• School: Brina & Karlie’s 4th Grade Awards Ceremony!


    Proud of my girls!

    Brina and Karlie had their 4th grade Awards Ceremony on Tuesday, June 2nd.  Jake and I knew the girls did really well this year and worked very hard, but we were still blown away by the amount of awards they received.  I honestly don’t think Jake was in his chair for more than 5 minutes throughout the entire Awards Ceremony (seriously).  Every time he sat down one or both of the girls names would be announced to receive another award.  The grandpa sitting next to me said “Wow, you most be doing something right with those kids.  They are very talented!”  Both girls did worked hard all year even when it wasn’t always easy so it is something exciting to celebrate with them!

    They both had great teachers this school year.  The teachers encouraged them to learn a lot!  Their Homeroom Teachers, Gifted & Talented Teacher, Reading Teacher, and STEM Club Coaches were all good about communicating with the parents which is always key in helping the kids be successful.   Thankful for all the teachers and all energy they put into our kids this school year.

    We are VERY PROUD of the hard work these girls did and the amount they were able to accomplish throughout the 4th grade year!  The girls have the biggest class in the school so it is a huge honor to get these awards.  Their classes are large and it takes a lot of work to get these honors.  Way to go girls!!!

    Karlie and Brina received  13 Award Certificates + 10 Award Medals + 2 Award Pins:

    • 2 – Highest Math Achievement Awards (Both girls were the highest in their classes)! (Received 2 Award Certificates & 2 Award Medals)
    • 1 – Highest Social Studies Achievement Award (Received 1 Award Certificate & 1 Award Medal)
    • 1 – Highest Reading Achievement Award (Received 1 Award Certificate & 1 Award Medal)
    • 1 – Highest Science Achievement Award (Received 1 Award Certificate & 1 Award Medal)
    • 1 – Highest Language Arts Achievement Award (Received 1 Award Certificate & 1 Award Medal)
    • 1 – “A” Honor Roll Award (Received 1 Award Certificate & 1 Award Medal)
    • 1 – “A/B” Honor Roll  Award (Received 1 Award Certificate & 1 Award Medal)
    • 1 – 1st Place Accelerated Reading Award (Received 1 Award Certificate & 1 Award Medal)
    • 1 – Pickens County Youth Arts Award (Received 1 Award Certificate)
    • 1 – Children’s Book Award (Received 1 Award Certificate & 1 Award Medal)
    • 2 – STEM Club Awards (their STEM Club Team – Solar SySTEM went to state) (Received 2 Award Certificates & 2 Award Pins)

    Here are some of the pictures from their big Awards Night! Very proud of our girls!


    Way to go Brina and Karlie

    School - Fourth - 4th Grade Awards Ceremony - P1150600c

    Brina’s Honor Roll


    Karlie’s Honor Roll


    Highest Reading Achievement Award


    Highest Language Arts Achievement Award


    Highest Math Achievement Awards – Brina and Karlie!


    Highest Science Achievement Award


    STEM Club Awards


    Highest Social Studies Achievement Award


    Children’s Book Award


    Pickens County Youth Arts Award


    Talking with friends after the Awards Ceremony!


    Brina showing us her cool projects in the hallway!


    Brina and Karlie’s certificates, medals, and pins literally filled our kitchen table!


    STEM Club, Highest Achievement in Math (for their class), and Honor Roll Awards & Medals for both girls!

    Below are some of the pictures of their medals from their 4th Grade Awards Night (I didn’t take pictures of all of them or they didn’t turn out plus some were similar, but this will give you the idea of what they brought home on their 4th Grade Awards Night)!


    2 of these Medals for Highest Math Achievement Medal (1 for Brina and 1 for Karlie)


    All “A” Honor Roll for the Entire School Year


    Highest Social Studies Achievement Medal


    Highest Reading Achievement Medal


    Highest Language Arts Achievement Medal


    Multiple ones of this medal – 1st Place Accelerated Reading &  Children’s Book Award


    Highest Science Achievement Medal


    All “A-B” Honor Roll for the Entire School Year

    We are super excited to see all that the girls have accomplished this year.  We are thankful for all their effort and hard work.   It is evident that they can do a lot and learned a great deal this school year.  They finished strong.  It is still hard to believe that this is their last day of 4th grade, they are growing up too quickly.

    We are looking forward to a fun summer full of learning, memories, and catching up with family and friends!  It is our hope that they continue to enjoy learning and growing as they get older.  Thankful for our girls.  We are very blessed!  LOVE YOU BRINA AND KARLIE!!!

  • School: Family STEM Activity Night


    STEM Club team members getting ready to speak to family, friends, and school faculty.

    On Family STEM Activity Night all students and families were invited to participate in dinner, activities, and a STEM Club presentation.  Both of our girls spoke in front of all the school faculty, family, and friends that were at the event.  So proud of their courage and willingness to speak in front of so many people.  They did fantastic at the robotic competitions and speaking at the event.


     Karlie speaking.  Brina spoke too, but we didn’t get a clear picture of her.

    School - Family STEM Activity Night - P1400136c

    Our little super heroes!


    Karlie getting ready to test her balloon rocket.


    Mrs. Williams (Brina’s 4th grade homeroom teacher) helping Brina put her balloon on the string so she can race it.


    Mr. Moore (one of the STEM Club coaches) timing Brina’s balloon as it zips down the string to the target.


     Brina making her container for her egg drop.  You got 1 containers and could use 2 items.  She picked bubble wrap and yellow feathers!


    Karlie picked cotton balls and sponges for her egg drop container!


    There goes Karlie’s!


    Brina getting ready to watch her egg drop.  The girls were the first ones to not have their eggs break on the concrete (almost 40 people went in front of them)!


    Jake met us at the school.  He was great at building the tower out of spaghetti noodles and marshmallows.  They were given a specific amount of dry spaghetti noodles and marshmallows to see how high of tower they could build.  They had one of the highest towers when we left the room.


    Measuring the tower!  It was leaning a little, but could stand on it’s own without assistance!


     Our spaghetti noodle and marshmallow tower design!


     At the end of the night the school held a drawing for all the people that came.  We had the grand prize ticket – an Amazon Kindle!  The kindle has already been proven valuable on our last couple of road trips.  Instead of bringing extra books they can read a lot of books that we downloaded on the Kindle.  It’s been a nice item to have for the kids.  They are very lucky girls!

  • First Day of School Notes & Teacher Gifts

    P1280027cFirst day of School Notes!

    How is that time again – the first day of school?!  The summer break went by way too fast!  Thankful for the fun adventures we had while they were out for the summer.  Not sure how it is possible that they are now in 4th grade.  Ready or not it’s here and we are looking forward to another great year of learning.


    Brina’s lollipop note!


    Karlie’s lollipop note!


    Happy First Day of 4th Grade Brina!


    Happy First Day of 4th Grade Karlie!


    Note are on their bar stools and their special breakfast plates were laid out!

    School Lunch Notes Butterfly 3D Printing

    All four teacher gifts are packed and ready to go!  Complete with items requested by the teachers!

  • Happy First Day of 4th Grade!

    First Day of fourth grade

    It’s hard to believe it is that time of year again!  School started this week.  Somehow my babies are growing up quickly and now are in 4th grade.  Praying that they have an amazing year, packed full of fun, and learning.  Thankful for these two sweethearts and looking forward to another big year.

    Fourth Grade

    Ready for the first day of 4th Grade!