• Flashback Friday: Happy 5th Birthday!


    Karlie with her Rocket Cake and Brina with her Princess Castle Cake made by Aunt Kristen!

    Today we flashback to February 2010 when the girls turned 5 years old!  It was a fun birthday party at our house.  We did a dual theme for the girls this year which was a lot more work than I initially realized!  Karlie was really into space and rockets while Brina was into princesses.

    Half of the house and party was about Space and the other half was about Princesses.  The nice part about the theme is that it appealed to both the boys and girls who attended the party.  We did a castle out of cardboard in Brina’s room and a rocket out of cardboard for Karlie that was put on the front porch.

    Somehow we didn’t get a picture of Karlie’s room inside the house where we put black trash bags on all the walls, stuck glow in the dark planets and stars on them, and replaced the lights with black lights.  It turned out really well, but it was darker so none of the pictures actually turned out which is a bummer.

    Aunt Kristen made the beautiful and delicious cakes for the girls birthday, which they LOVED!  The girls had a wonderful time celebrating their birthday and we are thankful for our family and friends who helped with the party and came out to make this day extra special for the girls.  Thankful for the blessing of these two girls!


    Checking out the cool rocket that Daddy, Grandpa Russell, Uncle Lee, and Uncle Josh stayed up after the kids went to bed to build.


    They had no idea that the guys were building a rocket (and castle, see below) for them!  As they were eating breakfast the guys rang the doorbell and “delivered” their special party props!  They were so excited!


    Karlie hugging her rocket (notice she is wearing her favorite rocket pjs)!  Too cute!  She was thrilled and kept going back outside to play with her rocket!


    Had to check everything out!


    After a few minutes of coming back into the house the back doorbell rang and the guys delivered the other party prop, a giant cardboard castle!  Daddy, Grandpa Russell, Uncle Lee, and Uncle Josh worked on putting this together and painting it after the girls went to bed the night before the party.  They were super excited!


    The castle was huge!  They are standing on chairs in order to peek through it!  The castle was a big hit in the princess room!


    Dad and Grandpa Russell putting the finishing touches on the castle!  It had a tower, door, and even a roman numeral “V” flag on it!


    Time for all the princesses and princes to come to the party!  The castle was a big hit with all the kids!


    Karlie all smiles as she sits by the easel.  She loved coming outside to check on her rocket which was next to the easel!


    Hanging out in her rocket as people started arriving.  Very content to stay right there with her special rocket!


    Brina’s princess cake turned out beautifully – thanks Aunt Kristen!


    Karlie LOVED her rocket cake!  Thank you Aunt Kristen!


    Lighting the candles!  Kristen put candles at the back of the rocket so it looked like it was taking off – so cool!


    Getting something to eat and hanging out with cousins!


    Grandma Penny and Brina putting a puzzle together!  Super fun!

  • Hiking & Tracking Animals in the Snow


    Hiking through the woods

    Most kids love to go sledding, building a snowman, make snow angels, and more crazy stuff in the snow.  One of the first things our kids want to do is take a hike in the woods.  They love going through the woods, checking out the stream, and looking for various animal tracks in the snow.  We saw a lot of animal tracks and most of them I knew what they were there was only one set that had me stumped….still haven’t quite figured it out even after looking up pictures.


    One of our favorite stops by the stream.  Always gurgling down hill even on the snowy days.


    Lots of deer tracks going through the woods after the snow and ice stopped.


    Karlie looking for animal tracks.


    Karlie loves being outside.


    Brina brought the sled and was sledding down hills on our hike.  She managed to go around most trees.


    Little tracks….


    This was the one that perplexed me, it was as big as my hand and had 5 claws (or toes).


    Lots of little bird tracks.


    Skipper goes swimming in the creek even when its icy cold and snowing!


    Little bird…


    Cat paw prints.


    Hanging out in the woods.


    Talking, walking, and having fun in the woods.


    Karlie loves getting out of school for snow days!

  • Everything Beautifully Covered in Icicles


    All the trees coated in ice!

    The past couple of weeks have been busy with changes in schedules due to the weather.  Our first big storm started as sleet went to snow and ended in more sleet.  The result was everything covered in a sheet of ice.

    The kids that it was great they got out of school.  They didn’t care that it was cold or slick they loved playing outside in it!   It was nice having some extra fun time with the kids.  With all the fun we have been having it has taken me awhile to catch up on the things around the house and get the blog pictures posted.  Hopefully, I will have you all updated on our snow and ice activities within the next couple of days! 🙂


    Brina volunteering to take out our mail.  So happy to have a “snow / ice” day from school!


    Skipper loves snow days as much as the kids.  She loves playing outside with them!


    Brina sledding.  The ice on top of the snow actually made the sledding a lot of fun for the kids.


    Karlie getting ready to go down too!


    Karlie sledding.  It’s amazing how well the sled worked even going through the leaves!


    Icicles on the back porch.


    Icicles on the jungle gym.


    My old planter is covered with ice!


    Our poor trees….they looked so sad!  They were not as happy about having the weight of ice on them.


    Icy branches!

  • Song: Draw Me Close by Worship Jamz

    A great reminder of the importance of having a relationship with God.  He is your strength during those tough days.  The one who draws you close and never fails you.  He really is all we’ve ever needed.

    Draw me close to you
    Never let me go
    I lay it all down again
    To hear you say that I’m your friend

    Help me find a way to bring me back to you
    You’re all I want, You’re all I’ve ever needed
    You’re all I want
    Help me know you are near

    You are my desire
    No one else will do
    Cause no one else
    Can take you place
    To feel the warmth of Your embrace

  • Spending Time with Grandpa & Grandma


    Brina and Karlie with my parents!

    My parents stayed at our house the second half of their trip to SC.  The girls were excited that Grandpa and Grandma were going to church with them on Sunday.  In our rush to get out the door we did manage to snap a quick photo before heading off to church though.

    After church we headed over to my brothers house for lunch and some time to play before Dad and Mom had to head out for the airport.  It was a super fun weekend.  We are thankful for some time to spend with my parents.  The girls have wonderful memories with their grandparents.   The weekend went by too quickly, but grateful for the time together.


    Uncle Lee, Grandpa Russell and the four kids setting up the Thomas train track.  They had a lot of help, but it was super neat to watch once they were done!


    Grandma Penny building legos and playing with the kids.

  • Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

    I have so much to be thankful for in my life.  This week as I as counting my blessings I realized that coming up with 10 things to be grateful for each day was relatively easy if I really think about it for a few minutes.  I don’t ever want to take these blessings for granted as they are a gift from my heavenly Father who truly cares about me in the good as well as the struggles I face every day.

    I want to be accountable to you too so the following are snipits of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.  Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

    Monday – Thankful for Brina writing me a reminder note to adjust her meal schedule because she liked one of the meals I made her so much!  My family knows me well! 🙂

    Tuesday – Thankful that Skipper is always jumping up and down excited to see me when I get home!  Such a great way to be greeted upon arriving home!

    Wednesday – Thankful for the girls curiosity and love of learning – we did a spontaneous celery and food coloring experiment before school.

    Thursday – Thankful for a chance to talk with Jake on the phone in the morning as he was getting ready for his busy day in Charleston and even more grateful to have him back home that evening.

    Friday – Thankful for a washer and dryer to help get our clothes and laundry cleaned in an efficient manner.

    What are you thankful for today?  I encourage you to take the time to write down a few blessings that you have in your life today.  It will help cheer you up and turn your focus on the amazing blessings you encounter each day!

  • Trip to the Joe’s Place Book Store and Falls Park


    My parents on the bridge over Reedy River at Falls Park

    While my parents were in town we made a trip to downtown Greenville.  We stopped first at Joe’s Place Book Store where my sister-in-law works.  The book store is only a couple of blocks away from Falls Park so we decided to go through it on our way back to our cars.

    I was so busy looking at books in the book store I didn’t even take a picture!  Oops! We did have fun and got some good books.  Guess we’ll have to go back again to snap a few shots at our next visit.  I didn’t realize it was the first time my parents had seen the big suspension walking bridge over Reedy River.    We went through the park and on a few scenic hiking trails before heading back to the vehicles.

    It was a good walk, a beautiful day, and the kids were able to vent a little extra energy.  Thankful for time with family.


    Brina speed hiking through the side trail.


    The kids loved these little side trails!


    Nicko and Karlie heading up the trail.

  • What’s for Dinner: Our Weekly Menu Plan


    Last week was super busy and we had to switch around a couple of our dinner menu items, but we managed to make it through the week in one piece.  This week will be another busy week.  With that being said I want to prepare the menu and be ready, but provide some more flexibility this week with everything going on.  It will be a simple menu this week so I have time to focus on the other activities that will be pulling my attention away from dinner prepping.  Here is our menu plan for the upcoming week:

    Our Weekly Menu Plan

    • Monday (Beef or Pork Entree): Sloppy Joes, Fresh Fruit
    • Tuesday (Kid’s Night to Cook):  Hotdogs, Corn
    • Wednesday (Chicken or Vegetarian Entree): Special Event
    • Thursday (Pasta or Seafood Entree):  Bow Tie Pasta, Green Beans
    • Friday, Saturday, & Sunday:  Leftovers, Family Preference, and Hosting

    I have a general pattern I try to follow for my weekly Menu Plan (for example Monday we have a beef or seafood entree and so forth).  It is my goal, at least in the beginning, to have at least the main dish and one side planned.  I will put together the remaining side dishes (veggies / fruits) based on the food items that need to be used up first and compliment the main entree.

    Setting a weekly menu plan helps me utilize my time better, thus freeing up extra time to spend with my family.  On the days that I am working longer hours I can prep the meal in advance so it will be easier to pull together once I am home.  As I go through the menu planning process I will try to share some of our favorite family recipes.  If there is a specific recipe you would like please let me know and I will do my best to accommodate (some recipes are a toss together meal and I do not use any set measurements).

    As a family of four our life can get busy.  What’s for Dinner is our weekly menu planning series and one of the ways to help keep us organized, on schedule, and within budget.  Our family typically eats 6 to 7  dinner meals at home a week.  We do try to go out to eat at least once a month as a special treat.  Breakfasts are eaten at home before work and school, lunches are eaten at work, school, or home, so dinner is our main meal together as a family.  Dinner is our time to reconnect, share, and enjoy being together after a busy day.  Our weekly menu plan covers Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday only because the weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) is our time to spend with family and friends.  The weekends tend to be more spontaneous and my husband (who is the better cook) likes pitching in therefore we keep the menu open for variety.  We use up the leftovers throughout the week for our lunches and on the nights that we are busy or can’t cook.

    Photo by Liz

  • What’s for Breakfast: Our Weekly Menu Plan

    Super Easy Way to Make Hard Boiled Eggs

    Super Easy Way to Make Hard Boiled Eggs

    Having the breakfast menu planned out makes a huge difference to the start of our days.  This week is a different kind of crazy busy so it is especially important that I stay on top of it with everything else going on.  I want to make sure everyone is sent off with a good breakfast.  I made some slight alterations to our normal menu due to the week we have before us needing adjustments.  Here is what our breakfast menu looks like this week (the items in parenthesis are examples of the extra items we will add and change from week to week):

    • Monday – Bagel (Fresh Fruit)
    • Tuesday – Toast (Hard Boiled Eggs)
    • Wednesday – Cereal (Yogurt)
    • Thursday – Poptarts (Strawberry & Milk Smoothie)
    • Friday – Oatmeal (Applesauce)
    • Saturday – Family Brunch
    • Sunday – Make Your Own Breakfast (everyone makes their own breakfast before church which is usually something easy like cereal, toast, poptarts, oatmeal, smoothie, etc….)

    We are pretty consistent with our week day breakfast menu.  For each day of the work and school week Monday to Friday we have the same main menu item from week to week the only thing that changes is the “extra item” we add each day such as an egg, sausage, fresh fruit, cottage cheese, bacon, smoothies, or other items that we have in the kitchen.  During the school week the girls always have their main breakfast, at least one side (usually fruit, sausage, egg, etc…), vitamins, milk (one has non-dairy milk due to allergies), and small glass of juice.  When I am ambitious, awake, and my creative juices are flowing I will add a little extra silliness to make breakfast more enjoyable for the kids.

    We first started doing a different main breakfast item everyday a few years ago because I have one child who if she eats the same thing too many times in a row she stops eating.  Adding a little variety from day to day was enough to keep her motivated to eat breakfast.  It wasn’t until several months later when the girls pointed it out that I realized that we do the same main item on the same day every week.  “Mom, Tuesday is Toast Day…..”  So now it has become our rotating breakfast menu which helps keep us on track because we know exactly what we need to prepare for the next breakfast.  Plus the girls are sometimes still waking up when they come to breakfast and the morning menu helps them figure out the day of the week as well as prepares them for the upcoming activities they have that day.

    There are times I will mix it up (just for fun) or Jake will get up first and make breakfast!  The girls don’t hesitate to let him know if he makes a main food item on the wrong day….ha!  Our breakfasts are not fancy, but it gets us up and started for the day.  What do you make for your family breakfasts?

  • Song: Times by Tenth Avenue North

    No one is perfect.  Sometimes we like to think that we have it all together when in reality we need Him even more!  There are times when we need to peel back all the layers and brokenness to experience true healing.

    I know I need You
    I need to love You
    I’d love to see You but it’s been so long

    I long to feel You
    I feel this need for You
    I need to hear You
    Is that so wrong

    Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh

    Now You pull me near You
    When we’re close I fear You
    Still I’m afraid to tell you all that I’ve done

    Are You done forgiving
    Or can You look past my pretending, Lord
    I’m so tired of defending what I’ve become
    What have I become