• A Fresh & Clean House with the Help of Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle! #MrCleanMorePower

    Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle - She Speaks

    I LOVE it when my house smells fresh and is sparkly clean!  Spring has been in the air with the 70 degree temperatures the last few days making me get excited about doing my Spring Cleaning!    Thank you Mr. Clean and SheSpeaks for helping me  tackle my cleaning this week.    I always love it when I find great products that help me keep my house clean.  Somehow our family manages to make a mess which means regular cleaning is a must in our home.


    A few days ago an amazing package arrived on my front porch!  I was thrilled with Mr. Clean’s new product and the kids were excited about the motion light inside the box (very fascinating)!  Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle has 2.5x more cleaning power in every drop!


    The kids were super excited to see how it works too!  They are helping around the house doing more chores so they wanted to know if it worked (and if they could have the motion light for their own special project).

    Mr Clean Liquid Muscle - She Speaks

    I’ve got my cleaning bucket, sponge, and a new bottle of Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle!


    It had a wonderful fresh scent and lots of great bubbles!  You only have to squeeze the bottle once per gallon of water because it automatically shuts off after the correct amount has been dispensed.  The good news about it only squirting the amount I need is that the kids won’t waste it when it’s their turn to use it!


    First area to tackle was the kids bathroom.  I am not sure what happened when they were brushing their teeth this morning, but somehow toothpaste was spread from one end of the counter to the other.  The kids bathroom seems to be the area I get the least excited about cleaning because I know as soon as they brush their teeth again or wash their hands the toothpaste and soap suds will be everywhere.  One of these days they will figure out how to brush their teeth and only get the toothpaste on their toothbrushes!  I guess I should be pleased that they are at least brushing their teeth even if the whole process is a little messy.


    Not only is the toothpaste all over the counter and sink, but someone left the cap off the toothpaste!  I am beginning to think they must have been doing a “toothpaste” craft, painting, or trying to use their creative juices with the amount of toothpaste I found on the counter this morning!!!


    The first wipe with Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle took all the sticky globs of toothpaste right off the sink!  Love it!!!  It worked really well and still lots of suds too!  I have used other cleaners on their sticky toothpaste mess and I had to really scrub to get it off.  Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle took one swipe followed by a rinse and it was done in just of few seconds!  So excited!


    The kids sink is once again clean and sparkly!   Let’s see how long it will last!  At least it is good to know that Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle works amazing and quickly on the toothpaste messes the kids leave behind.

    After finishing the kids bathroom I was able to get more of my Spring Cleaning done, including scrubbing down the kitchen cabinets, mopping the kitchen floor, cleaning the master bathroom and more!  Thanks for making my cleaning easier Mr. Clean!  Even my husband and kids commented on how clean, sparkly, and fresh smelling the house was when they came home!  I am already looking forward to tackling a few more Spring Cleaning projects with Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle this week!

    More information about Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle:

    A special thanks to SheSpeaks and Mr. Clean for sponsoring this post!  Any specific product information was provided by Mr. Clean and SheSpeaks, however, the opinions expressed in this post are our own.  We received a complimentary bottle of the product  for sharing information and our family’s experience.

  • Organized Chaos: Health & Medical Supplies

    Organizing Our Health & Medical Supplies

    Do you ever open the medicine cabinet for a bandaid or to get Tynenol for a child’s fever or something else and either everything falls out of the cabinet or you cannot locate the one item you need?  I love to get items on sale, clearance, or with a coupon but it is usually not reasonable to stuff everything in the same cupboard in the kitchen and hope that you can find it when you need it.  You don’t want any health or medical items somewhere young children can get ahold of it, it’s not food so the pantry isn’t really a great option either.  Since all the items don’t need to be in the cupboard at once (do you really need 2 to 5 boxes of the same bandaids in the cupboard all at one time) you could store them someplace accessible yet out of reach.

    Here are some more pictures on what is in the containers.

    Health & Medical items organized on the top shelf on my husbands closet

    The spot I discovered that works the best for our family is at the top of my husbands closet (thanks honey for sharing your closet space).  He was super sweet and redid our closets with the wire adjustable shelving which makes it much easier to store items in the closet.  For several years any extra items would be put in a box and stored on the top shelf of his closet.  Whenever we needed to get something we had to lug the entire box down and go through it to see if we had what we need.  I decided it was time to make it more accessible and user friendly.  I bought clear plastic containers at Dollar Tree, put all the items from the big box into the containers, labeled the containers, and re-stacked them on the top shelves of his closet.

    Far Left Stack

    • Liquid Prescription Medicine
    • Non-Liquid Prescription Medicine
    • Medical Equipment Equipment – Blood Pressure Monitor, Stethoscope, etc…

    If you notice out of all the stacks this one is the hardest to get access to (and for a good reason).  Many of the items in this stack are prescription based and in order to get anything out of this stack you have to move at least one of the other rows.  I intentionally put this in the hardest to reach place because these items shouldn’t be used as much and you don’t want someone to accidentally grab the wrong thing thinking its cough syrup.

    Middle Stack

    • Allergy Medicine
    • Headache / Fever
    • Tums / GasX / Stomach

    Right Stack

    • Cold Medicine
    • Cough Drops
    • Liquid Cold Medicine

    Organized Health & Medical Items

    Having the health and medicine organized has made the whole system much more efficient for our family.  If we are out of bandaids I go into the closet, get the bandaid container down, and restock the bandaids.  If I notice one of the containers is getting empty I will put that item on my list to look for in the sales fliers and on the clearance shelves.  Once a container is full I no longer buy any more of that particular item until we need it again because what we have in stock should last us several months.  This system has helped us save time, money, and energy.  It is much easier finding what you need, to see what needs restocked, you don’t waste money on items you already have at home, and it looks so much better too

    Left Stack

    • Miscellaneous – items that don’t fit into any of the other categories or ones that we typically only keep one extra of since we don’t go through them as quickly
    • Vitamins
    • Heat Pads

    Right Stack

    • First Aid
    • Bandaids
    • Gauze / Medical Pads

    This system has worked very well with our family.  I think it is important that you find what works best for your family and go with it.  It didn’t take me long to get this set up and it has been a huge time saver ever since we started using it.  I would love to hear how and where you store these types of items in your home?