s Budget” Book Winners!

    The names have been drawn for the giveaway!


    Melissa Donovan


    Brooke Butcher

    Lisa Smith

    Angela W

    for winning a copy of

    Money Saving Mom’s Budget by Crystal Paine!

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    Enjoy Reading Your Next Book!

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    *Giveaway must be claimed within 5 business days of the prize being announced.  Failure to claim the prize within the allotted time frame means you forfeit the prize.

  • Book: “Money Savings Mom’s Budget” by Crystal Paine

    I had the privilege of reading a preview copy of Crystal Paine’s first book “The Money Saving Mom’s Budget: Slash Your Spending, Pay Down Your Debt, Streamline Your Life, and Save Thousands a Year” which will be released on January 10, 2012!  I have been following Crystal’s blog Money Saving Mom for several years now and was thrilled to receive a copy of her new book to review.  As I expected the book was full of practical advice on life, home management, and finances.   Crystal discusses tips and resources that have worked well for her family as well as some of the challenges she has experienced along the way.

    In the book Crystal shares a step by step process to financial success through seven rules:

    • Rule #5 – USE COUPONS
    • Rule #6 – NEVER PAY RETAIL

    She has these rules broken out over 12 months so you can focus on one at a time and within a year you may see amazing results in your personal life as well as with your family finances.   I like that Crystal gives manageable steps for someone starting out and challenges to those who are already practicing some of the principles in her book.  In the back of the book she gives worksheets to help get you started on your goals, priorities, budget, and more.  By making just a few changes you may start seeing positive results in your life right away.

    I wear many hats throughout the week, however, if my priorities and life are a mess I will not have any time or resources leftover to help others.  This book helps you streamline your life, household, and finances so you can be a blessing to your family, friends and to the people around you.  Her quote “Stop trying to do it all” rang loud and clear when I read it.  As women for some reason we feel like we have to be SuperMom or Superwoman yet we often fail because we cannot do everything.  When our priorities are in order we will have the time to focus on things that truly are important.

    Crystal wraps up the book perfectly by addressing her final rule, “Choose Contentment”.  This chapter was my favorite, it is a good reminder to practice contentment in all areas of our lives.  No matter what the circumstances are there is ALWAYS much to be thankful for in my life.  “Choose to bloom where you’re planted – even if it seems like it’s among thorns.”

    I am super excited to see how implementing a few key rules can make a positive impact in my family and hope to share them with you along the way.  The Money Saving Mom’s Budget is a practical, encouraging, and motivating book.  It would be a perfect gift for your Mom friends, graduates, or as a wedding gift.

    The best part…..is that all the profit for the sale of this book are going to Compassion International.  Compassion International is an organization that helps to feed and clothe needy children around the world.  You can pre-order The Money Saving Mom’s Budget by Crystal Paine now at Amazon it’s $11.09 right now, with a price-guarantee that if the price goes down any between when you order and the release date, you’ll get the lowest price. Plus you can get free shipping with your Amazon Mom account.

    Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes from the publisher.  The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”