• Travel & Vacation: It’s a Small World, Pirates of the Caribbean, Jungle Cruise at Disney’s Magic Kingdom (Orlando, FL)


    Brina and Jake riding on the boat through It’s a Small World

    The lines weren’t too long so we were able to get onto several rides, however, we had a couple hiccups with some as well.  The kids liked It’s a Small World so much that we did it 2 times.  The Pirates of the Caribbean was a little bit of a disappointment because we stood in line for an hour and were 10 people from the front of the line when it broke down so we didn’t get to go on it.  It took us another 30 minutes to get back out because we had to wait for all the people behind us leave.  The girls did well and had a great attitude despite the long wait time.  The Jungle Cruise was a fun boat ride with lots of neat sights along the way.  The kids really enjoyed it.


    Smiling and soaking in all the sights at It’s a Small World


    It’s a Small World banner as you go in




    Always something to look at on the boat ride


    Still smiling while waiting in the long line for the Pirates of the Caribbean


     Catching up and chatting while in line


    Yay, found a place to sit while waiting


    Going on the Jungle Cruise


    All smiles on the Jungle Cruise


    Beautiful waterfall


    They loved looking at all the animals and sights on the Jungle Cruise


    So much fun!

  • Travel & Vacation: Tomorrowland Transit, Monsters Laugh Floor, Prince Charming Carrousel at Disney’s Magic Kingdom (Orlando, FL)


    Brina relaxing for a few minutes on the Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover

    The girls never stopped moving all day while at Disney’s Magic Kingdom.  The only time we paused was standing in line, on the rides or at the shows.  We did have a few bathroom breaks since the girls were drinking about 50 ounces plus throughout the day from their camel backs.  The camel backpacks have been a life saver or should I say back saver.

    Each person carries their own food and drink.  The kids never have to ask for a drink or something to eat they can reach in and get their drink, sandwich, snacks, etc…  Of course hand sanitizer is on every backpack to for all the germs we encounter while we are out and about. The had no problem carrying the backpacks and you’ll see them wearing them in almost every picture.

    The kids have really enjoyed having the freedom to eat and drink whenever they need to.  Usually when we are standing in line for a few minutes I would remind them that it was a good idea to grab a sip and something to drink.  Although by mid-week I no longer needed to remind them; they did it on their own.  Usually if someone had a snack out it would prompt the rest to get something as well.  This helped a huge amount with preventing dehydration and hungry plus we never had to stop and get something to eat we just kept on going from sunup to sun down.  We wanted to squeeze every last minute of fun out of our trip.


    Karlie soaking in all the cool activities and figuring out where she wants to go next.


    Karlie was not sure about the transit when it went into the pitch black, she ducked and said, “What’s going to happen now!?”


    One last ride on the Transit after a very long, but super fun day at Magic Kingdom.  We were there at opening and until closing.  And yes, we are still smiling.


    Having a good laugh at the Monsters, Inc. Laugh Floor Comedy Club


    So funny!


    The first time we went to the show it froze in the middle of the show so they had to let everyone out and gave us free fast passes for almost any ride at Magic Kingdom.  The girls were disappointed, but the fast passes helped us get onto Peter Pan much quicker.


    Smiling contently as they ride the Prince Charming Regal Carrousel


    They LOVE anything pertaining to horses and this ride was relaxing too with a short wait.


    Karlie riding hands free


    She cracks me up…it takes skill to ride hands free on a moving horse


    That was fun!

  • Travel & Vacation: Ariel’s Undersea Adventure, Enchanted Tales with Belle, and Astro Orbiter at Disney’s Magic Kingdom (Orlando, FL)


    Being silly in line for the Under the Sea ~ Journey of the Little Mermaid Ride

    Thankfully the lines were pretty mild most of the morning at Magic Kingdom.  We got onto the Ariel’s Little Mermaid ride fairly quickly, however, we did stop to snap a few pictures.  We had a great time at Magic Kingdom going from one activity to the next.  The girls were troopers and did awesome not only in line, but walking everywhere.  It is nice at their age they can do almost everything too!


    Waterfall outside Little Mermaid


    Entertainment while in line!


    On the ride


    On our way to see Belle


    Karlie with Belle at the Enchanted Tales with Belle


    Brina with Belle at the Enchanted Tales with Belle


    Brina getting a bookmark from Belle!


    It was a bright sunny day, somehow this is the only picture I got of the girls in front of the castle (a quick shot on our way to another ride).


    My co-pilot on the Astro Orbiter


    Karlie went by herself on the Astro Orbiter.  She was very excited to fly!


    Karlie giving me the thumbs up.  Let’s just say this was not my favorite ride at Magic Kingdom.  I get dizzy and nausea on a lot of spinning rides.  This one was one of those rides.  Thankfully it wasn’t as bad as some rides (like the spinning teacups…oh, boy).


    Yes, that is Karlie way above Brina and I.  I am not entirely sure we ever left the ground, but Karlie was having a grand time!

  • Travel & Vacation: Aquarium Underwater Dining Adventure (Nashville, TN)


    We were able to go to the Aquarium An Underwater Dining Adventure Restaurant with the kids while we were in Nashville, TN.  They thought it was the best place to eat.  I am not entirely sure they even tasted their food because they were so fascinated by all the fish and the aquariums all around us.  It was a unique experience and a lot of fun especially if you have kids.   The kids were so excited about the fish I forgot to take a picture of our delicious food!


    One of the huge circular aquariums!  We planned to go there for dinner as a surprise for the kids.  They were hooked and excited as soon as they stepped foot inside the door.


    Karlie wanted to take a picture at one of the sharks1


    The last time we saw sting rays we were swimming with them at Grand Cayman Island.  These were on the other side of the glass.


    I see you hiding…a sprinkle of sand doesn’t make you invisible!


    Colorful fish!


    In the middle of the restaurant was a giant aquarium you could see from any where in the restaurant.  Fascinating!


    So many fish!


    The girls decided they would enjoy one of these huge aquariums at our house! 🙂

  • Travel & Vacation: Adventure Science Center (Nashville, TN)


    During our recent visit to Nashville we went to the Adventure Science Center.  The kids LOVED it!  It was a lot of fun hanging out, playing, and learning with the kids for several hours.  We were there when it opened that morning and left when it was closing 7 hours later, I would say it was a hit with the kids!  Even better is our whole family got in free (WOOHOO) because we are members of our local Roper Mountain Science Center in Greenville and the museums are part of the same affiliation.


    Brina and Karlie discovered that they CAN lift a car off the ground, using the right tools!


    Activity that simulates walking on the moon, they had a blast!


    Karlie especially liked the Space Chase room.  Standing near her favorite planet….Saturn!


    The space room was two stories high, this is looking up from the ground level.  Pretty neat!


    Chatting with Brina, the old fashion way!


    Brave Karlie putting her hand into the mouth of a fish and pulling it out of the log.


    The water table was a popular spot for the kids!


    Brina checking things out!


    Karlie using the wind from the Jungle Gym to blow the sails on the sailboat!


     Karlie in the bubble under the dinosaur as Brina points out that the dinosaur is moving.


    Karlie generating energy on the bicycle! Pedal faster!


    Parachute race!  Whose going to win!  You raise the parachutes on the pulley system, when it clicks they release and see who lands first!


    Locating our house!


    Found Grandpa and Grandma’s house too!


    Exploring particles and magnets….


    Feeding the giant mouth!


    Trying to master the digestive track maze!


    At the top of the 3 story jungle gym you can look out over downtown Nashville.  Great view!


    Jake and the girls waiting for me to come down from the top.  They obviously move faster, ha!  Fun times with the family.


    It’s probably been awhile since Jake’s been on a 3 story jungle gym.  He was a good sport and allow the girls to “show him around!”


    This was a laser game that we played several times.  The good activities compete against the germs / sickness to see who will win.


    Jake playing checkers with Karlie.


    Brina maneuvering the wheelchair around the ramps and basketball court.  Takes some skill getting around places in a wheelchair.

  • Travel & Vacation: Nashville – Parthenon Park


    Our family was able to spend a couple days in Nashville, Tennessee recently.  We had a little bit of time to burn before heading to our next adventure so we stopped at one of the parks near our hotel.  The contained a full-scale replica of the Athenian Parthenon.  It was massive!  The re-creation was built in 1897 for Tennessee’s Centennial Exposition.  The Parthenon represents classical architecture.  It was pretty neat seeing it!


    Sitting near the statue with the Parthenon replica in the background!


    If you look closely you can see two people on the steps of the Parthenon (that is Brina and Karlie).  They look tiny!


    The side of the Parthenon.  Can you see us?!


    Hanging out on the steps.  We look so small!


    This statue near the Parthenon is of John W. Thomas.  John Thomas was a native of Nashville and was the President of the Nashville Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway for many years.


    The outside of the Parthenon replica in Nashville, TN


    Venting some energy out on the play ground for a few minutes!