• CVS: Spent $0.52 and Got $17 ECB’s Back!

    CVS has a few great deals this week.  I was happy to get some items this week for free with ECB’s  plus I was able to utilize a few of my B1G1F coupons.  I also picked up a couple products for an upcoming event!   This week I was able to get the items for $0.52 plus tax ($3.24) making my out of pocket $3.79 and received $17.73 ECB’s to use on my next CVS purchase.  Here is what I purchased this week.

    • 1 – Biore Nose Strips – $7.50
    • 1 – Biore Blemish Control Face Wash – $7.50
    • 2 – Airwick Freshmatic Kits – $6.00 each
    • 4 – Airwick Freshmatic Refills – $5.00 each
    • 1 – Russell Stovers Chocolate Coconut – $0.74
    • 2 – Lifesavers Mint & Winterfresh – $3.49 (B1G1F)
    • 1 – Super Miracle Bubbles (16 oz) – $1.99
    • 1 – CVS 12 Hour Nasal Relief – 4.89

    Here are the coupons I used on the items.

    • Used $7.50 Biore B1G1F Manufacturer Coupon
    • Used $4.00 Airwick Freshmatic Manufacturer Coupon
    • Used $4.00 Airwick Freshmatic Manufacturer Coupon
    • Used $5.00 Airwick Freshmatic Refill B1G1F Manufacturer Coupon
    • Used $5.00 Airwick Freshmatic Refill B1G1F Manufacturer Coupon
    • Used $30.97 ECB coupons from prior purchases

    I received $17.73 ECB’s back today:

    • $10.00 ECB’s for Airwick Products
    • $5.00 ECB’s for Biore Products
    • $1.99 ECB’s for Super Miracle Bubbles
    • $0.74 ECB’s for Russell Stover

    This week I was able to save over $77 at CVS by purchasing these items and using coupons.

    When you shop the CVS sales regularly and have ECB’s that you can roll over toward future purchases the bonus ECB’s start adding up (Green Bag Tags and Beauty Club).  As you can see from my shopping trip today you don’t have to purchase a lot to save money when shopping at CVS.  Plus you can use the additional ECB’s you receive towards your next purchase.  You can pick and chose what is best for your family.

    I would love to hear your CVS shopping story for this week!  For those of you who shop regularly at CVS please share how you were able to save this week!  Although the weekly ad sales are similar every family and situation is different so you may have found items better suited to your household.  In your comment please feel free to share a link to your blog article showing us how you were able to save shopping at CVS.