• Space Scouts Monthly Educational Program Review

    Space Scouts is a monthly educational subscription club for kids who love Space.  Each month your kid will receive a package in the mail from Space Scouts including a new place to explore in space, space exploration, science, and astronomy.  Roxy and Jett will join them as they scout out the galaxy around us through hands-on discovery, learning activities, and exciting challenges.  Every package will include magnets, stickers, toys, and more fun!

    We received the first two months of the Space Scout subscription!  The girls were super excited to get the packages in the mail!  Here are more details on the items we received in each package:

    Space Scouts

    First Month’s Space Scouts Package:

    • Metal Space Scouts Lunchbox
    • Space Scouts Solar System Poster
    • Space Scout Puzzle
    • Constellation Postcard & Startup Kit
    • Stickers
    • Constellation Chart
    • Activity Sheets – What is a Scout and Things You Might Find in Space
    • Introduction to Space Scouts Letter
    • Wikki Stix (twistable, stickable, buildable, playable, one-of-a-kind creatables – self sticking no glue necessary)


    Second Month’s Space Scouts Package:

    • Ursa Major Postcard
    • Bionic Claw
    • Scout Fun – About Astronauts
    • Ursa Major & Big Dipper Expoloration Plan
    • Roxy and Jett Magnet
    • Two Astronauts
    • Sticker Scramble
    • Astronaut Activity Sheets
    • Stickers

    Our girls really enjoyed getting the Space Scout packages and all the goodies.  They had fun reading the space information, doing the activities, and playing with the toys.  One of our girls, especially, is a big space fanatic so some of the activities were fairly easy for her.  It didn’t take long for our kids to finish all the space activities.  I don’t think the activities are suppose to take a huge amount of time, but a lot of the information they have already learned through us and school so they may be at the top end of this type of program.

    It is a wonderful program with a lot of great information, activities, and goodies.  If your child is just getting into space this is a wonderful program for them to learn more.  Although if your kid has been into space for several years they may be more advanced for some of the activities.  Either way it is a great learning tool or a refresher.

    If your child is into space you can check out the Space Scouts monthly program.  Space Scouts is a fun, educational experience where each month builds upon the previous. Price is affordable at $11.95 per month + $3.00 shipping. Discounts for multi-month purchase. Space Scouts is designed for kids age 6+.

    Visit Space Scouts website to learn more! What’s even better is you can get a 20% discount – when you use promo code USFAMILY20 at checkout.  The promotional code gives you a 20% discount on initial purchase of any Space Scouts subscription plan.  The code expires on December 31, 2014 so sign up soon.


    A special thanks to US Family Guide and Space Scouts for sponsoring this post!  Any specific product information was provided by US Family Guide and Space Scouts, however, the opinions expressed in this post are our own.  We received a complimentary products  for sharing information and our family’s experience.

  • Holiday Gift Giving: Space Scouts

    One of the kids in our family is all about space, planets, astronauts, and more!  It is her dream to one day be an astronaut and go to Mars.  Recently, I discovered this program called Space Scouts that I am looking forward to checking out.  It might be something really fun for her to explore and learn more about space in the process.

    If you have a child that loves Space and wants to learn more it may be a great program for you too!  Space Scouts monthly subscription club for kids is a delightful learning adventure aimed at discovering the wonders of the universe! Each month your child will explore a new place in space — stepping into the worlds of space exploration, space science, and astronomy. Join Roxy and Jett as they scout about the galaxy engaging your child in fun learning activities, hands-on discovery, and exciting challenges. Packages arrive each month filled with fun additions to your collection — magnets, stickers, toys, and more!

    Space Scouts is a stellar vehicle for launching your child’s interest in science & technology! This is not your typical grab-bag subscription box. Space Scouts is a fun, educational experience where each month builds upon the previous. It’s a great way to learn! Price is affordable at $11.95 per month + $3.00 shipping. Discounts for multi-month purchase. Space Scouts is designed for kids age 6+.

    Visit Space Scouts website to learn more! What’s even better is you can get a 20% discount – when you use promo code USFAMILY20 at checkout.  The promotional code gives you a 20% discount on initial purchase of any Space Scouts subscription plan.  The code expires on December 31, 2014 so sign up soon.

  • Life’s Little Hiccups: An Apology Letter


    An apology letter written by Karlie and Brina

    The other day Jake went into the garage and noticed one of his boards had a letter written on it from the girls.  They also included a diagram and frowny face.  Next to the letter was a broken board.  The letter said:

    Daddy I am very sorry we broke your board.  We were trying to carry two water buckets. 

    Love Karlie and Brina

    The girls were bringing water to the goats.  Instead of carrying one bucket at a time they decided to use one of Jake’s “boards” to carry two buckets together and save time.  They were thinking creatively, however, the board they chose was not strong enough to hold two full water buckets so it broke.  They tried to fix the board by taping it together, but with no luck.  After some discussion they decided to write a letter admitting their mistake and apologize to their Dad for breaking his board.

    We Broke Your Board

    The board they broke.  They tried taping it together with painters tape!

    The good, bad, and ugly:

    Bad – they used a board without permission in the first place

    Ugly – something was broken in the process

    Good – they admitted their mistake and apologized for it

    Even though they did something wrong I was happy to see they confessed to their mistake.  Although, we teach the girls right and wrong you never know what they will do.  Thankful for those moments when they admit when they are wrong and apologize.  It makes a parents heart happy to know the kids are trying.  What they did wasn’t horrible and they were trying to find a more efficient way to take care of their animals, but they still needed to let us know about it.

  • Can I Take Those Words Back?


    A kid activity that teaches about how our words impact others.

    We have been working through two devotional books with the girls lately.  One of them goes through the Bible in a year and the other one is more of an hands on activity with a lesson called Object Talks for Any Day by Verna L. Kokmeyer.  The kids like both of them, however, we only do the Object Talks devotional on days when we have a little more time because they require preparation, an activity, lesson, and conversation about the lesson taught.

    This particular lesson was about our words and watching what we say to others. This was a great lesson for the beginning of the school year as well as a great reminder for all of us (both kids and parents) that our words have an impact on those around us.

    Objects:  A plate and tube of toothpaste.

    Applicable Bible Verse:  “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” – Psalm 19:14 (ESV)


    1. Ask for a volunteer.
    2. Have the volunteer squeeze all the toothpaste out of the tube onto the plate.
    3. Ask for another volunteer.
    4. Have them try and put all the toothpaste from the plate back into the toothpaste tube.

    Lesson to Talk About:  Like the toothpaste our words can come out pretty quickly and easily, however, once our words are out we cannot take them back.  We have all said something to someone and instantly or later realized it probably wasn’t the best thing to say.  Our words can have a powerful impact on those around us.  They can make people laugh, cry, hurt others feelings, and much more.  Plus when we speak poorly to or about others it makes us look bad as well.  It is important that we allow our thoughts and words to be good, encouraging, wholesome, and kind to those we encounter.  What we fill our hearts and minds with will often come out our mouth and reveal what we are truly thinking.  Much like the impossible task of getting toothpaste back into the tube we cannot take back the words we say to others.  The toothpaste in this example was contained to the plate, however, our words can make a big mess and cause hurt to others for a very long time.

    We all could spend a little more time focusing our hearts, minds, and thoughts on good things.  Life is short and we want to spend our time being an encouragement and blessing to those around us.  May we seek God’s wisdom regarding our thoughts and our speech.


    We used a sample of Tom’s of Maine toothpaste I received in the mail for this activity. A sample size is big enough to get the point across!


    Brina squeezing out all the toothpaste onto the plate!  Like the toothpaste, it’s amazing how quickly our words can come out of our mouths.


    The toothpaste is out!


    Karlie attempting the impossible task of putting all the toothpaste back into the tube!  Once our words our spoken we cannot take them back.


    She tried a lot of different ways to get the toothpaste back into the tube – fingers, toothpaste cap, toothpick, and more yet it was a messy and impossible to get it all of the toothpaste back into the tube.  The girls like these type of devotional lessons because they are interactive, have a creative and visual way to teach the lesson, and they tend to be more memorable for them.  All of us could probably use a reminder regarding our words and the impact they have on others.


  • Summer Reading Goal

    A wall full of fish

    It has been awhile since I updated everyone about our summer reading goals.  The girls came up with their summer reading goal of reading 2,000 minutes.  Our theme were called “Swim Into Reading”!  Every time they read a book they would write the book title and author on a fish than hang it up on the wall.  They could choose from a variety of colors of fish or pick a white one to color.

    While we were traveling over the summer we kept track of the minutes, but didn’t make them write down all the books so the picture below shows all the books they read at home.  They covered a lot of reading and were able to hit their goal early!  Way to go GIRLS!!!


    We DID IT!

  • Teaching Our Children: Is it Really Clean?

    The older the girls get the more responsibilities they are taking on around the house.  One of the cleaning projects they have tackled this year (and have done really well with it) is their bathroom.  To get them started I purchased a small bucket at Dollar Tree, put sponges, rags,scrub brush, and other cleaning supplies into it.  Since they are still pretty young I didn’t want them using any harsh chemicals for cleaning so I put in a box of baking soda.  Whenever they clean their bathroom they put a little bit of baking soda into a bowl, add some white vinegar, and a little bit of water which gives them a cleaning solution that works well but isn’t harsh on their skin.

    The other day as I was finishing up some projects and cooking dinner I noticed this sign posted on the outside of the girls bathroom door “cleaning do not enter”.  It made me laugh that they would think to hang a sign!  I was curious about what they were doing in there with the door was shut but I could hear the conversation going on inside the bathroom which made me just let them be.

    “Do you think I scrubbed the sink good enough?”

    “Where’s the blue sponge?”

    “This is so nasty!”

    After listening for a couple minutes I decided to let them clean in peace and recheck in a few minutes.  They seemed to have it under control.  When I went back later to check on the bathroom I was pretty impressed at how well they were cleaned it.  I went over the basic rules and system with them once several months ago but for the most part they do the bathroom all on their own.

    I think it’s great that they have practice cleaning their bathroom as well as realize the amount of time and energy it takes to keep the house clean.  Sure they don’t always do everything perfect but every time they do it they get better.  Lately there are very few things I have to correct after they have finished cleaning the bathroom.  I am thankful for the girls willingness to help.  Many times they will volunteer to clean the bathroom before I ask them to do it which is even better.

  • Summer Activities: Fun Family Day at Home!

    School’s out and the summer heat is here. We love spending time as a family outside, however, some of that time involves finding cool activities to do during the summer heat.  There is always something fun to do during the girls summer vacation away from school.  Below are some of the fun adventures we did on a recent Saturday together.

    Swimming in the Pool

    Brina and Karlie Swimming in the Pool!

    Eating Ice Cream

    Daddy, Karlie, Brina and Skipper enjoying a bowl of ice cream on the front porch!

    Napping in the Hammock

    Karlie snoozing in the shade on the hammock after a swim in the pool!

    Playing Under the Jungle Gym – Sand Fun

    Brina "cleaning" the sand off the Jungle Gym after swimming in the pool!

    Science Experiments

    Growing Rocks in a Rainbow of Colors! Since one of the girls is into "sharks" I choose a shark background for this experiment.


    Brina and Karlie watching the rocks grow! It was an interesting experiment over a couple days!