• CVS: Allegra 180 (30 Count) for $2

    For those of you who are suffering along with me during this heighten pollen season there is a way to get relief without breaking your budget.  I was able to get Allegra 180 (which I used to take with a prescription) for $2.83 without using any of my ECB’s from previous purchases.

    Here’s how you get it:

    • Buy 1 Box of Allegra 180 (30 count) on sale at CVS this week for $18.83
    • Use $5.00 coupon for Allegra you receive by scanning your at the in store kiosk
    • Use $4.00 coupon for Allegra you receive by scanning your at the in store kiosk (I was able to use both store coupons, so go ahead stack them)
    • Use $2.00 Allegra Manufacturer’s Coupons Attached to the in store displays (Walgreens also has $2 off coupons on their displays), take one and use it when you check out
    • Receive a $5 ECB back with your purchase

    Our originally the Allegra 180 for a month was $18.83 but by using and stacking the 3 coupons plus the ECBs.  You can’t beat $2 for allergy medicine for 30 days.  If you are like me you may only have to use it once in awhile so it could last you even longer.  Make sure to always scan your card at the in store kiosk whenever you can.  I make it a habit to do it each time I am in the store, sometimes I use the coupons and other times I don’t but it doesn’t hurt to check it out!

    Another great way to help with allergies is buy local honey and have a teaspoon twice a day.  Most of the year I do great but during high pollen season I can really get stuffy and my eyes start itching.

    When you shop the CVS sales regularly and have ECB’s that you can roll over toward future purchases the bonus ECB’s start adding up (Green Bag Tags and Beauty Club).  As you can see from my shopping trip today you don’t have to purchase a lot to save money when shopping at CVS.  Plus you can use the additional ECB’s you receive towards your next purchase.  You can pick and chose what is best for your family.

    I would love to hear your CVS shopping story for this week!  For those of you who shop regularly at CVS please share how you were able to save this week!  Although the weekly ad sales are similar every family and situation is different so you may have found items better suited to your household.  In your comment please feel free to share a link to your blog article showing us how you were able to save shopping at CVS.


  • Life Simplified: No Grocery Shopping (February Update)

    Now that we are almost through February 2011 you may be wondering how I am doing with my No Grocery Shopping Month Challenge.   I am wrapping up week 8 of my “No Grocery Shopping” goal.   This month has been harder because the pantry and freezer are getting lower but for the most part I have been doing well as long as I do my menu planning ahead of schedule.  When I go over what I am going to make for supper that morning, check for the ingredients, and have a plan everything goes so much smoother. Here are my criteria for purchasing any grocery items over the last 8 weeks:

    • FREE – I don’t want to waste free grocery coupons that my family will use while doing this goal
    • Necessity – Milk, Eggs, Bread, etc…
    • For Someone Else outside of my household. For example I make meals for new Moms in our church and if I need to pick up an item for them on the way to deliver a meal that will be an exception.

    Although with all that being said I did have to purchase a few items not really within my guidelines for one meal recently.  I was in charge of making our Community Group meal at church last Wednesday, we have an average of 16 to 20 people on Wednesday night.  While we still have plenty to feed our family of four, I did pick up a couple items from the store to make the meal last week since there are people in the group that have food allergies and I wanted to make sure I had items that they could eat.  The extra items that were not in my guidelines were:

    • Bananas which I bought at Save A Lot | Rite Aid for $0.19 a pound to make homemade banana pudding, it was delicious!
    • 2 lb bag of Green Giant Potatoes for $2.49 to make homemade potato soup, my friends recipe!  You can find more of her great recipes at Reflecting on the Simple Things in Life!
    • 1 cup Heavy Cream for homemade potato soup
    • 1 onion for $0.68 for the homemade beef stew

    So now you know that I didn’t entirely hit my goal of no grocery shopping except for necessities.  When I first set the No Grocery Shopping challenge I was hoping to get through the month of January, the fact that I plan to make it to the first few days into March with only a few extra purchases during the challenge is a huge win (at least for me).  In the month of February the only other groceries I have purchased are:

    • 5 gallons of Milk
    • 2 packages of Cheese
    • 1 Loaf of Bread

    For the most part the No Grocery Shopping challenge went fairly well.  I spent a little over $19 (including tax) for the month of February on grocery necessities.   We even did extra activities during this time of cutting back.  Doing this challenge may seem silly to some but it has made a huge impact on my way of thinking.  It has been a wonderful learning experience and made me appreciate how many blessings we have in our lives.  I hope to do a similar challenge in the future to help remind me of the importance of saving as well as using the items we have on hand.  Even with the challenge we were still able to participate in several extra events in February while only using items in our freezer or pantry:

    • Hosted Guests in our Home
    • Made food for a Super Bowl Party
    • Brought Treats to the Girls Valentine’s Party
    • Brought Cupcakes and Drinks to the Girls Birthday Party for School
    • Had Snacks for Girls Night

    I do have to say that I had a hard time buying the few extra items that I purchased this month……I felt guilty buying extra food during this challenge especially when I know we still have plenty.  I am grateful for an amazing husband and two wonderful kids who put up with me throughout this adventure.  It is my plan to try and make it through the first few days of March (only 1 more week) with this goal, which will be 9 weeks of only shopping for the necessities (with a few hiccups in the mix). I want to thank everyone for all the support and encouragement along the way.  One of the BIGGEST ways that helped keep me accountable is that I knew people were watching, reading and commenting on the blog.  Thanks for being a part of my life and helping me at least feel like I touched a finger tip on my goal.

    So what’s next!!!!  In the next few days I will be sharing with you my next Grocery Shopping Goal, don’t worry it won’t be as extreme, however I want to continue to utilize the stockpile we still have and not waste what God has given us.  With this new challenge it will allow me the freedom to Grocery Shop for the family yet stay within a budget, PLUS perks!  Stayed tuned as I unveil what is coming up next and if your up to it you can join me in the next adventure!

    Life Simplified is a series on getting rid of the extras in our life while learning how to enjoy what God has given us so we can continue to be a blessing to others.  Our homes can quickly start are bursting with “stuff”  and if you are like us we just have too much.  I am doing a series on ways we are learning to simplifying our food, homes, and lives.  When our hearts, lives, and homes get too cluttered we may start missing out on opportunities to serve and bless the people around us.

    Photo by Little Blue Hen

  • Recipe: Caramel Party Mix (Gluten Free Snack)

    In a conversation recently I realized that we have several acquaintances that have various food allergies.  A couple years ago my friend Ashley made this recipe for a Christmas gift and it was delicious.  With the Holidays and parties quickly approaching this is a great recipe for those who have a Gluten Free diet.  It has only 5 ingredients and easy to make.

    Caramel Party Mix

    • 2 sticks of Butter
    • 2 cups of Brown Sugar
    • 1/2 cup of Kairo Syrup
    • 1 teaspoon of Baking Soda
    • 1 box of Corn (or Rice) Chex Cereal (you can use the off brands too)

    Put the whole box of cereal in a microwavable bowl.  Bring the butter, brown sugar, and kairo syrup to a boil.  Boil for one minute.  Make sure to stir constantly when boiling so it doesn’t burn.  After boiling for 1 minute add the baking soda.  Pour the mixture over the box of Corn (or Rice) cereal.  Microwave everything 1 1/2 minutes, take it out, stir, and microwave again.  Do this step 3 times.  It will evenly distribute the mixture and coat the cereal.  Lay the mix out on wax paper or the counter and let set.

    Optional: You can add pretzels, pecans, almonds, cranberries or whatever you want to the mix. (If you want it to remain gluten free do not add pretzel as pictured above, however, you can add nuts if they do not have any nut allergies)

    My husband loves this plain without any extras in it.  When we have it at a party it goes quickly.  If you are looking to for another delicious Party Mix recipe to give away as a gift or share at a party check out Ashley’s Recipe for Puppy Chow!  It is another one our family favorites!