• Lychee Exotic Tropical Fruit


    Lychee Exotic Tropical Fruit!

    Jake surprised us again one evening by bringing home another exotic tropical fruit for us to try.  One of his co-workers brought this fruit to work.  This time we tried the Lychee which is an exotic tropical fruit from Asia.  The fruit is covered in a leathery skin with a bumpy texture.  The skin was a  brown, green, and pink color.  It was about 1 inch big and shaped like a rounded heart.

    The inside of the fruit is a translucent white.  It is sweet, juicy, and delicious!  The tastes is like a cross between a grape and pear.  Lychee’s texture is similar to an inside of a grape.  The fruit contains vitamin C and other healthy nutrients.  In the middle of the fruit is a dark brown oval seed.  If you haven’t tried the lychee before I recommend trying it at least once.  We thought it was tasty!  You can usually find them at your local Asian grocery store.


    Peel of the Lychee fruit!  Such beautiful coloring on the skin!


    The edible part of the lychee fruit!


    The seed found inside the lychee fruit!

  • Longan Dragon’s Eye Exotic Fruit

    Asian Fruit

    Longan Dragon’s Eye Exotic Fruit sliced open and ready to be peeled.

    Jake brought home a Longan Dragon’s Eye Exotic Fruit for us to try.  One of his co-workers brought the fruit to work.  It is an Asian fruit.  The outside has a light brown skin that feels like leather.  The white inside fruit tasted like a sweet grape.  There is a dark black seed in the center.  The white fruit and black seed are what gives it the “Dragon’s Eye” nickname!  The girls thought it was great!  It’s suppose to be really healthy for you too!


    Peeling the Dragon’s Eye


    The Dragon’s Eye fruit and the skin!


    Here’s the dragons eye, ready to be eaten!


    The seed!