• Sledding & Exploring the Woods


    Pausing for a moment by the creek to snap a quick picture of the girls.  They are thrilled to have the extra snow days!

    Fun times together sledding and exploring the woods.  One day Jake was able to come out a little bit over his lunch break and go sledding for a little bit with the whole family.  We had a lot of fun!


    Thankful for some fun time together!


    Oreo was not entirely sure about the sledding adventure.  Several times as we were flying down the hill on the sled the goats and dog would go bounding out of the way or almost jump into our laps!


    Brina heading down the slope!


    There goes Daddy!


    Oreo finding some yummy leaves while Brina and Daddy decide on the next hill to go sledding down!


    On your marks…..get set…..Go!!!!


    Every day the girls wanted to take a hike through the woods.  Today, Jake joined us on this fun adventure!


    She’s looking mischievous….probably forming another snowball to toss my direction when I am least expecting it!


    Jake helping Brina up onto a fallen tree covered in snow in the woods.


    It was fun to spend some time outside with everyone for a little bit!


    Brina having a blast!


    She’s definitely getting ready for a surprise snowball attack!


    Brina was pretty proud of this one!  Love her face!  Let’s just say this one took me by surprise and hit square on the camera and in my face!  Silly girl!

  • A Rainbow of Snow Colors


    Brina painting a huge  rainbow heart on the snow!

    We had a blast in the snow!  One of the things we did this week was get some old spray bottles fill them with water and add a few drops of food coloring to it!  We filled and refilled those spray bottles several times over the last few days as we painted pretty pictures in the snow!  The girls had a great time!

    I would like to take the credit for coming up with this awesome idea all on my own, but my amazing and creative cousin suggested we do some snow painting when I spoke with her earlier this week.  Yes, it was a huge hit like all her fun ideas, thanks Renelle!  The neighbor kids even came over and had a grand time painting pictures in our yard.


    Pretty red heart in honor of Valentine’s Day spray painted in the snow by the girls!


    Coloring the front porch steps!  Coming up to our house was a rainbow of colors for several days, thanks to Brina & Karlie!


    A friendly “Hello” to greet our friends and neighbors coming into our yard!


    Pretty rainbow on the snow!


    There were all kinds of random paintings all over the yard and driveway!


    Karlie Kool Kat having fun painting the snow!


    Brina Bee painted her name on the driveway!


    Someone even did my name, so sweet!


    A little more defined green star!


    Someone painted Dad’s name on the yard too!


    Karlie, Brina, and Skipper standing at the top of the driveway where they painted the word “Welcome”


    I thought it was cute that they painted a smiley face next to the mailbox to bring some winter cheer to our mailman!  Sweet kids!


    Brina’s armed with a spraying, wonder what she’s going to do next!


    The rocks, trees, bushes, and various random items had been marked by the spray painters!


    The well covered was sprinkled with paint like confetti!


    Skipper even got a pretty painted dog house.  It looked like a big decorated gingerbread house when they were done!

  • Snow Animals!


    Skipper jumping up to catch a snowball that was tossed into the air! She was having as much fun as the kids!

    Our outdoor pets were not quite sure what to think about the snow at first, especially the goats since the snow covered all their delicious leaves.  They did enjoy having the kids and the family outside more often this week to play!  The goats and Skipper followed the kids around the yard joining in the fun as much as they could.  Sometimes it was a little crazy riding a sled down the hill and having goats and dogs almost hopping into your lap, but it gave us a good laugh!


    Skipper trying out the sled as Oreo watched.  She wasn’t overly excited about being on the sled by herself!


    Our South Carolina dog enjoying the snow!


    It was amazing the amount of snow that piled up on these two!  It showed up better on Oreo, but Snowball definitely had a thick layer too.  They didn’t see to mind the cold from snow at all!


    Snowball hanging out with the family!  He was more camouflaged this week!


    We always had a trial of critters following us through the woods.  The goats especially liked it when we rustled up some good leaves for them!


    Snowball peeking around the tree at Skipper


    Skipper still guarding the front porch!

  • Extra “SnowCATION” with the Kids!


    Really concentrating on her throw!

    In South Carolina we really don’t get a lot of snow.  If we get a sprinkle here or there everyone gets excited and we might have a day or two off from school.  Also, it is likely that many people will lose power.  Somehow the last few years we have been lucky and haven’t lost our power!  We haven’t have a big snow storm in South Carolina for several years.  The girls have been waiting, hoping, and wishing for snow all winter.  Their wishes came true this week.

    We have several inches of snow and they have been out of school since Tuesday.  They think its AWESOME they got an unexpected 6 day weekend or Snowcation (snow-vacation) in the middle of the school year.  They have been having a BLAST playing outside several hours every day.  It has been a lot of fun having them home and spending extra time with them this week too.  Jake was home for most of those days too, but he still had to work.  One of the “benefits” of having a job that he can work from home at times, but he got to join in on the fun here and there (we didn’t leave him out)!

    Snow Storm

    One of the snowy morning the girls and Jake were up  at the break of dawn to work and play. Their three smiling faces were first thing I saw this morning as they were bringing me breakfast in bed! Snow days are rated pretty high in my book already, but this makes them even better!!! I had a great breakfast of fresh strawberries, yogurt, cashews, homemade Egg McMuffin, and a huge glass of ice water. Feeling very blessed! Love my family!


    Karlie all smiles!  She got her wish of a big winter snow storm so she could play for several days in the snow!


    Brina very excited to have a snow day.  Snow is always fun and it gives them a little break from school.  She loves playing outside with her animals (as you can see Skipper is loving the attention too)!


    Karlie was definitely more into snowball fights this year.  You had to watch out because every time you turned around another snowball would be zooming right at you followed by lots of giggles!


    Here it comes!  DUCK!


    Here she comes again!  LOOK OUT!


    Skipper was excited to be out and playing in the snow with the kids all week too!





    There’s just something about time spent playing in the snow followed by a good hot cup of hot chocolate or apple cider.  Of course, the marshmallow and candy cane stir stick was an added bonus!


    Gingerbread men and sugar cookies hit the spot too!

    P1100371cSnack time!

  • Travel & Vacation: Snow Days (part 2)

    Karlie hanging out in the snow fort

    The girls were so happy to have time every day to play in the snow while we were in Vermont.  We went sledding, on walks, built a snow fort, started a little fire, had a snowball fight, made snow angels and more!  We were thankful to have some time with family up in Vermont this winter.  It was a relaxing time full of great memories!

    Brina getting ready to do a snow angel

    Karlie working on her snow angel

    Brina sliding down this hill without a sled just on her bottom

    Karlie collecting sticks

  • Travel & Vacation: Snow Days

    Jake walking through the woods with his girls.  This area had changed a lot since we had been there last (besides the snow) there was a clearing were the loggers had been.

    The girls had a grand time exploring the area.  We took several walks that let to the river or other places nearby.   A couple times we stopped to take a break or they got pulled on the sled but for the most part they kept up.  We even built a snowman this year which was a lot of fun.  Little pieces of the snowman (mouth, nose, etc…) started falling off throughout the weekend but he remained standing even as we were getting ready to leave.

    Grandma Kay and Irish leading the way

    The river looks a little chilly! The last time we were in Vermont we were swimming and splashing around in it.

    Daddy and Karlie chatting


    Daddy and Karlie working on a snowman


    Brina decided she was too cold so she went inside with Grandma and watched from the window

    Karlie being silly!

    Daddy and Karlie by the snowman

  • Travel & Vacation: Sledding in Vermont (part 2)

    Karlie sledding right past me, giggling the whole time

    The girls had a BLAST sledding in Vermont.  They tried out several spots for sledding.  The snow was beautiful and the weather was perfect.  They didn’t even complain about carrying their sleds back up the hills.

    Brina zooming past me on the steep slope

    Daddy’s coming down now!

    Mommy is having a blast sledding too!

    Brina all bundled up and sledding down the hill again

    Karlie came to an abrubt stop when she hit a tree.  Somehow she was the only one all weekend that hit a tree and she managed to get snagged on more than one!

    There goes Brina Bee again!

  • Travel & Vacation: Sledding in Vermont

    Brina got some air on that ride down!

    The girls were excited to make up a trip North to Vermont this winter.  They have been waiting to go sledding all winter and with us being in South Carolina we haven’t had any good sledding weather.  The girls spent hours outside over the long weekend playing in the snow and sledding.  We found some great places to go sledding!

    Karlie kicking up some extra snow on her trip down the hill

    Brina is ready for sledding

    Karlie had some interesting stops on the sled

    Going for a sled ride, the girls are really excited!  Oh my, I  think Karlie is getting ready to throw a snow ball right at me.

    Here comes Brina!  Look Out!

    Here comes Karlie!

  • Snowmen Mini Donuts

    The girls were so excited to make and eat these cute snowmen.  After you finish making your snowmen, grab a cup of hot chocolate, your family, and curl up on the couch next to the Christmas tree or fireplace and enjoy.

    Snowmen Mini Donuts

    Our Blue Eyed and Green Mouth Snowman

    The girls love these little powdered donut snowmen!

    Our pretty girlie snowman

  • Finding a Warm Spot!

    Our little feather friend found a warm spot between our storm door and back door! She was surprised to see us heading out to play in the snow!

    Recently we had a good 6 plus inches of snow in South Carolina which is pretty rare.  The whole family was out for a little bits throughout the day.  Brina and I lasted the longest the first round of snow playing.  I ended up carrying her up the hill to the house after sledding.  We got inside had hot chocolate, read books, ate lunch, had Snow Ball Ice Cream, did some laundry and relaxed before heading back out.

    The next time when the girls were all bundled up ready to head outside Jake opened the back door to let them out and we were startled to find a “friend” that must have tried to follow Brina and I inside to find some warmth!  We weren’t too excited about having a small bird flying around our house so we sent the girls out the garage then Brina came around to the back of the house to free the bird who was caught between the storm door and the back door of our house.  I think the bird was happy to find such a warm spot until she encountered us.  I am sure she was very glad find another warm spot away from the house!  Even the birds are looking for warmth on the snowy days.  I am thankful for a warm home especially during these cold days.