• Travel & Vacation: Touring Fort Sumter in Charleston, SC


    Arriving at Fort Sumter

    The last time we visited Charleston, South Carolina we were able to go to Fort Sumter.  The construction began on Fort Sumter in 1840’s it was slow work, but they put down over 7 million bricks for the 5 foot thick outer walls which were 50 feet above the water level.  When the American Civil War started Fort Sumter was almost complete.   On April 12, 1861 the Confederate soldiers located at Fort Johnson fired the first shot at Fort Sumter.

    Fort Sumter was bombarded for over 30 hours and over 3,000 shells being shot at the fort.  Citizens from Charleston watched the cannons fire on Fort Sumter from their rooftops.  After a couple of days of bombardments the Union Army led by Major Anderson surrendered to General Beauregard of the Confederate Army.


    Welcome to Fort Sumter!


    Looking through one of the cannon portholes.


    Jake and the girls.


    Hanging out at Fort Sumter.


    Brina standing on top of Fort Sumter!


    Exploring Fort Sumter!


    Our family at Fort Sumter!  It was a rainy day, but we managed to miss most of the raindrops and had a grand time!


    On top of Fort Sumter!


    Getting ready to leave Fort Sumter, right before a big rain storm hit.  Perfect timing!

  • Travel & Vacation: H.L. Hunley Submarine in Charleston, SC


    H.L. Hunley Submarine!

    A few years ago they found the H.L. Hunley Submarine off the coast of Charleston and have been restoring it in the Warren Lasch Conservation Center.  Last year the girls learned about the Hunley in Social Studies and wanted to go see it.  They were very excited because we got to visit the Hunley on our recent trip to Charleston.  They are still in the process of restoring the Hunley so you have to look through an observation glass to see it, but there are a lot of neat items to see and learn about!

    The H. L. Hunley is a neat piece of history because it was first submarine to sink an enemy vessel.  It sunk the U. S. S. Housatonic in 1864 during the American Civil War.  Unfortunately after it sunk the U.S.S. Houston the Hunley nor it’s crew could be found until just a few years ago.  The scientists are still working to preserve the Hunley and there are several different opinions about why the H. L. Hunley disappeared.


    Karlie peeking out one of the hatches!


    There were two hatchways on the Hunley – one in the front and one in the back.  They were only about 20 inches by 14 inches big (which would be about like trying to fit through a tire).  Not very big!


    Trying to power the replica of the Hunley by turning the bars in the submarine!  Man-powered submarine!


    They got Jake to help power the submarine!


    Digging for the gold coin!


    Looking at the actually H. L. Hunley while it is in the cleaning tank!


    Another picture of the Hunley in the tank!


    Learning about the Hunley!


    A fun family adventure!


    Lieutenant George Dixon’s gold coin!  George Dixon’s girlfriend gave him this gold coin during the Civil War.  At the Battle of Shiloh, George Dixon was shot, but the gold coin stopped the bullet and saved his life.  He was said to be carrying it the day he went on the H. L. Hunley and it was one of the artifacts discovered when they brought the Hunley out of the water.


    Brina powering the submarine!


    Brina having fun learning about the Hunley submarine!


    Karlie all smiles and soaking in the information!


    Fun times with the kids!