• CVS: Allegra 180 (30 Count) for $2

    For those of you who are suffering along with me during this heighten pollen season there is a way to get relief without breaking your budget.  I was able to get Allegra 180 (which I used to take with a prescription) for $2.83 without using any of my ECB’s from previous purchases.

    Here’s how you get it:

    • Buy 1 Box of Allegra 180 (30 count) on sale at CVS this week for $18.83
    • Use $5.00 coupon for Allegra you receive by scanning your at the in store kiosk
    • Use $4.00 coupon for Allegra you receive by scanning your at the in store kiosk (I was able to use both store coupons, so go ahead stack them)
    • Use $2.00 Allegra Manufacturer’s Coupons Attached to the in store displays (Walgreens also has $2 off coupons on their displays), take one and use it when you check out
    • Receive a $5 ECB back with your purchase

    Our originally the Allegra 180 for a month was $18.83 but by using and stacking the 3 coupons plus the ECBs.  You can’t beat $2 for allergy medicine for 30 days.  If you are like me you may only have to use it once in awhile so it could last you even longer.  Make sure to always scan your card at the in store kiosk whenever you can.  I make it a habit to do it each time I am in the store, sometimes I use the coupons and other times I don’t but it doesn’t hurt to check it out!

    Another great way to help with allergies is buy local honey and have a teaspoon twice a day.  Most of the year I do great but during high pollen season I can really get stuffy and my eyes start itching.

    When you shop the CVS sales regularly and have ECB’s that you can roll over toward future purchases the bonus ECB’s start adding up (Green Bag Tags and Beauty Club).  As you can see from my shopping trip today you don’t have to purchase a lot to save money when shopping at CVS.  Plus you can use the additional ECB’s you receive towards your next purchase.  You can pick and chose what is best for your family.

    I would love to hear your CVS shopping story for this week!  For those of you who shop regularly at CVS please share how you were able to save this week!  Although the weekly ad sales are similar every family and situation is different so you may have found items better suited to your household.  In your comment please feel free to share a link to your blog article showing us how you were able to save shopping at CVS.


  • CVS: Spent $5 and Got $31 ECB’s Back!

    CVS has a few great deals this week.  I was happy to get some items this week for free with ECB’s  plus a little overage on a couple products once I used a few coupons.   This week I was able to get a handful of items for $5.55 and received $31.97 ECB’s to use on my next CVS purchase.  Here is what I purchased this week.

    • 1 – Benefiber Citrus Packs (16 count) – $7.49
    • 1 – Benefiber Chewable Tablets (36 count)– $6.89
    • 1 – Gas X Prevent (20 count) – $6.29
    • 1 – Complete Multipurpose Eye Solution plus Free Case – $8.99
    • 2 – Oral B Advantage Toothbrush (plus free scope) – $2.99
    • 1 – Gold Bond Body Wash – $5.88
    • 1 – Crest Pro-Health Complete Rinse – $3.49
    • 1 – Crest Clinical Gum Toothpaste – $3.49

    The total was over $51 with tax before using coupons.  Here are the coupons I used on the items.

    • Used $3.00 Benefiber Manufacturer Coupon
    • Used $3.00 Benefiber Manufacturer Coupon
    • Used $4.00 Gax-X Prevention Manufacturer Coupon
    • Used $1.00 Complete Multipurpose Eye Solution Manufacturer Coupon
    • Used $2.00 Oral-B Manufacturer Coupon
    • Used $2.99 B1G1F Oral-B Manufacturer Coupon
    • Used $2.00 Gold Bond Manufacturer Coupon
    • Used $1.0o Crest Rinse Manufacturer Coupon
    • Used $1.00 Crest Toothpaste Manufacturer Coupon
    • Used $25.49 ECB coupons from prior purchases

    I received $31.97 ECB’s back today:

    • $10.00 ECB’s for Benefiber & Gas-X Products
    • $8.99 ECB’s for Complete Multipurpose Solution
    • $5.00 ECB’s for Crest or Oral-B Pro-Health
    • $3.00 ECB’s for Gold Bond Body Wash
    • $2.00 ECB’s for Winter Spending
    • $1.98 ECB’s for Oral-B Manual Toothbrush
    • $1.00 ECB’s for Green Bag Tags

    When you shop the CVS sales regularly and have ECB’s that you can roll over toward future purchases the bonus ECB’s start adding up (Green Bag Tags and Beauty Club).  As you can see from my shopping trip today you don’t have to purchase a lot to save money when shopping at CVS.  Plus you can use the additional ECB’s you receive towards your next purchase.  You can pick and chose what is best for your family.

    I would love to hear your CVS shopping story for this week!  For those of you who shop regularly at CVS please share how you were able to save this week!  Although the weekly ad sales are similar every family and situation is different so you may have found items better suited to your household.  In your comment please feel free to share a link to your blog article showing us how you were able to save shopping at CVS.

  • Heart Reflections: Road Blocks

    A tree across the road on my way to the girls school!

    As I was zipping along on the way to the girls school recently I came to a quick halt!  There laying across the entire road was a huge tree.  Thankfully I noticed it in time to stop.  My first thought was this is strange…..glad I wasn’t driving by when it decided to fall since we take that road every day for school.  My next thought was…….did someone cut it down but there literally was no one in sight and the tree roots were uprooted.  The dilemma was I had to deliver goodies to the girls class in a matter of minutes, however, I had a road block.  How was I going to get to their school (my options):

    • Move it out of the road (I didn’t have a chainsaw or strength to do it by myself)
    • There were no driveways behind me so I would have to back up the windy road about 1/2 mile, plus risk someone else coming down the road and us crashing
    • Turn around in the road with narrow shoulders and risk someone coming around the bend and hitting me.
    • Go around it (It had rained the day before and the tree covered the whole road, which doesn’t have a shoulder either)

    What did I do? Surveyed the probability of going around the tree since the ditch wasn’t too deep or wet in that spot and braved it.  I made it through, thankfully, otherwise Jake would have gotten another “help” call from me!   The car on the other side of the tree had the same dilemma as I did but they decided to back up and turn around instead.  I made it almost to the end of the road when I noticed a cop car heading the direction towards the tree I rolled down my window and waved to get his attention but he just flew on by me without hesitation.  I figured he would realize why I was waving in matter of minutes.  When I arrived at school I was able to let them know and they immediately called the bus barn to have them redirect the bus routes so they could get the kids home.

    This event happened a couple weeks ago but has stuck in my head for several reasons.  We often face road blocks in life.  Even though the situation may catch you off guard or seem impossible to get past we all have to make a decision about what we are going to do about the various road blocks that appear.  Are there areas in your life with road blocks?  Here are some areas I have had road blocks pop up in my life (thankfully they haven’t come at once but sometimes I have to work on multiple ones at the same time):

    • Health
    • Financial
    • Family
    • Work
    • Spiritual
    • And More

    I think the reason why this road block has stuck in my mind is I have come to the realization that there are several areas in my life and heart that I need to change.  Taking time to change any area of my life takes time, energy and consistency.  I want God to work in my life from the inside out.  If I have walls put up around my heart how am I going to be an effective testimony for Him?  If I don’t take the time to spend with Him how is He going to work in my life and in the lives of those people I touch.  The choices I make today have a ripple effect on the people around me (family, friend, acquaintances, etc…)  One other area that has come to my attention is my health.  Growing up I didn’t have a routine exercise schedule because I got plenty on the farm and I never had to go on any diets but recently with my energy dropping I realized that I need to eat better and move more.  The lack of energy is blocking me from doing more of the things I enjoy in my life.  Another area I have been working on is making our family budget a priority. Thankfully my husband has always been very supportive because it really works better if both spouses are on board with it.

    What will you do about the road blocks in your life? Will you allow yourself to discover ways to eat healthier and exercise?  Will you get together with your spouse and work out a budget?  Will you allow God to reveal your true heart so you can serve Him better? There are many areas in our lives that need cultivated.  Every person is different.  Examine your life and the areas you need to step up and go to bat for.  Every day we have the opportunity to make choices in each area of our lives.  Some days I do better than others while other days I seem to encounter one road block after another.  The important part is that you pick yourself back up, dust off, refocus, and remember that you can get past this little bump in the road.

    How will you react to a friends warning? Sometimes it takes another person tapping you on the shoulder you to get your attention.  You could be the like the cop in the story above that just flew on by and ignored me as I tried to wave him down to warn him about the danger ahead. OR You could be like the secretary at the girls school who immediately called the bus barn to alert them of the road block in their routes so they can correct their route before hitting a road block.  It is important to have close family and friends in your life that are kind enough to speak graciously with you if they see an area in your life where you are struggling.  Those same people can also provide a lot of accountability, prayer, and encouragement as you journey through that road block.

    It is amazing how much that tree across the road captivated my attention!  Even though it was an inconvenience at the time I am thankful for a very visual representation of a road block because it has stuck in my mind.  Take the time this week to identify and start removing the road blocks in your life so you can focus more on those areas that really are important to you.

    “Heart Reflections” is a series of thoughts and encouragement that come directly from my heart.  Life has a way of throwing us extra challenges and when our focus is pulled away from what is truly important we tend to feel the pressure of stress in our lives.  This series is created to remind us that we are part of something so much bigger than ourselves.  We don’t have to face the pressure of life on our own.  We can trust that our prayers are being heard.  He alone knows what’s best for us and gives us the appropriate strength to get through each day as it is set before us.

  • Walgreens: Spent .44 Cents and Got $9 Register Rewards Back

    Yesterday must have been my day to get get $9 in rewards back since I received $9 back from CVS and from Walgreens on the same day.  I spent $0.44 including tax at Walgreens this week on health and beauty purchases and received $9 Register Rewards back from that visit to use towards my next purchase at Walgreens.  For those of you who haven’t used Walgreens Register Rewards here’s what I got and how I spent only 44 cents.

    • 2 – Colgate Toothpastes (1 MaxFresh & 1 MaxWhite) – $5.00 with $2.00 Register Rewards Back
    • 2 – SoftSoap (Juicy Pomegranate & Mango Infusions and Sweet Honeysuckle & Orange Peel) 18 oz – $7.00 with $5.00 Register Rewards Back
    • 1 – Always Pantiliners (34 Count) – $2.99 with $2.00 Register Rewards Back


    The total was over $16 with tax before using coupons.  Here are the coupons I used on the five items.

    • Used $0.75 Colgate Manufacturer Coupon for 1 toothpaste
    • Used $0.75 Colgate Manufacturer Coupon for 1 toothpaste
    • Used $1.00 Always Manufacturer Coupon
    • Used $8 Register Rewards from previous purchase
    • Used $5 Register Rewards from previous purchase

    I received $9 ECB’s back today:

    • $2.00 Register Rewards for Colgate
    • $5.00 Register Rewards for SoftSoap
    • $2.00 Register Rewards for Always

    Walgreen’s Register Rewards will expire two weeks from the date they are printed so you will need to make sure to use them before their expiration date.  I always keep the ones that are expiring the soonest on top of the stack to make sure to use them first.

    Another important fact regarding Walgreen’s Register Rewards you will need to know if you haven’t used them before is you can only use 1 coupon per item.  If you use a manufacturer’s coupon for every item you are purchasing you will not be able to use any Register Reward for that transaction.  For today’s purchase that worked out well because I had 5 products which I used 3 manufacturer’s coupons and 2 Register Rewards.  If you do have a coupon for each item then check Walgreen’s weekly ad because they will have items on sale each week for pennies up to $1 that you can use as “filler” items but they won’t raise your total too much.

    A couple weeks ago Brina and I picked up the Softsoap Juicy Pomegranate & Mango Infusions at CVS and we LOVE it!  Brina carried it through the entire store and occasionally stopped to open it so she could smell it.  It really does smell amazing and refreshing.  I was thrilled to find it on sale at Walgreen’s this week.  The girls are going to be very excited to find out I got another one for them.

    As you can see from the items I purchased you don’t have to spend a lot of money or purchase every item on sale to get a good deal at Walgreen’s.  If you spread the $0.44 out over the 5 items I paid $0.08 per item (which includes tax for the entire purchase) PLUS I received $9 in Register Rewards back that I can put towards my next Walgreen’s purchase.  Once you get started using coupons and rewards you may discover, like I did, how to purchase many of your health and beauty items for nothing or very little.  Since using coupons and reward programs I rarely pay full price for any of our health and beauty items plus I usually have extra to share with guests visiting us or to give away.

    For those of you who shop regularly at Walgreens I encourage you to share how you were able to save this week!  Although the weekly ad sales are similar every family and situation is different so you may have found items better suited to your household.  In your comment please feel free to share a link to your blog article showing us how you were able to save at Walgreens.

  • Save A Lot | Rite Aid: Deals for the week of January 26 – February 1, 2011

    Here are this weeks deals at Save A Lot | Rite Aid stores.

    Meats and Seafood

    Bone-In Pork Chops – $1.99 per lb

    Ground Beef (5 lb) – $8.95

    Chicken Thighs – $0.99 per lb

    Fairgrounds Premium Lunch Meat – $2.99


    Charmin Basic Bath Tissue – $5
    Use $2.50/2 coupon from 1/30 Red Plum (Expires 3/31/11)
    Use $1/1 coupon from 2/1 Ebony Magazine (Expires 3/31/11)
    Use $0.25/1 coupon from 12/26 Proctor & Gamble (Expires 1/31/11)
    As low as $3.75 each after coupon


    Lettuce – $0.99

    Apples (Gala or Golden Delicious) 3 lb – $1.50

    Bananas – $0.39 per lb

    Fresh Express Salad – $0.99


    Coke & Coke Products – $3.33

    Maruchan Yakisoba Noodles – $0.49
    Use $0.50/1 coupon from 1/2 Smart Source (Expires 3/31/11)
    FREE plus overage after each coupon

    Hershey’s, Mars, or Russell Stover – $4.99
    Use $1/1 Russell Stover coupon 12/12 Smart Source (Expires 2/14/11)
    Use $0.50/1 Russell Stover coupon 12/12 Smart Source (Expires 2/14/11)
    $3.99 each after coupon

    Michlina’s Budget Gourmet Meals – $0.50
    Use $1/5 printable coupon from Michelina
    $0.30 each after coupon

    Act II Popcorn – $0.79

    J Higgs Potato Chips – $0.99

    Simplify Purified Water – $2.49

    Ruby Kist Apple Juice Cocktail – $0.99

    Kruncher’s Potato Chips – $2.00

    JJ’s Fruit Pies – $0.33

    Whitman’s Sampler – $6.99
    Use $1/1 coupon from 12/12 Smart Source (Expires 2/14/11)
    $5.99 each after coupon

    Health & Beauty

    Herbal Essences Shampoo, Conditioner, or Stylers – $2.50

    Colgate Total Toothpaste – B1G1F
    Use $1/1 coupon from 1/16 Smart Source (Expires 2/5/11)

    Prilosec – $24.99
    $7 UP Rewards
    Use $3/1 coupon 12/26 Proctor & Gamble (Expires 1/31/11)
    Use $1/1 coupon 1/16 Proctor & Gamble (2/28/11)
    $14.99 each after UP Rewards

    Metamucil – $9.99
    $3 UP Rewards
    Use $2/1 coupon from 12/26 Proctor & Gamble (Expires 1/31/11)
    $4.99 each after UP Rewards

    Abreva – $16.99
    $2 UP Rewards
    $14.99 each after UP Rewards

    All Nature Made Vitamins & Supplements – B1G1F

    NyQuil or DayQuil – $4.99
    Use $1.50/1 coupon 1/16 Proctor & Gamble (Expires 2/28/11)
    Use $1/1 coupon 1/16 Proctor & Gamble (Expires 2/28/11)
    Use $3/2 coupon when you buy both 12/26 Proctor & Gamble (Expires 1/31/11)
    $3.49 each after coupon

    Afrin or Coricidin – $5.99
    $4 UP Rewards
    Use $4/1 coupon from 1/2 Smart Source (Expires 1/30/11)
    Use $3/1 coupon from 1/2 Smart Source (Expires 1/30/11)
    Use $3/1 printable coupon from Coupons
    FREE plus overage each after coupon and UP Rewards

    Rite Aid Hydrogen Peroxide, Alcohol, Gloves or Face Masks – B1G1F

    Gillette Fusion Proglide Razor – $9.99
    $5 UP Rewards
    Use $4/1 coupon from 12/26 Proctor & Gamble (Expires 1/31/11)
    $0.99 each after coupon and UP Rewards

    Enroll in the free Rite Aid Wellness Rewards Program and earn up to 20% off drugstore purchases as well as UP Rewards.  Remember to use any UP Rewards you currently have to get additional savings on your purchase.

    For more information about Save A Lot | Rite Aid’s coupon policies go here.

    If you discovery another coupon for additional savings let me know and I will add it.

  • Save A Lot | Rite Aid: Deals for the week of December 29, 2010 – January 4, 2011

    Here are this weeks deals at Save A Lot | Rite Aid stores.

    Meats and Seafood

    Banquet Brown ‘N Serve Sausage – $2.99
    Use $0.35/1 coupon found in package (Expires 2/1/11)
    $2.64 each after coupon

    Fairgrounds Premium Lunch meat – $2.99

    Ground Beef (5 lbs) – $8.95

    Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts – $5.99

    Country Style Ribs – $2.49 per lbs

    Fairgrounds Jumbo Hot Dogs – $1.29

    Carolina Ground Turkey – $1.00

    Fridge and Freezer

    Tony’s Crisy Crust Pizza – $0.89
    Use $1/2 printable coupon from Tony’s
    $0.39 each after coupon

    Wylwood Frozen Broccoli Cuts – $1.29

    Armour Lunch Makers – $1.99

    Corburn  Farms EggZactly – $1.79

    Corbun Farms Yogurt – $0.50


    Xtra Laundry Detergent – $1.99

    Charmin Basic – $5.00
    Use $1/1 coupon from 11/28 Proctor & Gamble (Expires 12/31/10)
    $4.00 each after coupon

    Simplify Bathroom Tissue – $4.99


    Bananas – $0.39 per lbs

    Apples – Red Delicious, Gala, Golden Delicious (3 lbs) – $1.50


    Coke & Coke Products (12 Packs)* – $2.50
    *You must buy 4 to get this price

    Malt O Meal Giant Size Cereal (Assorted Varieties) – $2.99
    $0.75/1 printable coupon from Malt O Meal
    $2.24 each after coupon

    Hunt’s Manwich – $0.99

    Del Monte Spaghetti Sauce – $0.79

    Hargis House Vienna Sausages – $0.39

    Hargis House Chili No Beans – $1.29

    Kool-Aid Burstin Waters – $0.99

    J. Higgs Classic Saltines – $0.89

    O Day’s Mac & Cheese Dinner – $0.33

    Rollin Oats Instant Oatmeal – $1.49

    Krunchers Potato Chips – $2.00
    Use $1/1 coupon from 9/26 Smart Source (Expires 12/31/10)
    $1.00 each after coupon

    JJ’s Fruit Pies – $0.33

    Health & Beauty

    Rite Aid Non-Aspirin Cold Suphedrine – $3.99
    $1 UP Reward
    $2.99 each after UP Rewards

    All Nature Made Vitamins & Herbal Supplements – B1G1F

    Nicorette Gum or Nicoderm CQ Patch – $39.99
    $5 UP Rewards
    $34.99 each after UP Rewards

    Mucinex – $8.99
    Use $1/1 coupon from 11/14 Smart Source (Expires 2/14/11)
    Use $1/1 coupon from 12/12 Smart Source (Expires 3/12/11)
    $7.99 each after coupon

    Rite Aid Cotton Balls & Rounds – $1.29
    $0.50 UP Rewards
    $0.79 each after UP Rewards

    Aquafresh Extreme Clean Toothpaste – $2.50
    Use $1/1 printable coupon from Aquafresh
    Use $0.50/1 coupon from 10/31 Red Plum (Expires 12/31/10)
    $1.50 each after coupon

    Prilosec (28 tablets) – $18.99
    $3 UP Rewards
    Use $3/1 coupon from 12/26 Proctor & Gamble (Expires 1/31/11)
    $12.99 each after UP Rewards

    Abreva – $14.99
    $2 UP Rewards
    $12.99 each after UP Rewards

    Fiber Choice – $9.99
    $3 UP Rewards
    $6.99 each after UP Rewards

    Tums Antacid – $4.00
    $2 UP Rewards when you buy 2
    Use $2/2 coupon from 11/14 Red Plum (Expires 1/31/11)
    Use $1/2 coupon from 11/14 Red Plum (Expires 1/31/11)
    $2.00 each after UP Rewards

    Super Poligrip – $4.49

    Pantene Shampoo or Conditioner $5.99
    Use $3/2 coupon from 12/26 Proctor & Gamble (Expires 1/31/11)
    $4.49 each after coupon

    Head & Shoulders Shampoo – $5.99
    Use $2/2 coupon from 12/26 Proctor & Gamble (Expires 1/31/11)
    $4.99 each after coupon

    Rite Aid Nite Time Cold / Flu – $2.99
    $1 UP Rewards
    $1.99 each after UP Rewards

    Just for Men Hair Color – $6.99
    Use $2/1 printable coupon from Just for Men
    $4.99 each after coupon

    Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion – $2.99

    Centrum – $9.99
    $2 UP Rewards
    Use $1/1 coupon from 10/3 Red Plum (Expires 12/31/10)
    Use $1/1 printable coupon from Red Plum
    $6.99 each after UP Rewards

    Always Maxi Pads  or Tampax Pearl– $6.99
    $1.50 UP Rewards

    Use $1/1 coupon from 12/26 Proctor & Gamble (Expires 1/31/11)
    Use $2/1 coupon from 12/26 Proctor & Gamble (Expires 1/31/11)
    $3.49 each after UP Rewards

    Baby Items

    Huggies Big Pack Diapers – $19.99
    $2 UP Rewards
    Use $3/1 printable coupon from Coupons
    $14.99 each after UP Rewards

    Enroll in the free Rite Aid Wellness Rewards Program and earn up to 20% off drugstore purchases as well as UP Rewards.  Remember to use any UP Rewards you currently have to get additional savings on your purchase.

    For more information about Save A Lot | Rite Aid’s coupon policies go here.

    If you discovery another coupon for additional savings let me know and I will add it.

  • Save A Lot | Rite Aid: Deals for the week of December 8-14, 2010

    Here are this weeks deals at Save A Lot | Rite Aid stores.

    Meats and Seafood

    Whole Fryer – $0.89 per lb

    Hillshire Farm Lit’l Smokies – $2.59
    Use $1/2 coupon from 12/5 Red Plum (Expires 1/22/11)
    Use $0.75/2 printable coupon from Red Plum
    As low as $2.09 each after coupon

    Ground Beef (5 lb) – $8.45

    Fridge and Freezer

    Creamy Whip Whipped Topping – $0.79

    Chef Antonio Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza – $2.99

    Banquet Family Size Entrees – $1.79
    Use $0.35/1 coupon found in Banquet Package (Expires 2/1/2011)
    Use $0.60/6 coupon found in Banquet Package (Expires 2/1/2011)
    As low as $1.44 each after coupon

    Gold Leaf Frozen Pie Shells (2 Ct) – $1.79

    Coburn Farms Sour Cream – $1.19

    Bologna – $0.99

    Chicken Nuggets, Patties or Strips – $4.49

    Banquet Pot Pies or Fruit Pies – $0.50
    Use $0.35/1 coupon from 10/24 Smart Source insert (Expires 12/15/2010)
    Use $0.60/6 coupon found in Banquet Package (Expires 2/1/2011)
    As low as $0.15 each after coupon


    Gift Wrap (50 Square Feet) – $0.99

    Ajax Dish Detergent – $0.99


    Pepsi & Pepsi Products (12 Packs)* – $2.50
    *You must buy 4 to get this price

    Honey Nut Cheerios – $1.79
    Use $0.75/1 coupon found in package (Expires 12/30/2010)
    Use $1/2 coupon from 10/31 Smart Source insert (Expires 12/11/2010)
    Use $1/2 coupon from 11/7 Smart Source insert (Expires 12/18/2010)
    As low as $1.04 each after coupon

    Lucky Charms – $1.79
    Use $1/2 coupon from 10/31 Smart Source insert (Expires 12/11/2010)
    $1.29 each after coupon

    Cookie Crisp – $1.79
    Use $1/2 coupon from 10/31 Smart Source insert (Expires 12/11/2010)
    $1.29 each after coupon

    Trix – $1.79
    Use $0.55/1 printable coupon from Betty Crocker
    Use $1/2 coupon from 10/31 Smart Source insert (Expires 12/11/2010)
    As low as $1.24 each after coupon

    Wylwood Vegetables (Corn, Peas, or Green Beans) – $0.49

    Shelby’s Grove Canned Fruit – $0.89

    Ginger Evans Yellow Cake Mix – $0.89

    Coburn Farms Evaporated Milk – $0.69

    Crisp Orange Juice – $2.99

    Bay Mist Cranberry Juice Cocktail – $1.99

    Theodoro Bagels – $1.39

    J. Higgs Classic Crackers – $0.89

    LeCour’s Sandwich Cookies – $1.59

    Cowboy Billy’s Baked Beans – $0.69

    Simplify Water (24 pack) – $2.49

    Morning Delight Pancake Mix – $1.00

    Morning Delight Syrup – $1.00

    Red Gold Ketchup – $1.00

    Russell Stover Bowline Boxed Chocolates – $.399

    Whitman’s Sampler B1G1F
    Use $1/1 printable coupon from Red Plum

    Bob’s Candy Canes – $0.88

    Health & Beauty

    PharmAssure Vitamins & Supplements – B1G1F
    Get $5 UP Rewards when you buy $20

    Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste – $3.50
    Get $3.50 UP Rewards
    Use $1/1 printable coupon from Colgate
    Use $0.75/1 coupon from 12/5 Smart Source (Expires 12/25/10)
    Use $0.35/1 coupon from 12/5 Smart Source (Expires 12/25/10)
    FREE + Overage after Up Rewards

    Aussie Shampoo, Conditioner, or Stylers – $2.29
    Use $1/1 coupon from Red Plum 2 (Expires 12/31/10)
    Use $1/1 coupon from 11/28 Protector & Gamble (Expires 12/31/10)
    Use $0.50/1 coupon from 11/14 Red Plum 2 (Expires 12/31/10)
    As low as $1.29 each after coupon

    Rite Aid Balanced Nutritional Drinks – 2 for $10
    Get $2 UP Rewards when you buy two
    $4.00 each after UP Rewards

    Robitussin or Dimetapp – $6.49
    Use $3/1 printable coupon from Robitussin
    Use $2/1 printable coupon from Robitussin
    Use $1/1 coupon Robitussin from 11/14 Red Plum (Expires 12/31/10)
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  • Celebrating the Successes!

    Celebrating the SuccessAs we reflect back on 2009 let’s celebrate our accomplishments.  It has been a year full of surprises, challenges, and blessings for ourselves as well as the many people in our lives.  There have been goals that exceeded our expectations while others proved to be great character building opportunities.  Take a moment to objectively review your goals whether you have them written down or not.  It is a wonderful a time to remember both the personal and professional opportunities that have taken place over the past few months.  Here are a few areas to review:

    • Relationships – certain relationships may have blossomed into something even more precious while others have gone in less desirable directions.  Have you been taking time to nurture and grow your relationships over the past year?  We are blessed with wonderful family members, friends, and professionals that need our time and attention.
    • Health – we can be thankful for each day that we have an opportunity to enjoy.  We may be in perfect health or possibly we have overcome some health challenges personally or gone through it with a friend or family, whatever our case may be, we are blessed with another day to make an impact on the lives of those around us.
    • Finances – it has been a great year for some while very difficult year for others.  The neat part is many people have taken the time to learn how to budget, cut back on the extras, and show their family ways to give to those who are going through a tough season.   It is a wonderful time of year to be thankful for what you have and to help others.
    • Knowledge – everyday is filled with new opportunities to learn and gain experience.  Many exciting activities have taken place in the lives of those around us – new businesses have been started, Social Media has been a whirlwind of new experiences, couples were married, children were born, schooling completed, and many other great accomplishments were made.  Think about the new experiences in your life and how you are a better person because of the knowledge you have gained this year.

    Whether it has been a wildly successful or challenging year for you we all have accomplishments that we can be thankful for in our lives.   And for those goals that you haven’t quite met yet you still have a couple more weeks.  Give it all you got!