• Yes, I am Still Here!

    A big “THANKS” to all of you who have checked in with me to make sure everything is okay since it has been rather quiet on my blog the past few weeks! 🙂 Yes, I am still around.  Summer was a fun, but a very busy time for our family.  I think the four of us were only home together three weekends the entire summer break.  We had  a lot of travel and other activities going on.   It got to the point where I had to make a decision on what my priorities were going to be and I chose to make the best of the last few weeks of summer break (and the first few of the new school year) by spending more time with my family.

    God has been working in my heart and life over the past few months.  A lot has been going on with our family, good stuff, however, even the best things take time and energy.  A few weeks ago as I was being pulled in so many directions my husband kindly suggested that I “pick my priorities and let some of the other stuff go” at least for a little while until life calms down more. I took his advice and invested more of my energy into my family as the kids were gearing up to go back to school.

    I have truly missed blogging and interacting with everyone online, but the extra time with my family was precious and the memories that were made during our time together was so worth it.  While I hope to get back into more regular blogging I am going to try to take it easy and not stress if I don’t have a post up at least 6 days a week.  It is my goal to post “regularly” just not necessarily “daily.”

    Hope life has been treating all of you well! I am looking forward to sharing with you some of our recent activities and adventures soon. A lot has happened over the past few weeks!  Thanks for hanging in there with me.