• Recipe: Snow Ball Ice Cream

    Vanilla Snow Ball Ice Cream!

    The girls woke us up at 6:30 this morning and announced that it had snowed outside.  We knew they would not be going to school because we received the phone call the night before letting us know that the school was closed.  It is bright and beautiful outside today.  I dug up another great Snow Ice Cream recipe that I enjoy.   This recipe uses milk instead of sweeten condensed milk like our Snow Ice Cream recipe.  We do not get a lot of snow in South Carolina so when it happens we have extra special treats.  We had over 6 inches already today and we have been having a blast playing in the snow.  I am not sure if the kids or the dog are more excited by the snow adventures!

    Snow Ball Ice Cream

    • 12 to 14 cups of Clean Snow
    • 1 package instant pudding (we usually do Vanilla or Chocolate depending on what’s in the pantry)
    • 1 1/2 teaspoon of Vanilla
    • 2 cups cold Milk
    • 1 cup Sugar

    Mix the pudding, sugar, and vanilla together.  Add the 12 to 14 cups of snow.  Stir until evenly mixed.  Top with chocolate syrup, sprinkles, or whatever your family enjoys.

    Today we did vanilla pudding because it is what we had in the pantry.  A couple added chocolate to their ice cream and of course everyone had to have sprinkles!

    *The picture above is prior to us adding sprinkles to the ice cream!

  • Recipe: Snow Ice Cream

    We have lived in South Carolina for over 14 years and have never had it snow on Christmas Day so it was an extra special gift yesterday!  Today we have been busy building a snowman, making snow angels, throwing snow balls outside before the snow melts.  The girls and Skipper (our dog) have been enjoying it.  One of the things we always like to make when it snows is Snow Ice Cream.  Some years it doesn’t snow in SC so when it happens once or twice a year we love it!

    Snow Ice Cream

    • 8 to 10 cups of clean Snow
    • 1 can Sweetened Condensed Milk
    • 1 teaspoon Vanilla
    • (optional) 1/2 cup Chocolate Syrup
    • (optional) Sprinkles

    Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix together.  When completely mixed serve immediately.  It melts pretty quickly.  In our family we have some that enjoy vanilla and others enjoy chocolate so we do a mix of both depending on the individuals preference.  Today some people chose vanilla with chocolate syrup and hugs & kisses sprinkles while others chose chocolate.  Enjoy!