• Chalk Drawings

    Chalk Saturn

    Our kids love playing outside!  🙂 Now that the weather is starting to get warmer they are beginning to enjoy some fun Spring time activities like riding their bikes, scooters, roller skating, chalk drawings and more.  You can tell at least one of the kids still loves anything related to space from looking at her chalk pictures.  Thankful for warm weather and time to have fun with the kids!

    Colorful chalk sun

    Everyone loves rainbows

    And hearts…

    Our family

  • Travel & Vacation: Snow Days (part 2)

    Karlie hanging out in the snow fort

    The girls were so happy to have time every day to play in the snow while we were in Vermont.  We went sledding, on walks, built a snow fort, started a little fire, had a snowball fight, made snow angels and more!  We were thankful to have some time with family up in Vermont this winter.  It was a relaxing time full of great memories!

    Brina getting ready to do a snow angel

    Karlie working on her snow angel

    Brina sliding down this hill without a sled just on her bottom

    Karlie collecting sticks

  • Travel & Vacation: Sledding in Vermont (part 2)

    Karlie sledding right past me, giggling the whole time

    The girls had a BLAST sledding in Vermont.  They tried out several spots for sledding.  The snow was beautiful and the weather was perfect.  They didn’t even complain about carrying their sleds back up the hills.

    Brina zooming past me on the steep slope

    Daddy’s coming down now!

    Mommy is having a blast sledding too!

    Brina all bundled up and sledding down the hill again

    Karlie came to an abrubt stop when she hit a tree.  Somehow she was the only one all weekend that hit a tree and she managed to get snagged on more than one!

    There goes Brina Bee again!

  • Travel & Vacation: Sledding in Vermont

    Brina got some air on that ride down!

    The girls were excited to make up a trip North to Vermont this winter.  They have been waiting to go sledding all winter and with us being in South Carolina we haven’t had any good sledding weather.  The girls spent hours outside over the long weekend playing in the snow and sledding.  We found some great places to go sledding!

    Karlie kicking up some extra snow on her trip down the hill

    Brina is ready for sledding

    Karlie had some interesting stops on the sled

    Going for a sled ride, the girls are really excited!  Oh my, I  think Karlie is getting ready to throw a snow ball right at me.

    Here comes Brina!  Look Out!

    Here comes Karlie!

  • Travel & Vacation: Pool Adventures

    Fun times at the pool

    Our first full day on the cruise we had a full day at sea which was really nice because we got to do a lot of fun activities on the boat.  The kids started the day early (at least our kids did), they were up at 6 am and ready to go!  After eating breakfast with Grandpa and Grandma the kids thought it would be a good time to go for a swim in their pools.  The adults caught up on conversations as the kids went swimming.  They were bouncing from splash zone to pool to hot tub.  Much to our surprise most of the pools on this boat were chlorine, in the past most were salt water.  The kids tended to sit more still when they were in the jacuzzi so I noticed we got more of those pictures, ha!

    One of the kids favorite places to swim.  It was a circular pool with moving water.  The kids loved it.  Brandon, Nathan and Karlie are in this picture.  If you look at the back of the picture you can see the ocean out the ship’s window (the water’s about the same color too).

    Karlie loving the extra time swimming

    Brina, Karlie, Brandon and Nathan getting warmed up in the jacuzzi next to the H2O Splash zone

    Brina having fun

    My nephews Brandon and Nathan.  The girls had a blast hanging out with their cousins for the week!

    Brina and Nathan in the jacuzzi

    And there off to the next great adventure…

    Someone’s tired…Zach did a good job keeping up with the group.  Thankfully he can sleep almost anywhere!

    Nicko playing in the pool!

  • Sidewalk Chalk Drawings

    The best part of warm weather is outdoor activities, like drawing rainbows with chalk!

    Brina’s chalk person

    Colorful sun

    Brina’s rainbow name

    Karlie’s rocket ship taking off

  • Dogs Are Kids Too

    Skipper climbing into the jungle gym

    Our dog is one of our “furry four legged” kids.  She loves to be in the middle of the action whenever the kids are outside.  I am not sure when it began, but our dog Skipper decided one day, with the encouragement of the kids to climb up the jungle gym ladder.  She has gone down the slide a few times too.

    Many times when you see the kids playing on or around the jungle gym you will also see Skipper up in it as well.  Occasionally, she’ll even sleep up there during the day or at night even when the kids are not outside, see my Skipper’s New Dog House post. She climbs up and down the ladder by herself without assistance from anyone and rarely with any encouragement.

    Skipper loves to play in the jungle gym with the kids and when there is a bunch of kids it can get a little crowded with a black lab in the mix too.  If she doesn’t want to go down the slide she’ll come back down using the ladder.  It is hilarious watching her go up and down, but she is pleased with herself for doing it and the kids love it!  Thankful for a dog who loves playing with the kids.

    Skipper hanging out with the kids in the jungle gym

  • Creative Kids: Sidewalk Chalk Paint

    With the warm weather just around the corner (it was in the 70’s here this past weekend).  I want to share one of our family’s favorite outside crafts with you.  Sidewalk Chalk Paint is super easy to make and can entertain the kids for hours.  The sidewalk chalk paint can take the place of traditional chalk and is inexpensive to make at home.  You can make whatever colors you want; we’ve done all the colors of the rainbow, including Charleston Green (which was requested by the girls).

    We’ve had kids from 1 years old and up play with this neat paint and love it!

    Sidewalk Chalk Paint

    • 1/2 cup cold Water
    • 1/2 cup Cornstarch
    • Food Coloring
    • Jumbo Muffin Tin
    • Variety of Old Paint Brushes

    Stir the cold water and cornstarch together until you have a smooth consistency.  Mix in 3 to 6 drops of food coloring.  Repeat the process until you have filled your muffin tin with a rainbow of colors.   If you want to make less you can do 1/4 cup cold water and 1/4 cup cornstarch.  You can make your sidewalk chalk paint darker by adding a few more drops of food coloring.

    My niece Noelle and I were having fun doing her name together!

    This works on any sidewalk or driveway, although smooth surfaces may be a little better.  Our driveway is rough but the kids always have a blast doing this activity.  When Jake’s sister and family was here a few months ago we did this activity with the kids.

    Brina painted her name on the sidewalk

    The sidewalk chalk paint will wash off your sidewalk or driveway and is safe for your grass and plants.  If you have leftovers you can put them into empty yogurt containers and store them until the next time the kids are ready for sidewalk chalk paint.  You may have to add a few drops of water if the paint has become a little dry but it should revive well after adding a little more water.

  • Travel & Vacation: Parks Near Charleston We Love! (part 2)

    Karlie is our water bug. She is having a blast!

    One of the girls favorite places to visit is Charleston.  We have enjoyed finding a lot of neat parks near Charleston.  Several of the parks we found while others were recommended to us by friends and people we met along the way.  It is always an adventure hanging out with the chickies at the parks.  They have a blast and love getting a chance to play, splash around, and explore!

    Playing in the water at the park

    A soaked Brina on the run and heading straight for me!

    Chatting while Brina holds back a fountain sprayer and Karlie relaxes for a few minutes on the fence

    Two little monkeys climbing on the tube slide at the park

    Brina loves spinning in these red cups! Makes me almost sick and dizzy just watching them!

  • Travel & Vacation: Parks Near Charleston We Love!

    Hanging out at Mount Pleasant. Notice the huge bridge above them, the girls always enjoy coming to Waterfront Park.


    Relaxing for a few minutes

    Silly Sisters

    If you are looking for a great spot to fish near Charleston you can go on the pier of Mt Pleasant next to Waterfront Park.  The girls always enjoy seeing pictures of the fish then walking down the pier checking out all the fish the people have caught that day.

    Swinging on the pier