• Kids Day at THE AG: Framers Who Were Farmers Constitution Day

    U.S. Constitution

    The girls earned their Jr. Historian Badges for Framers Who Were Farmers – U.S. Constitution Event

    On September 17th every year we celebrate Constitution Day!  Back on September 17, 1787 a total of 42 of the 55 delegates held their final meeting at the Constitutional Convention.  It was the day they signed the Constitution of the United States of America!

    Shortly after Constitution Day we attended an event at the Bart Garrison Agricultural Museum.  The event was called Kids Day at THE AG: Framers Who Were Farmers.  It was for students in 4th to 7th grades.  They had activities, role playing, field work, and discussions pertaining to the U. S. Constitution.  They covered information such as:

    • The Preamble
    • Separation of Powers
    • History, Framers, and Impact of the U.S. Constitution
    • Declaration of Independence
    • Articles of Confederation
    • Bill of Rights

    Constition Day - Framers that Were Farmers - On the Farm Event

    Staff dressed up as James Madison.  Discussion on the U.S. Constitution.

    The Founding Fathers used scientific inventions and various forms of farming techniques.  Some of the men who signed the Constitution were farmers, a few of them were:

    • George Washington
    • James Madison
    • Charles Pinckney
    • Charles Cotesworth Pinckney
    • Thomas Jefferson
    • Benjamin Franklin

    There were several things the farmers experienced such as depletion of soil nutrients, purchasing local produce and crops, local insects, trees, vegetation, and being self-supportive farms.

    Some of the activities the kids did at the event were discussing the Constitution.  Designing a poster.  Experimenting with soil and the nutrients in it.  Planting some seeds and recording their findings.  The kids received a Jr. Historian Pin and a U.S. Constitution pocket guide.    The girls had a lot of fun learning about the U.S. Constitution, activities, and experiments.


    Timeline include French & Indian War, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, American Revolution, Constitutional Conventional, Bill of Rights, and more!

    U. S. Constitution

    Brina’s poster!


    The poster Karlie made at the event!

  • Travel & Vacation: Exploring Boston – Freedom Trail, Swan Boats, Trolley Rides, Harbor Tour, and Cheers


    One of the markers along the Freedom Trail in Boston!

    Our next stop was Boston, Massachusetts!    The hotel we were staying at was a few miles from downtown Boston so we walked across the street and a couple blocks to catch the subway or MBTA as it is called in Boston.  We rode into town with a lot of people going to work.  The girls were quite amazed by all the people who were packed into the subway.  I didn’t get any pictures in the actual subway because I didn’t want to be rude.  It was an interesting experience.  The girls were curious how people could sleep on the subway because they may miss their stop.

    Exploring Boston MA

    Our first adventure required walking, but it was really interesting – the Freedom Trail!  We decided to go with a  guided group along the Freedom Trail.  The girls enjoyed hearing all the history!


    Brina on the green in front of Massachusetts State House!


    Granary Burying Ground was first used in 1660 and is the place where several historical people are buried.

    • Paul Revere – the girls are sitting by the marker for Paul Revere who was a silversmith and one of the midnight riders sent to warn that the British were coming during the American Revolution.
    • John Hancock – Governor of Massachusetts and one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence
    • Samuel Adams – organized the Sons of Liberty, signed the Declaration of Independence, and was a governor of the Commonwealth.
    • James Otis – a lawyer in Massachusetts who said “Taxation without representation is tyranny.”
    • Five Victims of the Boston Massacre, Peter Faneuil, and the parents of Benjamin Franklin


    Boston’s Old City Hall


    Walking along the Freedom Trail in Boston.  A lot of history and fascinating facts.  You can go through the trail on your own or take a guided tour.


    Karlie found an interesting place to sit while listening to the guide talk.  The Freedom Trail is fascinating, but it does require a decent amount of walking which means when there was an opportunity to rest the girls took it!


    Back on the Trolley!  We rode the trolley in Boston too!  It was actually the same company that we went on in Washington, DC.


    We went on the Swan Boats!  The girls loved it!


    My bench partner on the swan boat.  She was much more interested in looking at the wildlife than at the camera!


    Daddy and Karlie on the swan boat!


    A Boston Harbor Cruise was included in our Old Town Trolley tickets.  It was really cool seeing Boston from the harbor.  While on the harbor cruise we were able to relax, soak in all the cool views, and listen to them talk about Boston.


    Brina enjoying the harbor cruise!


    Having fun in Boston!


    A view of downtown Boston from the harbor!


    It was windy, but we still had a grand time!


    Hanging out with my Karlie girl!


    Another view of Boston from the harbor.


    By the end of the day we were hot, tired, and ready to dinner.  We chose Cheers because it was nearby and it is only located in Boston.  The food was good and the company was even better.

    We did a lot for one day in Boston!  It was a great day packed with a lot of neat history and cool sights.  Thankful for an opportunity to hang out and have fun with my family.

  • Free eBook: “The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin” by Benjamin Franklin

    You can download a free eBook The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin for your Kindle.  The price to download is currently $0.00 (although the price may change at any time, please confirm amount prior to downloading).  The ebook is specifically for Kindles, however, you can click here and download the free application that allows you to read Kindle ebooks on your PC.