• Family Activities: Fall Pumpkin Carving Fun


    The girls carved pumpkins glowing on the front porch!  Can you guess who designed which one?

    It has been a tradition for our family to carve pumpkins around Halloween.  A lot of times we carve the pumpkins the weekend before Halloween, but with everything going on this year it was a little later this year.  On Halloween afternoon our family went out to search for the perfect carving pumpkins.  After stopping at three stores we started to wonder if we were even going to find any pumpkins to carve.  Finally, we ended up at Publix and thankfully they still had a lot of pumpkins including some huge ones.  All the pumpkins, not matter what size were $5!  Of course the kids picked the biggest ones they could find.  We came home with one 25 pound and one 26 pound pumpkin!

    This year instead of dressing up and running around doing trick and treating the kids decided they would rather spend the evening as a family celebrating Halloween.  So thankful that the girls wanted to hang out and spend a relaxing evening with us.  We let each kid pick out their favorite bag of candy, a pumpkin to carve, some fun games, and family activities to do Halloween evening.   For Halloween dinner we picked up Chinese take out as a special treat.

    My brother and sister-in-law brought my nephews came by dressed up as the cutest little lion and minion!  It was the first year we had trick or treaters because usually we are never home for Halloween!  It was great getting to see them and spend some time hanging out with them on Halloween!

    Family Pumpkin Carving Fun

    The pumpkin is fresh, washed, and ready to be carved!


    Cleaning out their pumpkins!  They did the majority of the cleaning, designing, and cutting on their own!


    Brina saw a cat designed she liked online and used that as an example to draw one on her pumpkin!  We used wet erase marker to draw on the pumpkin before carving it out.


    Karlie couldn’t find a design she liked online so she drew a rough draft of what she wanted on a piece of paper than drew it again on the pumpkin!  She really wanted a rocket, Saturn, and a star on her pumpkin so this is what she created!


    Brina carving her cat pumpkin out!


    Karlie carving her space pumpkin out!


    We have a space and cat pumpkin glowing on our front porch!

    Family Pumpkin Carving Fun

    The girls chose more non-traditional pumpkin designs.  Brina got her cat idea from another pumpkin she saw.  Karlie designed her rocket, Saturn, star, and space one completely on her own (and fit her personality and interests perfectly)!


    The pumpkins!  I am pleased with how well the girls pumpkins turned out and they really did most of the work on them!

  • Mom & Daughter Date Night at Hearts of Clay

    Date Night at Hearts of Clay Pottery

    Brina working on her new plate!

    Earlier this year I took the girls to Hearts of Clay to make their first pottery creations.  We were super excited when we got the call from Hearts of Clay saying that the items were ready to pick up, however, one of the pieces had broken (Brina’s big flower plate).  They were very sweet and offered to let her create another plate if she wanted to come in and do it.  Although, she was sad about the broken plate that she had worked so hard on she was a good sport and felt a lot better knowing she could create another one.  We made it into a Mom-Daughter Date Night and had a great time being creative together.  Thankful for Hearts of Clay and their kindness in letting her come make a new plate.  We had a wonderful time and look forward to another fun activity at Hearts of Clay in the future.

    Mom Daughter Date Night at Hearts of Clay Pottery

    Brina’s new plate!  She made the plate beautiful, but simple this time around.  Instead of a flower she chose a square shape.  Her colors are very similar to the last one she created.

    We also picked up the pieces that were done from the previous visit to Hearts of Clay!  They turned out really well!  Glad the girls enjoyed this fun adventure!

    Hearts of Clay Pottery

    All the pieces that survived the first fun creative evening at Hearts of Clay.  Karlie’s is the rocket plate and the goat!  Brina’s is the purple heart, black lab, giraffe, and cat (whose tail fell off).


    Karlie was so thrilled “Oreo” the goat came out well.


    Karlie loves space so her rocket, stars, and planet plate was a perfect display of something she enjoys!  She was pleased with how it turned out!

    We are looking forward to seeing how this Brina’s recent plate turned out along with her other little creations she made with the extra clay.  We met up with Jake and Karlie after finishing up at Hearts of Clay and the four of us went out to dinner together.  It was nice to spend a little one-on-one time with Brina as well as a relaxing rest of the evening with the family.

  • Kids Day at THE AG: Framers Who Were Farmers Constitution Day

    U.S. Constitution

    The girls earned their Jr. Historian Badges for Framers Who Were Farmers – U.S. Constitution Event

    On September 17th every year we celebrate Constitution Day!  Back on September 17, 1787 a total of 42 of the 55 delegates held their final meeting at the Constitutional Convention.  It was the day they signed the Constitution of the United States of America!

    Shortly after Constitution Day we attended an event at the Bart Garrison Agricultural Museum.  The event was called Kids Day at THE AG: Framers Who Were Farmers.  It was for students in 4th to 7th grades.  They had activities, role playing, field work, and discussions pertaining to the U. S. Constitution.  They covered information such as:

    • The Preamble
    • Separation of Powers
    • History, Framers, and Impact of the U.S. Constitution
    • Declaration of Independence
    • Articles of Confederation
    • Bill of Rights

    Constition Day - Framers that Were Farmers - On the Farm Event

    Staff dressed up as James Madison.  Discussion on the U.S. Constitution.

    The Founding Fathers used scientific inventions and various forms of farming techniques.  Some of the men who signed the Constitution were farmers, a few of them were:

    • George Washington
    • James Madison
    • Charles Pinckney
    • Charles Cotesworth Pinckney
    • Thomas Jefferson
    • Benjamin Franklin

    There were several things the farmers experienced such as depletion of soil nutrients, purchasing local produce and crops, local insects, trees, vegetation, and being self-supportive farms.

    Some of the activities the kids did at the event were discussing the Constitution.  Designing a poster.  Experimenting with soil and the nutrients in it.  Planting some seeds and recording their findings.  The kids received a Jr. Historian Pin and a U.S. Constitution pocket guide.    The girls had a lot of fun learning about the U.S. Constitution, activities, and experiments.


    Timeline include French & Indian War, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, American Revolution, Constitutional Conventional, Bill of Rights, and more!

    U. S. Constitution

    Brina’s poster!


    The poster Karlie made at the event!

  • Family Time in Downtown Charleston


    Riding the trolley with the girls in Downtown Charleston.

    Charleston is a great town to explore a variety of history.  One of the neat perks of Charleston is you can park you car somewhere (if you can find parking) and ride the free trolley around the town.  When it is just the girls and I we usually park in the parking garage near the Charleston Visitors Center and grab the trolley right there so it is easy to get around town.  The trolley takes you right near almost all the historical places so you only have to walk a few blocks here and there.  The trolley’s come by every 10 to 15 minutes so you rarely have to wait very long.  Just look for the bus stops or trolley signs to catch a nearby trolley ride.


    We met up with Jake and ate at the Noisy Oyster in downtown Charleston.  Pictured above is what I had for dinner the Noisy Oyster’s Grilled Salmon BLT sandwich.  It was delicious!


    Brina all smiles as Karlie checks out the traffic downtown Charleston.  The horse carriages always tend to get her attention.


    We took a walk through downtown Charleston after dinner.  The interactive water fountain in Waterfront Park is always a hit with the kids.


    Hanging out by the fountain and “trying” to not too wet!


    Walking through Waterfront Park in Charleston.


    Hanging out with Daddy near the Pineapple Water Fountain in downtown Charleston!


    Well, “Hello Friend” found this little guy scurrying across the path in front of me on our walk.


    When we walked down the Waterfront Pier we noticed that the dolphins were out swimming in the harbor.  It was getting dark by this time, but it was beautiful watching them glide through the water in front of us.


    Jake and his girls at the pier watching the dolphins swim.


               Hanging out with my girls in Charleston!


    Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge and Patriots Point all lit up at night across the harbor.


    A relaxing evening swinging on the pier swings!

       Charleston SC Historical Houses

    Wrapping up a fun and busy day in Charleston!  Time to walk back to the car!  Charleston is a great town to walk through at night with all the things to see, do, and it is usually bustling with people, horse carriages, bike tours, and more.

  • Happy First Day of 4th Grade!

    First Day of fourth grade

    It’s hard to believe it is that time of year again!  School started this week.  Somehow my babies are growing up quickly and now are in 4th grade.  Praying that they have an amazing year, packed full of fun, and learning.  Thankful for these two sweethearts and looking forward to another big year.

    Fourth Grade

    Ready for the first day of 4th Grade!

  • On the Farm: Horsing Around


    The kids enjoying a ride on the carriage at Grandpa and Grandma’s house!

    The horse and pony are a big highlight for the kids when visiting Grandpa and Grandma in Kansas!  The girls would probably spend a good chunk of their days out with the horse and pony if they could.  They both really enjoy animals especially horses!  Grandma Penny was kind enough to let the kids go for a ride on the horse, pony, and in the carriage.  All four of the grandkids that were visiting at the time got turns to ride!


     Grandma and the kids walking to the pasture to get the horse and pony.


    Karlie riding Buzz (or should we say on Buzz while he finds some delicious green grass to eat)!


    Brina going for a ride on Misty!


    Nathan wanted to start off leading Misty while the other three kids go for a ride on the carriage!


     Karlie leading Buzz while Brina, Nate, and Brandon go for a ride in the carriage!



     Nate and Brandon going for a carriage ride!


    Karlie and Brina riding in the carriage behind Misty!


    Brina loved petting and leading Misty around.  I think Misty was a nice size for her.


    Brandon riding Misty!


    Nathan enjoying his ride on Misty.


    Misty stopping to eat grass as Brina rides her.


    Brina didn’t mind letting Misty grab a bite to eat during her ride around the yard.


    Even Uncle Josh went for a short ride on Misty!


    Grandma leading Karlie around the yard.


    Karlie having a blast riding Misty around the yard!


    Nathan riding Buzz (Buzz is a little bigger)!


    Brandon on Misty and Nathan on Buzz!


    Brandon and Brina going for a ride on Misty!


    Karlie and Nate riding Buzz!

  • On the Farm: Irrigating the Corn & a Horse Ride at Sunset


    Karlie was impressed with the height of the corn in the field!

    The girls always enjoy coming to Kansas to visit our family.  Thankful for opportunities to spend time with their grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, great grandparents, and more extended family!  They look forward to their time spent and adventures while in Kansas.


     Brina making sure Midnight had company after finishing her stretch of irrigation pipes.


     Karlie using a wrench to start the water in a new corn row.


     Counting the rows so she can make sure to water the right ones.


     Checking out the fields and walking across the irrigation bridge.


     They are fascinated by all the neat stuff Grandpa Russell does on the farm!


     Of course,  Grandma and Grandpa’s animals are always a big highlight for them too.  Going for a carriage and horse ride at sunset!


    A fun ride as the sun sets!  My camera was having a hard time with the lighting and all the animal movement.


    A beautiful sunset to end a fun day in Kansas!

  • Travel & Vacation: Kansas Family Reunion

    Family Reunion Milford Lake Kansas Irrigation

    Our family at Lake Milford this summer!

    All my immediate family members were able to come to Lake Milford this summer for a long weekend together.  We had a blast!  We went swimming, boating, skiing, kneeboarding, tubing, played games, celebrated birthdays, ate great food, laughed, and had a wonderful time making some new memories together.  Even our family’s soon-to-be newest member was able to join us for the weekend.  My youngest brother Josh will be getting married later this year and his fiance Megan (who we have known for many years) was a part of the fun family weekend!  Grateful for a weekend to catch up and have fun!


    My parents, siblings, spouses, and kids!


    We are a wild crew at times, drive each other nuts occasionally, but all-in-all we know how to have a good time together!  Yes, I am blessed to call this crazy bunch my family!


    Relaxing for a few minutes at Cracker Barrel.


    Rocking and playing checkers!

  • Travel & Vacation: The Grown Up Kids Having Fun Paddleboarding


    Megan and Josh did really well on the paddleboard!

    The lake was perfect for paddleboarding.  Not only did the kids have fun trying out their talents on the paddleboard, but the adults had a blast too.  It was great seeing everyone get up and zip (yes some faster than others) across the lake on the paddleboard.  Thankful for some time of fun, laughter, and the chance to try a new activity with family!


    Amber showing off her paddleboarding skills!


    Who says the kids have all the fun!  I think the adults had just as much fun on the paddleboard!  At least Amber did!


    Jake taking Brina with him on the paddleboard.


    Megan and Josh gliding around the lake on the paddleboard.


    Dad heading out to the middle of the lake on the paddleboard.


    Keeping it steady.


    Becky taking off!


    Becky and Nicko on the paddleboard.


    Lee was up and going in no time!


    Nicko going for a ride with his Dad!


    Dad teasing Jeremy before take off!


    Jeremy paddleboarding on Lake Milford.


    Uncle Lee and the kids!


    Looking a little crazy!


    Nathan and Grandma Penny


    Grandpa Russell and Nathan


    Lee and Becky going for a ride across the lake.


    Nathan taking his Mom on the paddleboard.


    Fun times at the lake.


    Jake started out kneeling….


    Once he was out a little ways he decided to stand up….


    And he was successful!  Jake cruising around Milford Lake on the paddleboard.

  • Travel & Vacation: Kids Paddleboarding on Lake Milford


    Yes, five kids can fit onto one paddleboard – Sierra, Brandon, Karlie, Nathan, and Brina

    On our last full day at Lake Milford Nate used his money to rent a paddleboard for several hours.  It provided a lot of fun entertainment for everyone!  The kids had a grand time as well as the adults trying their balancing skills on the paddleboard.  Thanks Nathan for sharing with everyone.  What a fun day!


    Nate and Brandon on the paddleboard!


    Brina and Brandon going for a ride on the paddleboard


    Getting instructions from Uncle Jeremy


    Nate and Sierra on a roll


    Sierra and Nathan cruising across the lake


    Karlie steering and Brina on for the ride


    Brina’s turn to paddle while Karlie rides (or splashes in the water)


    Nathan and Karlie on the paddleboard


    Karlie in control of the paddleboard now as Nathan hangs on


    Brina trying it out on her own…don’t go too far!


    Karlie testing her paddleboard skills


    Sierra going for a ride with Brandon on the paddleboard


    Sierra demonstrating her balancing talents!


    Brandon is a little concerned that Sierra’s balancing acts  may result in getting him tipped over


    Brandon, Brina, and Sierra all standing on the paddleboard.  This is a lot harder than it looks because you have more movement and it is much easier to tip over.


    Goofy kids!


    Trying to catch their balance without flipping the paddleboard.


    HOLD ON…..


    Brandon thought it was hilarious that all the girls fell off the paddleboard.


    Karlie, Brandon, Sierra, and Brina trying to get back on!


    Gliding across Lake Milford


    Brandon driving the paddleboard now



    They are having a grand time!


    Beautiful day for paddleboarding across the lake with cousins!


    Brina smoothly sailing around on the paddleboard


    Karlie taking Brina and Brandon around the lake.