• Recipe: Mom’s Hot Chocolate Mix

    My Mom made the most delicious homemade Hot Chocolate Mix as kids.  Once it started turning chilly she would make a big batch for the family.  It was one of the best things to drink on a chilly winter day!  If you don’t want a large batch of Hot Chocolate cut the recipe in half.

    Mom’s Hot Chocolate Mix:

    • 8 quart Powder Milk
    • 1 pound Powder Sugar
    • 1 pound Instant Cocoa
    • 1 1/2 pound Coffemate
    • 6 tablespoons of Cocoa

    Mix all the ingredients together and put in an airtight container.  Add 1/2 cup of mix per mug of warm water or milk.

    Optional: You can add marshmallows and / or cool whip for an added touch.

    We’ll be making this great recipe to share with family, friends and neighbor during our Gift Giving: Baking Christmas Goodies day!