• Travel & Vacation: Beautiful Flowers & Busy Bees (Charleston, SC)


    Busy Bee going after some juicy pollen on this purple flower.

    We enjoy going to Charleston, South Carolina.  No matter what time of year you go there always seems to be beautiful flowers in bloom or planted ones in window sills.  On this particular day the girls were playing at the Pirate Park on Daniel Island and we took a stroll through downtown Charleston later that day.  There were a lot of pretty flowers in bloom and busy bees collecting nectar on this warm sunny day.


    The bees were pretty active getting nectar from the purple flowers.


    Purple flower in the park


    The bee has almost it’s entire body in the flower trying to gather the nectar. You just see his back half sticking out of the middle of the flower.


    Pretty yellow flowers


    Walking through downtown Charleston you will see plenty of beautifully decorated window boxes.

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Welcoming the Beautiful Spring Season!


    Bringing in Spring with my two chickies!

    Spring is my FAVORITE Season!  I love that everything starts looking fresh, bright, and beautiful.  The new flower buds and leaves start growing.  There are bright green grass blades peeking up out of the soil.  Brilliant shades of colors start appearing around us through the flowers.  People begin prepping for planting their gardens.   You start noticing more fresh produce in the stores and farmers markets.  There are noticeably more animals scurrying through the yard and many with new little ones in tow.  You start feeling more of the warm sunshine rays hitting you.  Everything just seems more cheerful.  It’s just a fresh and fun time of year.  I absolutely love it!

    The start of Spring also signifies that we have made a lot of progress through the school year too.  It’s time to really start thinking and planning our summer activities and adventures.  I am thankful for my family and always look forward to our extra time together.  What are your plans for this Spring Season?


    We are planning a lot of fun activities for this Spring!

    Happy Spring Brina and Karlie

    Karlie and Brina are ready for Spring!

  • Thankful for Family & Friends

    Flowers from Lee and Becky

    Beautiful flowers from my brothers family!

    A big thank you my sister-in-law Becky and my brother Lee for the beautiful flowers, dinner, and stopping by to see me this week!  Their thoughtfulness brightened my day!  It was great getting a chance to catch up, get a little fresh air, and see my sweet nephews play for a few minutes.  Thankful for my family and friends!

    It’s been a wild month, who knew how much a herniated disc in the neck clamping down on the nerves could cause so much pain in multiple areas of my body!?   I am thankful for the doctors who figured out what was wrong, what was causing the shooting pains down my neck, back, left arm, and numbness in my left fingers this past month. I am not a big fan of doctors or hospitals, but praying that the epidural steroid shot in my neck earlier this week will fix it so I can get back to life as normal.  I had the fun side effect of nausea, dizziness, and vomiting with the shot as well so that has been a challenge this week.  The ceiling fans spinning, people walking by, reading, and even the TV would make me sick.  A box of no-salt saltines, tums, a little bit of rice, and a couple of other bland foods have gotten me through the last few days.  The good news is food is starting to smell good again and the room isn’t spinning anymore so hopefully that it is good sign.

    I want to thank my family and friends who have been going through this journey and praying with me.  Your notes, texts, emails, messages, and calls have been huge encouragement during this time. I am truly grateful for my amazing husband, Jake, who insisted that we continue going to the doctor until they were able to figure out the cause of the pain and who has pitched in helping me, driving me to the hospital/doctor appointments, helping around the house, cooking, cleaning, running errands, grocery shopping, taking care of the kids, balancing a very busy work schedule, and so much more.  He has been such a blessing and encouragement during this time. I love him so much!  The girls have been a big help around the house, pitching in when needed, giving me hugs, making their own school lunches, and taking good care of me too. I am a blessed!

    Although, it has been a little extra crazy this past month it has made me slow down and reflect on my own heart and life.  God is good all the time.  We may never know why exactly we have to go through times of pain, but He ultimately is in control and can use it for His good.  The medicines have helped some with the pain, but they have also made me a lot more tired and foggy feeling.  Daily activities and multi-tasking have been more frustrating and helping the kids with homework has been very stressful while taking the meds.  The kids especially have noticed a few things I missed or have not done correctly during this past month.  I know that it has taken a toll on them too.  Praying that the treatment I am doing now works so I can get back to taking care of myself and my family again.

    Karlie told me a couple days ago “I am tired of you being broken Mom!” Me too kiddo!