• Travel & Vacation: Dinner and A Show

    Brina listening intently to the conversation…completely forgetting that it is not ladylike to put her knees up on the table!

    We spent the day heading over to Grand Cayman, exploring the island, taking a boat ride out to swim with the stingrays and snorkeling.  After we were back on the ship for the night we went to the Family Arcade Night, ate dinner, and went to the evening show before officially crashing for the day.  It was a fun day packed full of wonderful memories for the entire family!

    It was a super fun filled day.  Karlie crashed for a power nap in her seat at dinner.  Although she did perk up again when they brought the dessert menus around. 🙂

    Happy Birthday to my little brother Josh!  It was great getting a chance to celebrate with him this year.  Earlier that day we went swimming with the stingrays so that’s not something we get to do everyday!

    Nicko enjoying his dessert, a chocolate chip cookie.  Watch out for Cookie Monster!

    Karlie all smiles and now awake!

    Nicko decided to try and pick all the chocolate chips out of the chocolate chip cookies.  Too funny!

    Daddy and his girls heading to the show!

    They got front row balcony seats with the birthday boy – Uncle Josh

  • Travel & Vacation: Adventure Ocean’s Family Arcade Night

    Found a fun one to play together!

    Earlier today we were able to take a ferry off the boat to visit Grand Cayman Island, explored the island, took a chartered boat ride, swam with the stingrays,  and snorkeled.  When we got back to the boat later that day we had fun with all the activities on the ship.  The older four kids really enjoyed the time they spent at the Adventure Ocean’s club specifically for kids their age. Normally, when we took the kids to the club activities you had to walk through a room full of arcade games (which you had to pay to play).

    Tonight they had Family Arcade Night and all the games were free.  Yippee! Since the girls had been wanting to play a few of the games we figured it would be a fun activity for them.  They had a blast playing the games both by themselves and even a few together.   It was a lot of fun having the girls with us on the cruise this year.  We were able to do some different activities that we had never participated in while on other cruises.  Little activities like this were a lot of fun for the kids and parents both!

    Brina concentrating on her game

    Look OUT Karlie!

    Brina Bee playing a racing game now!

    Karlie is concentrating hard and Brina looks concerned (maybe Karlie is about to crash!)

    Daddy and Brina playing a game together!


    This one just makes me laugh!  Brina and Karlie playing an arcade game together.