• November 30-30-30 Challenge: Saying Thanks 30 Ways to 30 People for 30 Days (Days 25 – 26)


    As I was reflecting back on the many amazing blessings in my life I realized that don’t let those around me know how much I truly appreciate them enough.  The idea of participating in a “thankfulness” challenge for the month of November was started a few months ago when I purchased cards for my family to send out for the Thanksgiving Holiday (see the picture of the front of the card below).

    It is my wish to show my gratitude to the people I interact with day to day.  For the month of November I am planning a 30-30-30 Challenge.  It is my goal to say thanks in 30 ways to 30 people for 30 days.  Each day I plan to do at least one activity expressing my thanks to one person every day for thirty days.

    Day 26

    Who:  Waitress

    Our family doesn’t go out to eat very often (we typically eat meals at home or take a lunch to work / school) so it is a real treat when we can go out or meet a friend for lunch.  I had the opportunity to meet a friend for lunch today, it was wonderful having a chance to catch up for a little bit.  One of the jobs I had in High School and College was waitresses.  I loved doing it because it was great exercise, I got to meet a lot of neat people, and it helped pay the bills, but it was lower paying and at times exhausting.  After working at a couple different places over the years I have learned to appreciate those in the restaurant industry.  As a way of showing my appreciation and thanks to the person serving us today I gave a generous tip at the restaurant, hopefully it will be a blessing to the person waiting on us. 

    Day 25

    Who:  Ministry Team Leaders

    There are some people within the church and community who spend a lot of their time and energy helping others.  They are involved in several ministries and their dedication to the body as well as outreach shines.  I am part of a ministry at church called Alms & Legs, we do multiple activities within our church and community from providing a food pantry for people in need, clothing, helping with bills, repairs, free GED tutoring, Operation Christmas Child, Heart of Christmas, Shoes for kids in need, and many more activities.  The person who leads this group has a real passion for others and it shows.  I feel like it is important to say thanks to those in ministry leadership positions because they volunteer to do the work and often go above and beyond in their service to others.  Today I wrote a note of thanks to the person (and her family) who leads this great ministry.  She does a lot to make this ministry a success so we can make a positive impact on the lives of many within our body and community. 

    Day 24

    Who:  Mailman

    We have lived in our house now for ten years and during those ten years we have had the same mailman.  His name is Sam, he has two black labs, and he only lives a few streets away from us.  How do we know all this information about our mailman you ask?  Well, first we try to make a point to talk with him whenever we see him and leave random gifts / notes of appreciation for him during special Holidays.  We figured out where he lived, quite by accident, when we were out going to garage sales one Saturday morning and happened to go to one at his house!  He stays busy delivering mail so the best way to show our thanks for all the mail he has delivered to our house is to stick a note of thanks and goodies directly in our mailbox for him to pick up when he drops off the mail that day.  We try to do something little around the Christmas Holidays for him as well.  It only takes a few moments to write a note of thanks and/or put something nice in the mail yet it brightens the day of the person who comes to our house almost every day to deliver our mail.

  • November 30-30-30 Challenge: Saying Thanks 30 Ways to 30 People for 30 Days (Days 22 – 24)

    As I was reflecting back on the many amazing blessings in my life I realized that don’t let those around me know how much I truly appreciate them enough.  The idea of participating in a “thankfulness” challenge for the month of November was started a few months ago when I purchased cards for my family to send out for the Thanksgiving Holiday (see the picture of the front of the card below).

    It is my wish to show my gratitude to the people I interact with day to day.  For the month of November I am planning a 30-30-30 Challenge.  It is my goal to say thanks in 30 ways to 30 people for 30 days.  Each day I plan to do at least one activity expressing my thanks to one person every day for thirty days.

    Note: Thanksgiving week I had to group a couple items together into one day since we had a full schedule and we were seeing some of the people we want to thank on the same day.  Although in the list they will be separate.  Thanks!

    Day 24

    Who:  Mailman

    We have lived in our house now for ten years and during those ten years we have had the same mailman.  His name is Sam, he has two black labs, and he only lives a few streets away from us.  How do we know all this information about our mailman you ask?  Well, first we try to make a point to talk with him whenever we see him and leave random gifts / notes of appreciation for him during special Holidays.  We figured out where he lived, quite by accident, when we were out going to garage sales one Saturday morning and happened to go to one at his house!  He stays busy delivering mail so the best way to show our thanks for all the mail he has delivered to our house is to stick a note of thanks and goodies directly in our mailbox for him to pick up when he drops off the mail that day.  We try to do something little around the Christmas Holidays for him as well.  It only takes a few moments to write a note of thanks and/or put something nice in the mail yet it brightens the day of the person who comes to our house almost every day to deliver our mail. 

    Day 23

    Who:  Mommy’s Helpers / Store Clerk

    I didn’t really have anything that I had to have on Black Friday so I didn’t even venture out of the house until almost 11 am and even then I only went to a couple stores (mostly to the pharmacies to pick up health & beauty deals to re-stock our family with toothpaste and such).  One of the girls decided to go with me to one of the stores to help.  She pushed the cart through the store, helped me pick out the items, and was a good sport.  Now that it is the colder weather our lips tend to get  more chapped and one of the items that we picked up for free was chapstick (which my litter helper was really interested in what I was going to do with it).  After checking out and saying thank you to the store clerk (and asking her about her family) I gave my helper the free tube of chapstick.  She was soooo thrilled with that tube of chapstick it totally made her day!    Later at another store I had two helpers.  That store was offering a free candy bar so I had my two helpers pick out 1 candy bar that they could split, they picked out mint M&M’s to share.  Even the little stuff can mean a lot to people when we take the time to say thanks and show appreciation.

    Day 22

    Who:  Family

    I have so much to be thankful for in my life.  Not only was it Thanksgiving it was also my birthday.  It was a perfect day of celebration and relaxation, just what I needed.  I spent the day having fun with my family.  The food was great, we played games, read books together, and had a blast.  Sometimes the best thing you can do to show appreciation to people is to spend quality time together which was my primary focus for today.  I did call, text, email, etc…..several other family and friends to wish them Happy Thanksgiving but otherwise the day was spent focusing on having fun with my family.

  • November 30-30-30 Challenge: Saying Thanks 30 Ways to 30 People for 30 Days (Day 21)

    As I was reflecting back on the many amazing blessings in my life I realized that don’t let those around me know how much I truly appreciate them enough.  The idea of participating in a “thankfulness” challenge for the month of November was started a few months ago when I purchased cards for my family to send out for the Thanksgiving Holiday (see the picture of the front of the card below).

    It is my wish to show my gratitude to the people I interact with day to day.  For the month of November I am planning a 30-30-30 Challenge.  It is my goal to say thanks in 30 ways to 30 people for 30 days.  Each day I plan to do at least one activity expressing my thanks to one person every day for thirty days.

    Note: Thanksgiving week I had to group a couple items together into one day since we had a full schedule and we were seeing some of the people we want to thank on the same day.  Although in the list they will be separate.  Thanks!

    Day 21

    Who:  Classmates

    The girls spend several hours a day at school so they have had a lot of time to get to know the people in their class.  Thankfully the both enjoy school and their classmates are also their friends.  As a way to say “thanks” for being my friend today they took cupcakes to school to share with their classmates.

    Day 20

    Who:   Tutor

    As you have seen from previous days we have a little one that has some challenges due to dyslexia, therefore, we have been going to a tutor.  Her tutor is awesome! She takes the time to not only work with her one-on-one and give us ways that we can help here as well but she finds ways to motivate her.  Our kids love animals and she takes the time to share about her pets too.  Some days we even have enough time for the girls to give her horses a treat.  They always love getting a chance to spend a few extra minutes with animals.  Today, we gave our tutor a bag of carrots and a thank you note.  After lessons today we brought some carrots out so the horses could have a treat.

    Day 19

    Who: School Teachers

    Since they only have a couple days of school this week with the Thanksgiving Holiday the girls delivered their Thanksgiving gifts to their teachers today (Monday).  The girls took thank you cards and some sweet treats to give to their teachers today.

  • November 30-30-30 Challenge: Saying Thanks 30 Ways to 30 People for 30 Days (Day 20)

    As I was reflecting back on the many amazing blessings in my life I realized that don’t let those around me know how much I truly appreciate them enough.  The idea of participating in a “thankfulness” challenge for the month of November was started a few months ago when I purchased cards for my family to send out for the Thanksgiving Holiday (see the picture of the front of the card below).

    It is my wish to show my gratitude to the people I interact with day to day.  For the month of November I am planning a 30-30-30 Challenge.  It is my goal to say thanks in 30 ways to 30 people for 30 days.  Each day I plan to do at least one activity expressing my thanks to one person every day for thirty days.

    Note: Thanksgiving week I had to group a couple items together into one day since we had a full schedule and we were seeing some of the people we want to thank on the same day.  Although in the list they will be separate.  Thanks!

    Day 20

    Who:   Tutor

    As you have seen from previous days we have a little one that has some challenges due to dyslexia, therefore, we have been going to a tutor.  Her tutor is awesome! She takes the time to not only work with her one-on-one and give us ways that we can help here as well but she finds ways to motivate her.  Our kids love animals and she takes the time to share about her pets too.  Some days we even have enough time for the girls to give her horses a treat.  They always love getting a chance to spend a few extra minutes with animals.  Today, we gave our tutor a bag of carrots and a thank you note.  After lessons today we brought some carrots out so the horses could have a treat.

    Day 19

    Who: School Teachers

    Since they only have a couple days of school this week with the Thanksgiving Holiday the girls delivered their Thanksgiving gifts to their teachers today (Monday).  The girls took thank you cards and some sweet treats to give to their teachers today.

    Day 18

    Who:  Awana Leaders

    The girls go to Awana on Sunday evenings when Jake & I go to Community Group.  Our church does the Awana program at our local school.  Brina and Karlie are in the Sparks right now.  They have been learning various verses, books of the bible and more recently.  As a way to say thank you to their Sparks Leaders on Sunday we sent a thank you card and some goodies to give to their leaders.

  • November 30-30-30 Challenge: Saying Thanks 30 Ways to 30 People for 30 Days (Days 18 – 19)

    As I was reflecting back on the many amazing blessings in my life I realized that don’t let those around me know how much I truly appreciate them enough.  The idea of participating in a “thankfulness” challenge for the month of November was started a few months ago when I purchased cards for my family to send out for the Thanksgiving Holiday (see the picture of the front of the card below).

    It is my wish to show my gratitude to the people I interact with day to day.  For the month of November I am planning a 30-30-30 Challenge.  It is my goal to say thanks in 30 ways to 30 people for 30 days.  Each day I plan to do at least one activity expressing my thanks to one person every day for thirty days.

    Day 19

    Who: School Teachers

    Since they only have a couple days of school this week with the Thanksgiving Holiday the girls delivered their Thanksgiving gifts to their teachers today (Monday).  The girls took thank you cards and some sweet treats to give to their teachers today.

    Day 18

    Who:  Awana Leaders

    The girls go to Awana on Sunday evenings when Jake & I go to Community Group.  Our church does the Awana program at our local school.  Brina and Karlie are in the Sparks right now.  They have been learning various verses, books of the bible and more recently.  As a way to say thank you to their Sparks Leaders on Sunday we sent a thank you card and some goodies to give to their leaders.

    Day 17

    Who:  Neighbors

    Over the last few years we noticed a big difference in our interactions with our neighbors once we started reaching out more.  We try to stop by their homes to say “hi” and deliver goodies several times throughout the year.  Brina and Karlie especially enjoy bringing vegetables from our garden or little gifts around the Holidays to share with the people who live on our block.  The girls took time this morning (Saturday) walking from house to house delivering “Happy Thanksgiving” cards to each of our neighbors.  They had a blast talking with the neighbors and delivering the notes.  Hopefully the notes were a blessing to those who live on our street too.  Thankful for our little street and the neighbors who live here.

  • November 30-30-30 Challenge: Saying Thanks 30 Ways to 30 People for 30 Days (Days 13 -17)

    As I was reflecting back on the many amazing blessings in my life I realized that don’t let those around me know how much I truly appreciate them enough.  The idea of participating in a “thankfulness” challenge for the month of November was started a few months ago when I purchased cards for my family to send out for the Thanksgiving Holiday (see the picture of the front of the card below).

    It is my wish to show my gratitude to the people I interact with day to day.  For the month of November I am planning a 30-30-30 Challenge.  It is my goal to say thanks in 30 ways to 30 people for 30 days.  Each day I plan to do at least one activity expressing my thanks to one person every day for thirty days.

    Side Note: Sorry about getting a little behind on these items this week.  It has been a tough week with being sick so I had to double up on a couple items this week.  Now that I am feeling better hopefully I will stay on top of it. Thanks for understanding and hanging in there with me, life has a way of throwing curve balls even into the best of plans! 🙂

    Day 17

    Who:  Neighbors

    Over the last few years we noticed a big difference in our interactions with our neighbors once we started reaching out more.  We try to stop by their homes to say “hi” and deliver goodies several times throughout the year.  Brina and Karlie especially enjoy bringing vegetables from our garden or little gifts around the Holidays to share with the people who live on our block.  The girls took time this morning (Saturday) walking from house to house delivering “Happy Thanksgiving” cards to each of our neighbors.  They had a blast talking with the neighbors and delivering the notes.  Hopefully the notes were a blessing to those who live on our street too.  Thankful for our little street and the neighbors who live here.

    Day 16

    Who:  Nephew

    I am thankful for family and friends as well as the time we get to spend with them.  Today our family had a little “celebration” at our house today for the completion of a big project….so proud of my girls for working so hard on it too.  The girls were excited to have their cousin join them in the celebration.  The menu chosen by the kids was taco’s and fruit, which were a big hit with everyone.  Almost all of the decorations and entertainment was done by the kids as well.  They made cookies, ate blue popcorn, played, sang, and had a blast together.  As a way of saying thank you for coming we sent him home with a bag of blue popcorn and a plate full of decorated cookies.  I am thankful that the girls have family in the area that they can hang out with for an evening, have fun, and make memories together.  Time spent with cousins is always an adventure! I am thankful for the all my nieces and nephews as well as for the time we get to spend with them.

    Day 15

    Who: Grocery Store Clerk

    This week wasn’t one of most efficient with all the sickness.  Everything seemed to take more time and energy to do.  I did make a quick run to the grocery store for milk, eggs, and a couple other items.  The same store clerk that I usually see was working the register that morning.  One of the jobs most clerks have to do is “up-sell” a certain amount of specific items near the counter for the week or month.  I VERY rarely purchase any of those items, but occasionally if I have had a lot of interaction with the same clerk over several weeks (or months with some) today I bought one item to help them out and say “thanks” for taking the time to check me out.  I worked as a grocery store clerk for several years and it isn’t a very glorified job, however, so many of the people I see have great attitudes about the work they are doing and that is always appreciated by me (and I am sure other customers as well).

  • Teacher “Thank You” Gifts

    Thank You goodies for the girls teachers!

    For Thanksgiving the girls always enjoy bringing in a “thank you” note and a little surprise for their teacher.   Here is one where they put M&M’s in a mason jar, added a ribbon on top, and a little note.  The note said:

    Mrs. __________,

    We are a thankful for a Magnificent & Marvelous teacher this year!

    Happy Thanksgiving!


    Brina & Karlie

    If you are looking for a simple and easy thank you gift for a teacher, friend, neighbor, or family member this is a great one to try!

  • November 30-30-30 Challenge: Saying Thanks 30 Ways to 30 People for 30 Days (Day 11 & Day 12)

    As I was reflecting back on the many amazing blessings in my life I realized that don’t let those around me know how much I truly appreciate them enough.  The idea of participating in a “thankfulness” challenge for the month of November was started a few months ago when I purchased cards for my family to send out for the Thanksgiving Holiday (see the picture of the front of the card below).

    It is my wish to show my gratitude to the people I interact with day to day.  For the month of November I am planning a 30-30-30 Challenge.  It is my goal to say thanks in 30 ways to 30 people for 30 days.  Each day I plan to do at least one activity expressing my thanks to one person every day for thirty days.

    Day 12

    Who:  Nutritionist

    When one of our girls was tested for dyslexia earlier this year she was also tested for a variety of nutritional / allergy items.   She came back high in diary, peanuts and eggs so we have adjusted our meals to make sure she had none of those items for about 2 months and are now re-introducing them slowly to see how she reacts.  She has been going to the nutritionist and tutor for several weeks now and it has been a real blessing.  She loves going and today she hand delivered a thank you card and a hug to them today.

    Day 11

    Who:  Doctors & Nurses

    Today I am thankful for Doctors and nurses.  Within the last few days we had a sick kid, several doctor appointments, our yearly physicals, 4 trips to the pharmacy, and 2 trips to the urgent care.  As much as I dislike going to the doctor I am thankful that they are available when we need them.  Many nurses, doctors, and health care professionals work all week, the weekend, and even Holidays.  Today I sincerely “thanked” the staff for all their help.

    Day 10

    Who:  Aunts & Uncles

    I am thankful for the great Aunts & Uncles in my life.  Today I sent an “I’m Thankful For…..” cards and sent a note of thanks.

  • November 30-30-30 Challenge: Saying Thanks 30 Ways to 30 People for 30 Days (Day 10)

    As I was reflecting back on the many amazing blessings in my life I realized that don’t let those around me know how much I truly appreciate them enough.  The idea of participating in a “thankfulness” challenge for the month of November was started a few months ago when I purchased cards for my family to send out for the Thanksgiving Holiday (see the picture of the front of the card below).

    It is my wish to show my gratitude to the people I interact with day to day.  For the month of November I am planning a 30-30-30 Challenge.  It is my goal to say thanks in 30 ways to 30 people for 30 days.  Each day I plan to do at least one activity expressing my thanks to one person every day for thirty days.

    Day 10

    Who:  Aunts & Uncles

    I am thankful for the great Aunts & Uncles in my life.  Today I sent an “I’m Thankful For…..” cards and sent a note of thanks.

    Day 9

    Who:  Cousins

    I grew up in a big family and a lot of extended family members.  Family get togethers (like for the Holidays) usually consisted of a house / yard full of people from tiny babies to the grandparents.  The best thing about being part of a large extended family is you always have someone to play with since all your cousins would come to the family celebration too.  I am thankful for the many cousins in my life.  Some of them I am closer to than others but I am grateful for each one.  Today, I mailed out some “I’m Thankful For….” cards and sent Facebook messages to several letting them know I was thankful for them.

    Day 8

    Who:  Grandparents

    I am thankful for the grandparents in my life.  It has been a real privilege not only having a relationship with all of my grandparents but all 4 of my great grandmother’s when I was growing up.  I have many wonderful memories with my grandparents.  Today I sent out the “I’m Thankful For….” cards and sent emails letting them know I was thankful for them.

  • November 30-30-30 Challenge: Saying Thanks 30 Ways to 30 People for 30 Days (Day 9)

    As I was reflecting back on the many amazing blessings in my life I realized that don’t let those around me know how much I truly appreciate them enough.  The idea of participating in a “thankfulness” challenge for the month of November was started a few months ago when I purchased cards for my family to send out for the Thanksgiving Holiday (see the picture of the front of the card below).

    It is my wish to show my gratitude to the people I interact with day to day.  For the month of November I am planning a 30-30-30 Challenge.  It is my goal to say thanks in 30 ways to 30 people for 30 days.  Each day I plan to do at least one activity expressing my thanks to one person every day for thirty days.

    Day 9

    Who:  Cousins

    I grew up in a big family and a lot of extended family members.  Family get togethers (like for the Holidays) usually consisted of a house / yard full of people from tiny babies to the grandparents.  The best thing about being part of a large extended family is you always have someone to play with since all your cousins would come to the family celebration too.  I am thankful for the many cousins in my life.  Some of them I am closer to than others but I am grateful for each one.  Today, I mailed out some “I’m Thankful For….” cards and sent Facebook messages to several letting them know I was thankful for them.

    Day 8

    Who:  Grandparents

    I am thankful for the grandparents in my life.  It has been a real privilege not only having a relationship with all of my grandparents but all 4 of my great grandmother’s when I was growing up.  I have many wonderful memories with my grandparents.  Today I sent out the “I’m Thankful For….” cards and sent emails letting them know I was thankful for them.

    Day 7

    Who:  Friends

    Do you have those people in your life that you have been friends with for years and they have been an encouragement in your life in the good times and the bad?  These are “true blue lifelong friends” who in many ways are like a sister or brother.  Whenever you get together you pick back up like you seen each other just the day before when in reality it has probably been several months or in some cases years.  Although I am thankful for technology because it makes it easier to stay in touch even though there may be many miles apart.  I am thankful for the blessing of these special friendships.  Today I mailed out “I’m Thankful For….” cards and sent messages to several others